The "peace or we double down" strategy is going to be fun to hear him defend.
The real issue is he just said he will directly fix the conflict and that was the real mistake. He should have said he is going to pressure NATO to step up and tell Zelensky and Putin to find a deal because we are getting out. This isn't in our interests and we have a bigger problem at the border. We shouldn't care who controls what part of the Donbass and there is no "win" here because Putin isn't going to stop without major concessions and it is politically impossible to give him concessions. That is unless you basically say, "Yeah, that was the previous guy and this isn't something the US is going to focus our attention on".
Of course there are a 100 carrots he can put out there trade wise but fundamentally we shouldn't care any more about what Putin is doing in Ukraine anymore than we cared about Georgia or Chechnya. They aren't in NATO and they have virtually no strategic value to us.
He used to know that you keep your mouth shut on specifics like this and it worked great. He just threw away his leverage so he could make people think he is smart. He just proved he is losing it.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan