Gun control and mass shootings

22,085 Views | 423 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Goro Majima
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SteveA said:


Funny how you came into this thread claiming not to be a "gun control guy", yet have pretty much brought up every leftist anti-gun argument out there. You're about as moderate as Beto "hell yes I'm gonna take your AR15" O'rourke. At least be honest about your stance.
I guess that's kinda what you get when your interactions have been based solely on this forum. But honestly, never really been on the gun control side of things, until yesterday. But I haven't really been attached to guns either. Maybe I will slide back to indifference in a few days.

You are looking at the wrong issue for answers regarding the safety of your family
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FIDO_Ags said:

I got the usual responses from the usual suspects. Y'all make it too easy sometimes.

SteveA, glad your family ended up safe. Our country does have a problem, and it's two many Americans taking anything the NRA says as gospel. But hey, at least we get to keep guns we don't need.
I'm not sure if the NRA is as relevant as you think it is. I don't know; I don't pay any attention to them.

I do pay attention to our government who is chomping at the bit to disarm you and moves ever oppressively leftward. That's who you need to be afraid of. Everyone needs to have a healthy skepticism of their own government because they always end up f'ing the citizens when there is no resistance. See all of history for proof.

Our government will be no different if we let them.
Jock 07
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FIDO_Ags said:

I got the usual responses from the usual suspects. Y'all make it too easy sometimes.

SteveA, glad your family ended up safe. Our country does have a problem, and it's two many Americans taking anything the NRA says as gospel. But hey, at least we get to keep guns we don't need.

You're not the arbiter of what I do and don't need.

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Watchful At, definitely not. I just don't think civilians nor police need semiautos with high cap mags. Rifles and shotguns are fine and everyone can agree on that.

And I just don't fear criminals having them and think that's a weak argument.
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You're advocating against a God-given right, so you aren't a conservative.
A God given right? You believe that God wrote the constitution? Bless your heart.
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SteveA said:


You're advocating against a God-given right, so you aren't a conservative.
A God given right? You believe that God wrote the constitution? Bless your heart.

God gave them to us. The Constitution is there to prevent them from being infringed upon. You serious with this?
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And I can say the same of you Jock!
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FIDO_Ags said:

I got the usual responses from the usual suspects. Y'all make it too easy sometimes.

SteveA, glad your family ended up safe. Our country does have a problem, and it's two many Americans taking anything the NRA says as gospel. But hey, at least we get to keep guns we don't need.
Maybe you give the power of the NRA too much credit. I, for one, have never been a member, will never be a member and could care less about the organization. I do care about our Constitution. I would think a great many people in the US feel the same way. I own guns and have since I was 8 years old. None of them have been used for nefarious purposes and most haven't been fired in years. I also have a couple of fire extinguishers in the house that haven't been used and an alarm system that has never been triggered ........I tend to want to keep all of them in good working order even though I haven't "needed" them in 65 years. I also have a nice life insurance policy in force that I haven't needed either......yet, knock on wood
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SteveA said:


You're advocating against a God-given right, so you aren't a conservative.
A God given right? You believe that God wrote the constitution? Bless your heart.

This is offensively dumb.
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I am absolutely fed up with the narrative by so many "righteous " people calling for more gun laws and banning of firearms every single time one of these events happen. Always blaming the gun for the human actions.
This year deaths on Texas roads due to texting while driving increased 17% according to TexDot for a total of 431 people.
431 men, women and children died due to some idiot texting while driving!
Let that sink in...431 deaths..., in Texas ALONE! From texting while driving. We have laws prohibiting that right?
Where is the outcry to ban cell phones?
And I will go as far to say that every single person calling for gun bans have all texted while driving at some time. At some time they, by doing that, have knowingly endangered lives and but for the sake of God could have murdered somebody by doing that.
So let that sink in as well. Millions of law abiding gun owners today have never come close to murdering someone with one of their guns..... but lots of folks came close to murdering someone today by texting while driving. ... and that 431 death number proves that.
People pose a greater threat to life texting while driving than lawfully owning and using a gun.
So ban all the cell phones first... then we can talk about guns.
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TxSquarebody said:

Psycho Bunny
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FIDO_Ags said:

Watchful At, definitely not. I just don't think civilians nor police need semiautos with high cap mags. Rifles and shotguns are fine and everyone can agree on that.

And I just don't fear criminals having them and think that's a weak argument.
As a LEO you can take that crap and shove it. The reason I carry almost 100 rounds is because the criminals have twice as much.

Go take a ride along with a LEO and tell him or her that. Go on patrol in the worst neighborhoods in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas and come back with that same attitude.

Till the criminals get rid of their high capacity mags, I'm keeping mine. No one will tell me I can't have a 5.56 and 12 gauge in my patrol car.

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Gunny456 said:

I am absolutely fed up with the narrative by so many "righteous " people calling for more gun laws and banning of firearms every single time one of these events happen. Always blaming the gun for the human actions.
This year deaths on Texas roads due to texting while driving increased 17% according to TexDot for a total of 431 people.
431 men, women and children died due to some idiot texting while driving!
Let that sink in...431 deaths..., in Texas ALONE! From texting while driving. We have laws prohibiting that right?
Where is the outcry to ban cell phones?
And I will go as far to say that every single person calling for gun bans have all texted while driving at some time. At some time they, by doing that, have knowingly endangered lives and but for the sake of God could have murdered somebody by doing that.
So let that sink in as well. Millions of law abiding gun owners today have never come close to murdering someone with one of their guns..... but lots of folks came close to murdering someone today by texting while driving. ... and that 431 death number proves that.
People pose a greater threat to life texting while driving than lawfully owning and using a gun.
So ban all the cell phones first... then we can talk about guns.
Jock 07
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FIDO_Ags said:

And I can say the same of you Jock!

I'm not the one claiming to know what you do and don't need.
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As a LEO you can take that crap and shove it. The reason I carry almost 100 rounds is because the criminals have twice as much.

Go take a ride along with a LEO and tell him or her that. Go on patrol in the worst neighborhoods in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas and come back with that same attitude.

Till the criminals get rid of their high capacity mags, I'm keeping mine. No one will tell me I can't have a 5.56 and 12 gauge in my patrol car.
As a leo, you should carry whatever the **** you need to.
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Thank you. Well said.
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You're advocating against a God-given right, so you aren't a conservative.
SteveA said:
A God given right? You believe that God wrote the constitution? Bless your heart.

This is offensively dumb.
That was an ******* thing to say. I apologize Ellis..
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B-1 83 said:

Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
EDIT FROM THE OP: Please be respectful and hear out what potential "solutions" are proposed without going into name calling and attack mode. That's gets threads killed and users banned.

I think most of us believe that you cannot stop everyone who wants to commit mass murder. Yesterday is a good example of that. Since a big chunk are teens, i would raise the age to 21. Since some have what seems to be recognizable mental problems, i support some Extreme Risk laws for intervention. Probably a license for ARs but not all guns. Just one man's opinion as a gun owner.

Let me return your question with a question. What do you make of leaders who say nothing can be done? Even if all their answers are focus on mental health, should we expect some ideas since we standout among developed nations.

Watchful Ag
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FIDO_Ags said:

Watchful At, definitely not. I just don't think civilians nor police need semiautos with high cap mags. Rifles and shotguns are fine and everyone can agree on that.

And I just don't fear criminals having them and think that's a weak argument.

You don't fear criminals having semiautomatic rifles even though they're the ones perpetrating the violence?
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Histrionic men are pathetic.
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SteveA said:


A handgun is the most effective killing tool wielded with one hand. Is this really your argument? Way to think it thru, pal
I'm not debating that. But it's not the most effective tool at range and with multiple targets. I was pointing out the advantages of what was called a 'cosmetic' feature, not debating the effectiveness of single handed shooting. And, I think you knew that, btu you just wanted to be condescending with your little, 'pal' statement.

I'm really not trying to be adversarial as you guys are. And I don't mean to offend. But I do think something needs to be done, but even a ban won't get the guns out of the hands of dip****s, so who knows what..

There's a lot we can go.

Cops in schools.
Stop making schools "gun free" zones
Stop illegals at our borders
Make sure bad guys actually stay in prison
Prosecute people who lie on their background checks when purchasing a firearm.

These are easy things to do. Instead, all you hear about is making it harder for people already following the law and banning "assault weapons"

The reason is simple.

The aim isn't to stop school killings.
It's to disarm lawful abiding citizens and to get dumbasses who know nothing about guns to the voting booth to further vote away our rights.
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No Watchful Ag, I really don't. In fact, outside of the military, the only time I've had a gun pointed at me was by a houston cop in my driveway.
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It boils down to this: do we want to protect ourselves in a practical manner with means that are proven to work? Or do we want to go the unicorn fart ineffective emotional wish list route?
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There's a lot we can go.

Cops in schools.
Stop making schools "gun free" zones
Stop illegals at our borders
Make sure bad guys actually stay in prison
Prosecute people who lie on their background checks when purchasing a firearm.

These are easy things to do. Instead, all you hear about is making it harder for people already following the law.
The reason to me is simple.

The aim isn't to stop school killings.
It's to disarm lawful abiding citizens.
I agree with all of that. And I don't want to disarm law abiding citizens. Just the ****heads. But how can we disarm the ****heads?
Belton Ag
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What do you make of leaders who say nothing can be done?
Which leaders have said this?

I saw you post something similar last night and was going to ask you then but didn't want to wade into that thread too much.
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deddog said:

SteveA said:


A handgun is the most effective killing tool wielded with one hand. Is this really your argument? Way to think it thru, pal
I'm not debating that. But it's not the most effective tool at range and with multiple targets. I was pointing out the advantages of what was called a 'cosmetic' feature, not debating the effectiveness of single handed shooting. And, I think you knew that, btu you just wanted to be condescending with your little, 'pal' statement.

I'm really not trying to be adversarial as you guys are. And I don't mean to offend. But I do think something needs to be done, but even a ban won't get the guns out of the hands of dip****s, so who knows what..

There's a lot we can go.

Cops in schools.
Stop making schools "gun free" zones
Stop illegals at our borders
Make sure bad guys actually stay in prison
Prosecute people who lie on their background checks when purchasing a firearm.

These are easy things to do. Instead, all you hear about is making it harder for people already following the law and banning "assault weapons"

The reason is simple.

The aim isn't to stop school killings.
It's to disarm lawful abiding citizens and to get dumbasses who know nothing about guns to the voting booth to further vote away our rights.

Putting proper discipline back into school would go a long ways too.
Make welfare easier and more beneficial to get for married couples. (Welfare's need/purpose/use is a whole other argument for another thread).
inconvenient truth
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SteveA said:


There's a lot we can go.

Cops in schools.
Stop making schools "gun free" zones
Stop illegals at our borders
Make sure bad guys actually stay in prison
Prosecute people who lie on their background checks when purchasing a firearm.

These are easy things to do. Instead, all you hear about is making it harder for people already following the law.
The reason to me is simple.

The aim isn't to stop school killings.
It's to disarm lawful abiding citizens.
I agree with all of that. And I don't want to disarm law abiding citizens. Just the ****heads.

Who's gonna tell him?
Garrelli 5000
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You don't fear criminals with semi-auto reifles, but want to take them from everyone?

Get your troll straight.
Staff - take out the trash.
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SteveA said:


There's a lot we can go.

Cops in schools.
Stop making schools "gun free" zones
Stop illegals at our borders
Make sure bad guys actually stay in prison
Prosecute people who lie on their background checks when purchasing a firearm.

These are easy things to do. Instead, all you hear about is making it harder for people already following the law.
The reason to me is simple.

The aim isn't to stop school killings.
It's to disarm lawful abiding citizens.
I agree with all of that. And I don't want to disarm law abiding citizens. Just the ****heads.

So focus on that. Not the type. You ok with the ****heads having a regular pistol but not an ar-15? It's not the type of weapon. If anything, it's the who. The problem becomes, as has been mentioned here especially from COVID, the govt will absolutely no doubt attack conservatives in this regard. Hell, the govt was taking kids away for no vaccines. That's insane. But it's not the type of weapon. Unless you can say here "I'm ok with ****head having a pistol and shotgun but not an ar-15"
Psycho Bunny
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SteveA said:


There's a lot we can go.

Cops in schools.
Stop making schools "gun free" zones
Stop illegals at our borders
Make sure bad guys actually stay in prison
Prosecute people who lie on their background checks when purchasing a firearm.

These are easy things to do. Instead, all you hear about is making it harder for people already following the law.
The reason to me is simple.

The aim isn't to stop school killings.
It's to disarm lawful abiding citizens.
I agree with all of that. And I don't want to disarm law abiding citizens. Just the ****heads. But how can we disarm the ****heads?

Stop letting criminals out on bond for weapons charges and lock them up for 15 to 30 years instead of probation is a good place to start.
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I'm not trolling, I've been quite clear on my stance.

And no I don't. Furthermore it fascinates me how God has been used on this thread. People of faith seem very fearful. When it's my time, then it's God's will.
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Lesotho said:

B-1 83 said:

Please explain what measures would/should make them more difficult to obtain.

Czech Republic has a good model. I know these measures aren't popular here, but here is a rational proposal. It hurts me to see dead children so I am open to change, while still supporting the 2nd Amendment.

Well they are the # 1 drinkers of Beer. They even had the Budweiser name stolen from them when it moved to the US.
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Watchful Ag said:

FIDO_Ags said:

Watchful At, definitely not. I just don't think civilians nor police need semiautos with high cap mags. Rifles and shotguns are fine and everyone can agree on that.

And I just don't fear criminals having them and think that's a weak argument.

You don't fear criminals having semiautomatic rifles even though they're the ones perpetrating the violence?

Yet, by what he says, he seems to hint that either he does fear cops and civilians having them, or he doesn't care whether or not they can properly defend themselves.
Formerly Ag_B_10

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