Jeeper79 said:
PA24 said:
If you believe in Christianity then you believe in God's everlasting covenant with Israel.
With that, great empires were created to either punish or reward Israel. Once that role is complete, God is done with them. He leaves them to their on devices or reprobate minds.
America's support to Israel is the sole reason Israel is one of the most power nation' on earth. The stage is set.
God's everlasting covenant with Israel is an Old Testament construct. Not to dismiss it outright, but one of the pillars of Christianity that distinguishes it from Judaism is that non-Jews are equally deserving of God's Grace and salvation. The distinction between Jews and non-Jews is, at the very least, severely diminished, if not dropped altogether. That includes us.
True, grace and salvation for those who are saved but Israel is still the promise land and center stage for upcoming biblical events.
Jesus will return to Israel before the battle of Armageddon as written by apostle John in Revelations. The Antichrist will commit blasphemy in the temple located in Jerusalem. The Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel and its enemies. The 1000 year rule will be in the new Jerusalem, above Israel and so on.
Israel is still the center of attention of the return of Christ in the New Testament where he stops the world from destroying itself. God uses nations to set the stage for his plan, thruout history and to this day. God's ending has not changed.
God's plan requires Israel to be whole and he uses whoever he chooses to realize his plan.