1987 film - Predator

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When Gen X says "we had this all moving in the right direction" we are not lying. We kids of the 70's, 80's and 90's didn't care. We didn't even notice. We just had a lot of fun. We laughed all the time. I tell my teenage sons this all the time. I'll shut up now.
Absolutely true. I went to Marine Corps boot camp in late '85 and was sent to an infantry battalion in '86. I lived in a barracks that was 50% white and 50% black & hispanic. 60 Marines with different backgrounds, nationalities, races and ethnicities. We never had any problems with race. This garbage was put to bed decades ago but revived by the Left for political gain. It's truly sad and enfuriating.
Dimebag Darrell
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93MarineHorn said:


When Gen X says "we had this all moving in the right direction" we are not lying. We kids of the 70's, 80's and 90's didn't care. We didn't even notice. We just had a lot of fun. We laughed all the time. I tell my teenage sons this all the time. I'll shut up now.
Absolutely true. I went to Marine Corps boot camp in late '85 and was sent to an infantry battalion in '86. I lived in a barracks that was 50% white and 50% black & hispanic. 60 Marines with different backgrounds, nationalities, races and ethnicities. We never had any problems with race. This garbage was put to bed decades ago but revived by the Left for political gain. It's truly sad and enfuriating.
I went to a very diverse elementary school in Spring Branch area of Houston in the 80's...probably 30% white, 40% hispanic, 25% black, and 5% other. We weren't even thinking about race back then, it wasn't a thing. We all celebrated MLK, we learned about slavery, but didn't hear constantly about racism or our differences. They were hammering us with AIDS fear p0rn and telling us the world was going to end because of the hole in the ozone layer instead. Sure there were racist jokes here and there, a lot of them from the Mexican kids believe it or not, but we all played together like we were all the same.

In the 70's, 80's, 90's, and early 2000's, we were definitely on the right trajectory...healing organically. You had race pimps, but they didn't have the traction or steam they have now. I feel like there is WAY more racial division now that I ever experienced growing up. Obama might have been the worst thing to happen to our country in terms of race relations in the modern era. I remember being bummed the night he won, but thinking the silver lining was that he would at least unite us even more as Americans...I could not have been more of a fool.
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Franklin Comes Alive! said:

Op is full of ****

The sequels & spin-offs are all amazing
NOOOOOOO. They are all terrible.

However, in Predator 2 you got to know the creature as a Predator. Understand the creature as a Predator.
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aggie93 said:

c-jags said:

Old Sarge said:

Obama had the reverse affect of what was sold to them to get their vote, then he and his cohorts went exactly the direction they had laid out which was to create racial division, in order to implement Class Warfare, which is a political pillar of the Left/Marxists. Obama and his cohorts set the U.S. back 40 years and that was just the first, intentional I might add, step. Destruction of this country as it was founded is the real prize with that bunch.
i don't disagree with the gist of your post, but i shift the blame a little bit.

No fan of Obama, but i don't know that it was his fault or more of his followers fault for the set back of race relations. i think he had fairly good intentions of uniting in 2008. despite my disagreement with a lot of WHAT he said in the speech, "A more perfect union" has some good sentiments. People made fun of him for it, but i thought the beer summit was actually a good attempt at humanizing a moment in time and showing some desire for civil conversation.

his followers took it as a carte blanche (much like Trump followers do as well to be unnecessarily a-holish) to start adding racial division. Obama's biggest mistake on that front was "if i had a son." while i have some moral disagreements with Obama, i assure you that his son would not be attacking a dude on the street in the middle of the night and have numerous pictures of yourself flipping the bird and smoking weed out there.

Much like I don't blame Garth Brooks directly for the terrible fratbro turn of Country Music, or Steph Curry for the ridiculous state of the NBA and 3 point shooting, they didn't make it terrible themselves, but they held the door open for something worse and then just went along with the crowd.

also from the op, "some random white dude"

shane black. . his name is shane black.
You are very naive if you don't think Obama's racial plan was intentional. All you have to do is look at how he was raised, what he did in college, and the fact he was a product of the Chicago political machine. You probably though the Jeremiah Wright thing didn't mean anything or that Michelle being an African American Studies major who went to law school so she could be an activist was just a coincidence. Obama was always a huckster who had an absolutely amazing gift of lying with passion and sincerity because he was a complete narcissist. Bringing up the "Beer summit" as anything but a farce also makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

The only thing I will agree with you on is that it wasn't really about race to Obama it was all about power. He literally would say or do anything for power. I remember watching his Nomination speech and going in the office the next day where all these Millennials were starstruck with they guy. I just said, "It was a great speech. If you went off his speech you would think he was a Republican (go back and read it). The problem is his record is the most liberal of any Senator and he is a race baiter." I got a lot of really unpleasant looks from that. That was in the days when you could still talk a little politics around the water cooler without fear of getting fired.

i'm not saying that Obama didn't have some racial overtones, simply that his supporters took it farther than what his administration was actually going for.

i'm not absolving him. again, look to my examples of Garth Brooks or Steph Curry. I'm not saying their guiltless, i just think what they ushered in were worse than them.
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This is an excellent OP. B/c he's right. I never grew up with a resentment of white people or a victim mentality. And this is coming from the RGV where it was 95% hispanic. My parents picked cotton (probably for some white dudes ) but guess what, they also both went to A&M.

Kids in my generation grew up on a love for action movies, rock & roll, some early rap, and hot babes. Back in the good old days of the USA! I'm not sorry if that offends people today, but the reality is we were closer to color blind then than we are now by 100x.

The only thing I disagree with is the knock on all predator sequels. Watch Predators...that one is cool and funny enough, shares a real diverse cast too.
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aggie93 said:

* * *

Probably the last gasp of sanity was this Chris Rock bit that would never be able to be made today:

There was a time Chris Rock was the funniest man on the planet.
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i'm not saying that Obama didn't have some racial overtones, simply that his supporters took it farther than what his administration was actually going for.

i'm not absolving him. again, look to my examples of Garth Brooks or Steph Curry. I'm not saying their guiltless, i just think what they ushered in were worse than them.
Obama deserves all the blame because he let his supporters and the msm run wild with the racism attacks on his opponents. Don't think for a second he wasn't on board with it. Complete POS.
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dreyOO said:

This is an excellent OP. B/c he's right. I never grew up with a resentment of white people or a victim mentality. And this is coming from the RGV where it was 95% hispanic. My parents picked cotton (probably for some white dudes ) but guess what, they also both went to A&M.

Kids in my generation grew up on a love for action movies, rock & roll, some early rap, and hot babes. Back in the good old days of the USA! I'm not sorry if that offends people today, but the reality is we were closer to color blind then than we are now by 100x.

The only thing I disagree with is the knock on all predator sequels. Watch Predators...that one is cool and funny enough, shares a real diverse cast too.
it's been an every other one for me on predator series.

1: all time classic
2: ok, but not something i'll purposely watch again
AvP: Campy but fun
AvP Recquim: awful
Predators: Great cast and fun to see if happen off world
The Predator: Gawd Awful
Prey: Interesting take on it 100+ years ago from a Native American standpoint
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Apache said:

I saw this movie in the theater in 6th grade. So many good lines.

"Buncha slack jawed fa**ots around here"

"You're bleedin'." "I ain't got time to bleed." "You got time to duck?"

and perhaps the most famous:

"This stuff will make you a *********sexual tyrannosaur, just like me"
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Great movie. Contrast with episode 1 and season 1 of the Star Trek show on Paramount. Virtue signaling from the opening bell. Captain Pike (or Pyke??) is skiing in Montana at a time when our species has figured out interstellar space file, which doubtless requires awesome advances in power generation. During the ski scene, the mountainside is shown littered with windmills to provide power to the local residents.
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Aliens vs Predator was good ****, dont knock it.
combat wombat™
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LMCane said:

I was 17

and we all loved it.

can anyone imagine a movie like Red Dawn being made today where American teenagers take their guns to go and kill Russian invaders?

I had a snappy comeback. "Like this one?" for the Red Dawn remake. Then I realized it was made in 2012. TEN YEARS AGO. WTF??

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1986 "Aliens" rules. Motion detecting automatic fire sentry machine guns! What??
  • Ripley (female main character)
  • Sergeant Apone (black)
  • Private Vasquez (hispanic female)
  • Corporal Ferro (female pilot)
  • Private Frost (black)

Of course Hollywood's hegemony and its liberal racist agenda continues to discriminate against and marginalize Asians.
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stetson said:

1986 "Aliens" rules. Motion detecting automatic fire sentry machine guns! What??
  • Ripley (female main character)
  • Sergeant Apone (black)
  • Private Vasquez (hispanic female)
  • Corporal Ferro (female pilot)
  • Private Frost (black)

Of course Hollywood's hegemony and its liberal racist agenda continues to discriminate against and marginalize Asians.
Only the white cis female character survived out of those, along with the white grunt and the Aryan kid. Nice try, racist.

I'm so glad they cut the sentry guns out of the original.
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Also forgot to mention that Vasquez was played by a Jew. I found that out and was very disappointed in James Cameron.
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True. Racist movie! I have removed it from my favorites. The sentry guns do appear in the original screen version. It was edited out when it went to television and VHS/DVD, I think, however it does appear in the uncut version on DVD.
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DrEvazanPhD said:

Urban Ag said:

Lol. I was thinking of the other six letter F word.
Which six letter F word am i missing?
Sounds a lot like maggot, but isn't talking about the fly larvae that feeds on dead flesh.
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agracer said:

CS78 said:

Its largely been done silently by the entertainment industry and media. Few have noticed the organized neutering of anything kick ass masculine. There is no more badass music or movies of any genre. It's all intentionally limp. A docile people are much less likely to rise up and fight when the time comes.
It was going on in the 90's. Even my wife noticed that in every show/commercial on TV the man was the foolish/weak/idiot and the women was smart/strong/powerful. Every show/commercial insulted men at every chance.
Yep. I know my dad pointed it out at some point back then. Seemed like almost every sitcom had the same family setup - dad was a goof, mom as smart and ran the house and family, son was always dumb, daughters were a mix of either ditzy or progressive forward thinkers.

Cosby show - Bill was the goof, wife was smart and successful and always right, oldest kid was a failure in school (they corrected it late in the show's life by him being diagnosed with dyslexia), daughters were a combo of ditzy, smart and uber progressive.

Fresh Prince was largely the same format. Family Ties wasn't much different, though they did have Michael J. Fox as the smart one and the daughter as the ditzy one. But the made sure to make Michael J Fox a hard right republican so they could make fun of him left and right as a result. Growing pains was the same way, Kirk Cameron was always in trouble and the slacker, mom was the breadwinner in that one IIRC.
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dreyOO said:

Also forgot to mention that Vasquez was played by a Jew. I found that out and was very disappointed in James Cameron.
And don't forget this transphobic exchange:

Hudson: Hey, Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?

Vasquez: No, have you?

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CheeseSndwch said:

I've never thought about the racial makeup of the cast before but if I recall correctly the death of Hawkins and Blain also went against the Hollywood movie trope of the "black guy" dying first.

But if Hawkins was played by Shane Black, a black guy did die first...
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3 pages...

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Hear, hear!!!!
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agracer said:

CS78 said:

Its largely been done silently by the entertainment industry and media. Few have noticed the organized neutering of anything kick ass masculine. There is no more badass music or movies of any genre. It's all intentionally limp. A docile people are much less likely to rise up and fight when the time comes.
It was going on in the 90's. Even my wife noticed that in every show/commercial on TV the man was the foolish/weak/idiot and the women was smart/strong/powerful. Every show/commercial insulted men at every chance.

...and now the only competent white males you see in commercials are the 6 letter F words.
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Heck even Arnold's Conan movies had diverse casts:

Conan the Barbarian:
Arnold -- immigrant
Sandahl Bergman -- strong woman
Mako -- asian wizard type
3rd dude in Arnold's group was an asian guy
James Earl Jones -- Thulsa Doom

Conan the Destroyer:
Olivia D'Abo -- hot white chick
Grace Jones -- androgenous black chick, strong as ****
Wilt the Stilt -- Bambaata, badass
Tracey Walter -- wormy white dude thief
Mako -- reprising asian wizard role
Sara Douglas -- hot wicked white queen

And like OP said, no one watched those movies and thought about how enlightened the director was for including such diversity.
FrioAg 00
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Urban Ag said:

I DVR a lot of stuff for workouts and this was on HBO the other day and recorded it. And after I rewatched it, something hit me.

In the summer of 87 I was 13 and somehow we got a friends mom to buy us tickets to see this rated R film. Me and my friends were completely blown away. At the time it was slick as hell, top of the line for Hollywood and would eventually become known as an Arnold/80's classic. The special effects don't hold up well and the spin offs and reboots suck (at least the couple I have seen). But in the summer of 87, Arnold and the gang of spec op guys with MP5's, drum fed 40mm grenade launchers, an M203, 240, an infantry mobile GE mini-gun, etc, killing commies in central America and fighting an alien on safari was seriously cool AF.

What's the point? Me and my lilly white early teen buddies walked out of the theatre completely jacked up, like testosterone pumping young men should be, about a kick ass movie. Not one of us ever considered having a discussion about the topics that absolutely permeate the minds of like aged young people today.

The cast of 1987 Predator:

Arnold/Dutch - White (please note, extra points for being an immigrant from a formerly commie controlled country)
Carl Weathers/Dillon - (aka Apollo Creed - extra 'Murica points) - black
Some hot no name latina/Anna - hispanic
Bill Duke/Sgt Mac - black
Richard Chavez/Ramirez - hispanic
Ventura/Blain - white (and also future whackjob gov of MN)
Sonny Landham/Billy - Native American
Some no name white guy/Hawkins - obviously white

John McTiernan, despite his personal problems, was a great director. Epic. And this was the mid 80's. I can't believe for a moment that the guy gave a sh** about being woke at a time when woke didn't exist. He put together what he thought was a badass cast for a badass movie (also see Die Hard, The Hunt for Red October).

No one cared. No one showered praise on McTiernan, Schwarzenegger, Fox, anyone, for this incredibly diverse cast.

And before anyone says "yeah well it was still Arnold" I feel like I need to point out that the #3 box office grossing film of 1987 was Beverly Hills Cop 2, starring Eddie Murphy.

When Gen X says "we had this all moving in the right direction" we are not lying. We kids of the 70's, 80's and 90's didn't care. We didn't even notice. We just had a lot of fun. We laughed all the time. I tell my teenage sons this all the time. I'll shut up now.

Driven by the race baiters and the communist anti-Americans, racism is being "brought back" when it was damn near eliminated 20-30 years ago.

None of my friends gave a s**t about race in the 90's.
not hedge
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I was rooting for the predator the whole movie
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not hedge said:

I was rooting for the predator the whole movie

You sound like one of the commies we are all complaining about!
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bam02 said:

not hedge said:

I was rooting for the predator the whole movie

You sound like one of the commies we are all complaining about!
it is hedge.

of course he is a commie.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Tanya 93 said:

Game over man, GAME OVER!

You are canceled
Too late, the comics and movies already mixed Predator with Aliens.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Loved Predator, was lukewarm to absolute loathing of its sequels until the Hulu-produced Prey movie, which was damn good in its own right.

Alien Versus Predator was a hell of a lot of fun for me in much the same way as King Kong Versus Godzilla - just check your freaking brain at the door and watch the carnage. Silly, yes, but I don't go to most movies for serious thought and whatnot. The second AvP was a steaming pile of garbage.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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You guys give way too much thought about Woke *****
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
FrioAg 00
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

You guys give way too much thought about Woke *****

Well… it's a cancer that is growing. You know what cancers usually eventually do?
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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bam02 said:

Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

You guys give way too much thought about Woke *****

Well… it's a cancer that is growing. You know what cancers usually eventually do?

So what do you actually do to stop it other than *****ing?
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
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Well you don't ignore it. That seems to be your suggestion.
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