Phatbob said:
ShaggySLC said:
Trump didn't have an administration when they were setting up the Russia Lie. So, what exactly was he supposed to do other than what he did? Which was say he was getting spied on to which the media laughed and said Trump was trying to obstruct justice. By the time he was in office, a cabinet member was already arrested. A decorated general no less. Mueller had already started his years of bull**** too. Anything Trump did was painted as obstruction. Did you care about that or believe Trump was obstructing?
I don't know what specific words you are looking for to get that I'm blaming the wrong actions of the left on the left, but also pointing to Trump having poor judgement in creating an environment where they could have success in their baseless attacks. Both are true.
They tried to impeachment him twice and went after everyone around him. Swat Raids with CNN there, blown up primtime news stories, lawyers suing, cities ignoring laws, fbi investigations, cia moles all doing everything they could to find something to give to the media. I think you're trying to hold Trump to this impossible standard because you hate him and don't want him to be the nominee, while playing down dem actions towards Trump and everyone around him. They catch a cabinet member doing something every incoming administration has done and then hammer the public with it so you'll come here to say Trump has poor judgement. It shockingly works like a charm.
Answer some simple questions maybe too. Was what happened to Trump just normal Washington politics?