(all snark aside: You seem like you are hurting, like you have been cheated on. Please reach out for help. There is not a person who posts here that would not help you during a rough emotional time. Someone falls down, we help them back up.)And awayyyyy we go......
I am of the opinion that adultery should be punishable by a minimum of 1 year in prison for every violation and it should be the only valid reason for divorce.
You know it bro.
(sarcasm)The woman in this
case should stand by her man. No adultery, he wanted to stay at the bar. She needed a beat down to learn who is in charge.(/sarcasm)
I also think that you should not be allowed to marry at all unless you get a religious marriage. This would ensure all marriages are religious in nature and eliminate those who just want to get married for tax purposes.
Greg Abbott argued in court that marriage is a
state sponsored subsidy back in 2015.
if you don't have a religious marriage, why do you even care about faithfulness?
You are not HIspanic are you? Sanchas, sanchos are very common.
Confession is good for the soul and any ninos outside of marriage are welcomed into the Catholic church.
Some Protestant sects will not allow children out of wedlock to attend their churches, Rome disagrees.
In Japanese culture an executive of a certain level is expected to have a mistress.
It is about machismo.
Do you think only single dudes visited The Chicken Ranch?
They did so they could "get it out of their system" and not have 14 kids to feed.
Back in those days "If you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em" was more than a bumper sticker.
It is a real moment when one of your top sales guys is out for the day and a slighted husband of a woman he is sleeping with shows up at your office. Especially when the sales guy looks like 40 something Jason Alexander and the woman in question like 20-something Gwyneth Paltrow.
You just have a civil union for tax purposes so who cares what your spouse does? Your marriage isn't valid in the eyes of the lord anyway.
Neither are protestant children of a Catholic parent without the proper payment and ceremony because God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all about cash and ceremony. (he posts sarcastically)
This topic has even been glorified in modern media and Hollywood and our politicians do it all of the time. It's an absolutely corruptive force that has no business in a civilized society.
How dare you attack Donald J Trump like that!!!

You should move to South Carolina.
They have very strict rules on divorce.
Thankfully I live in Texas.
Less government, more freedom.