Also, This is a GIFT to the Dems.
It will energize their base and the media like NOTHING else, not even Trump running.
Will readily be used to distract attention away from ALL of Joe's economic, politic and international failures.
This is a gift to Conservatives, who have been told for almost 50 years that Roe vs Wade would never be over- turned!
Conservatives are energized! We are going to take this victory all the way to the polls. Trumps appointees made this possible.
Time for some Conservative Pro Life Rallies from the sea to shining sea. Conservative need to take to the streets!
And, don't forget how busy our FBI
Agent Provocateurs will be trying to entice white supremacists to violence against pro-abortion demonstrators.
The melt down will be great to watch.
Oh yeah, and, "Suck it up Libs!".
I voted for this because I like Mean Tweets!