Kansas Kid said:Teslag said:
Same for my nieces in the DFW area. They made the comment that there's no point in getting a drivers license since using ubers to get around was cheaper than insurance and a car for their age. When they broke the numbers down it was actually hard to argue their point.
How long do they spend waiting on the Uber? If you think it is hard doing a long distance trip in an EV, how are they going to do it relying on Ubers and no license?
This also shows how much less often the younger generation gets together in person than those of us of an older vintage.
I never owned a car until I was a senior in college. Until then, I just walked everywhere. Occasionally took a bus. There were only a couple of times (to get my computer repaired, and to buy some shoes for a KINE 199 class) when I needed to ask someone for a ride.
But college campuses and the immediate vicinity tend to be highly walkable compared to most of the US. It would be hard to live in most of Houston without a car. Even when I walked to work, I still needed a car to go shopping.