BREAKING: NYT reporter says 'a ton of FBI informants' on Jan 6

12,172 Views | 81 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by captkirk
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It's 1984 surreal that the stories rolled out by the media and lefty politicians, much less the subsequent prosecutions, on this Jan 6 ruse so closely resemble Russia's current propaganda during their invasion of Ukraine. ****ing Russians have no idea what's actually going on, much like many Americans and Jan 6. Amazing how both look to be straight out of Goebbels' playbook. Wake up, folks!
Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.
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GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
Are you sure he's not a racist? Or a white nationalist? How do you liberals determine what outlandish smear to apply in these situations? Is there a handbook? An algorithm?

Yeah, we are seeing that those Russians are a cunning bunch. I can totally see how they could organize and finance an army of Tulsi Gabbards and Jack Posobiecs. The Russian agent than landed Tucker must be a hero to Putin. LOLOLOLOL. Do you read what you write before you hit POST. Bless your heart.
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All major departments of the US government are absolutely corrupt. State, Justice and FBI, CIA, Homeland, etc. It is amazing what has happened to our country with the entrenched government lifers. CORRUPT
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HumpitPuryear said:

GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
Are you sure he's not a racist? Or a white nationalist? How do you liberals determine what outlandish smear to apply in these situations? Is there a handbook? An algorithm?

Yeah, we are seeing that those Russians are a cunning bunch. I can totally see how they could organize and finance an army of Tulsi Gabbards and Jack Posobiecs. The Russian agent than landed Tucker must be a hero to Putin. LOLOLOLOL. Do you read what you write before you hit POST. Bless your heart.
It's all they have. They can't argue issues of anyone that attacks Biden is a 'Russian asset'.

First it was Trump, now it's Tucker. Eventually it will be whoever the Republican nominee is in 2024.
MR Gadsden
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Any other links to the video since the Twitter account referenced above is now suspended?
oh no
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GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
yep. If all of the insignificant little plebes would have just been good little obedient minions, accepted the fraudulent results, and thanked the new regime for having the courage to **** democracy and take things out of the peoples' will to save the world from mean tweets, the fbi wouldn't have needed to set anyone up for anything. Those stupid Olive Garden customers should have known they can burn city blocks down for St Floyd but they better not dare engage in unarmed protest and take selfies inside the velvet ropes.
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GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You are obviously very drunk on the dems Kool aid. Way beyond the pale. Get a lobotomy or get the facts!
oh no
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MR Gadsden said:

Any other links to the video since the Twitter account referenced above is now suspended?
project veritas keeps digging up leftist dirt and hypocrisy. They're a political opponent of the Marxist regime so they will keep getting banned, censored, and silenced. Probably only a matter of time before O'Keefe is imprisoned. Stupid anti-communists need to realize investigative reporting can only be done if it helps the regime. We used to have a free press, but people like Jack and zuck control what you see and they have other interests and motives and weaponized permanent government bureaucrats can go after all opposition.
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captkirk said:

So 10 or so... 2000/200lb
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I Have Spoken said:

I doubt any of them escalated the event...
sarcasm duly noted.
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Twitter suspended account of @UnmaskNYT because of that video.

New York Times must be protected from revealing embarrassing truths.
Ellis Wyatt
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GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.
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Remember indisputable truth of life #4

Whenever the dems accuse somebody of something, they are already doing it.

And they were always calling Trump a liar?

The emperor has no clothes.
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MR Gadsden
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oh no said:

MR Gadsden said:

Any other links to the video since the Twitter account referenced above is now suspended?
project veritas keeps digging up leftist dirt and hypocrisy. They're a political opponent of the Marxist regime so they will keep getting banned, censored, and silenced. Probably only a matter of time before O'Keefe is imprisoned. Stupid anti-communists need to realize investigative reporting can only be done if it helps the regime. We used to have a free press, but people like Jack and zuck control what you see and they have other interests and motives and weaponized permanent government bureaucrats can go after all opposition.

I didn't realize it was veritas that broke this. Amazing how they can dig This stuff up over and over again. I really am surprised O'Keefe is still alive surely he's on Hillary's shortlist.
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I haven't read the NYT's article but I find this very damning of the unconscionable and unconstitutional prosecution and persecution of the Jan 6th protests.

By Alan Feuer and Adam Goldman
Published Sept. 25, 2021 Updated Oct. 18, 2021
Among Those Who Marched Into the
Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant
A member of the far-right Proud Boys texted his F.B.I. handler
during the assault, but maintained the group had no plan in
advance to enter the Capitol and disrupt the election certification.

So if they didn't plan to advance to enter the Capital what instigated the advance. Is it reasonable to conjecture the FBI agents and FBI informants instigated the advance? Personally I believe both the FBI/FBI informants and known antifa agitators instigated the advance.
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No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
Jarrin' Jay
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All this 1/6 hysteria is unbelievable. Was it stupid? Yes. Embarrassing? Yes. Ill advised? Yes. But it was NOT a coup or an insurrection. At most all those people should be charged with criminal trespass and fined and that's it.

There seems to be a disconnect or just completely forgotten that the federal government is nothing more than a representation of the people and gets any authority it has from the people. The Congress building does not belong to the federal government, it belongs to the people, it is owned by the people.

The Dems just can't let go of it, they truly believe it was a coup or an insurrection. Uh, no, look at Ukraine 2014, East Germany, many other examples. This was nothing more than over stimulated right wingers and conservatives acting poorly but "mostly peaceful" by the Dems definition and being let into the building by the capitol police.

What is more stupid and embarrassing is the ongoing hysteria, detainment and trials.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Ellis Wyatt said:

GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.

Exactly. Is he trolling now or was he trolling then? Either way he's pretty much a constant troll.

And staff will delete posts pointing that out. Even if they're benign.
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YouBet said:

Someone on another thread aptly stated what todays conspiracy theories are turning out to be:

Spoiler alerts.
I still want one of these.

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GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.

Please stop pretending you won't vote for the hard left again. You're already justifying your next vote for the hard left by buying into RUSSIA hysteria again. Did you learn nothing?
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Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.

Exactly. Is he trolling now or was he trolling then? Either way he's pretty much a constant troll.

And staff will delete posts pointing that out. Even if they're benign.
I want low tax, solid energy policy, solid immigration policy, solid economic strategy and solid military strategy without a know-it-all , narcissistic, obnoxious New Yorker who is always right and an expert on everything and has "never lost" in anything in his life. And it's an oversimplification just to say "mean tweets." Many of the people he hired have said he's an idiot, reads nothing and waffles based on his mood that day. People used to try to get messages to him by appearing on Fox News. That's insane.

All that said, he's still better than dementia Biden and the band of misfits in the Democratic party just based upon the policy of the Republican Party. The Democrats are just fundamentally flawed in policy and the progressive wing of that party is a cancer that will kill us all if we let it. I'd be pulling my hair out over the crap Trump says and does if he had been reelected, but I've reluctantly had to reconsider and admit he still would have been better for the country, flawed as he is.

I am highly suspicious of anyone remotely pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine right now. Putin is an enemy to our allies and our way of life. Posting crap about biolabs, Nazis or NATO was threatening them militarily fits into the Russian narrative that "they had to invade to install their puppet government." Complete and utter B.S. Don't think they aren't out on social media pushing their narrative. Putin and the Oligarchs can't have a flourishing democracy next to them. Plain and simple. It's a threat to their continued mob-style government in Russia.
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Steal elections, plant FBI at rally, profit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funky Winkerbean
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GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You calling anyone dumb is the most ironic thing I've ever read.

You voted for Biden.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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GeorgiAg said:

Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.

Exactly. Is he trolling now or was he trolling then? Either way he's pretty much a constant troll.

And staff will delete posts pointing that out. Even if they're benign.
I want low tax, solid energy policy, solid immigration policy, solid economic strategy and solid military strategy

Yet you voted for Biden.

This is all gibberish given that.
oh no
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Jarrin' Jay said:

All this 1/6 hysteria is unbelievable. Was it stupid? Yes. Embarrassing? Yes. Ill advised? Yes. But it was NOT a coup or an insurrection. At most all those people should be charged with criminal trespass and fined and that's it.

There seems to be a disconnect or just completely forgotten that the federal government is nothing more than a representation of the people and gets any authority it has from the people. The Congress building does not belong to the federal government, it belongs to the people, it is owned by the people.

The Dems just can't let go of it, they truly believe it was a coup or an insurrection. Uh, no, look at Ukraine 2014, East Germany, many other examples. This was nothing more than over stimulated right wingers and conservatives acting poorly but "mostly peaceful" by the Dems definition and being let into the building by the capitol police.

What is more stupid and embarrassing is the ongoing hysteria, detainment and trials.
its just a distraction from the real coup d'etat. Everyone knows those unarmed protesters were no real threat, but after the left peddled fake news about trump, censored real news about Biden's corruption, and used the scamdemic to change election rules and make the usual lack of control and accountability easy voter fraud and harvesting exponentially more impactful on results, they have to make sure cases were moot and couldn't be heard, audits couldn't be performed properly, and election integrity bills couldn't be passed. Need to keep everyone focused on the imprisoned insurrectionists and trying to get a certain leader of their political opponents imprisoned.
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its just a distraction from the real coup d'etat.
And, this right here! Russia invaded Ukraine to cover up for Jan 6th?

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"January 6th was a ruse to generate trumped up charges against Trump supporters"

Covid and Pearl Harbor were also a ruse.
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GeorgiAg said:

Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.

Exactly. Is he trolling now or was he trolling then? Either way he's pretty much a constant troll.

And staff will delete posts pointing that out. Even if they're benign.
I want low tax, solid energy policy, solid immigration policy, solid economic strategy and solid military strategy without a know-it-all , narcissistic, obnoxious New Yorker who is always right and an expert on everything and has "never lost" in anything in his life. And it's an oversimplification just to say "mean tweets." Many of the people he hired have said he's an idiot, reads nothing and waffles based on his mood that day. People used to try to get messages to him by appearing on Fox News. That's insane.

All that said, he's still better than dementia Biden and the band of misfits in the Democratic party just based upon the policy of the Republican Party. The Democrats are just fundamentally flawed in policy and the progressive wing of that party is a cancer that will kill us all if we let it. I'd be pulling my hair out over the crap Trump says and does if he had been reelected, but I've reluctantly had to reconsider and admit he still would have been better for the country, flawed as he is.

I am highly suspicious of anyone remotely pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine right now. Putin is an enemy to our allies and our way of life. Posting crap about biolabs, Nazis or NATO was threatening them militarily fits into the Russian narrative that "they had to invade to install their puppet government." Complete and utter B.S. Don't think they aren't out on social media pushing their narrative. Putin and the Oligarchs can't have a flourishing democracy next to them. Plain and simple. It's a threat to their continued mob-style government in Russia.

So...did you vote for Biden?
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ShaggySLC said:

oh no said:

They had just stolen an election, which is more than a threat to democracy. It's actually the opposite of democratic. They needed to create someone to go after as a "threat to democracy". This was such an obvious false flag / reichstag fire type of event. None of the insurrectionist threats to democracy on 1/6 were even armed for crying out loud! Was Mike Pence going to drop dead from dudes taking selfies between the velvet ropes?
Mike Pence's job was to do nothing.
If that was the job, then boy did they have the right man on it.
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BuddysBud said:

GeorgiAg said:

I don't care what a "Pulitzer prizey" guy says at a bar. Jan 6 sucked and *some* of the people associated with it need to spend some time in the pokey. So did all that BLM crap, and they need to go to jail too but they won't because they are black and woke.

How dare the fbi keep tabs on a 'mostly peaceful' interruption of an essential constitutional function because MAGA cultists didn't like the results of the election and are too dumb to realize "stop the steal" is just because Trump is a fragile man-baby who can't take the L. (2nd term still woulda been better than Biden).

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.

WW III, skyrocketing inflation, unnecessary COVID deaths, complete loss of respect internationally, loss of energy independence, all foreseeable, and predicted before the election.

But at least we no longer have mean tweets.

Pointing out hypocrisy and idiocy of Democrats makes one a Russian asset?

I suspect that Biden, Pelosi, Shumer, and Putin are all bought and paid for Chinese assets. There is much more evidence for this statement than your accusations about conservative talking heads.

I too have long suspected the DNC is just another wing of the CCP, maybe independent but they rely and assist each other and at this point may be so intertwined that they are effectively one organization. Their money and info controls big tech, education, labor unions, and most importantly the media.
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TexAgsSean said:

GeorgiAg said:

Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.

Exactly. Is he trolling now or was he trolling then? Either way he's pretty much a constant troll.

And staff will delete posts pointing that out. Even if they're benign.
I want low tax, solid energy policy, solid immigration policy, solid economic strategy and solid military strategy without a know-it-all , narcissistic, obnoxious New Yorker who is always right and an expert on everything and has "never lost" in anything in his life. And it's an oversimplification just to say "mean tweets." Many of the people he hired have said he's an idiot, reads nothing and waffles based on his mood that day. People used to try to get messages to him by appearing on Fox News. That's insane.

All that said, he's still better than dementia Biden and the band of misfits in the Democratic party just based upon the policy of the Republican Party. The Democrats are just fundamentally flawed in policy and the progressive wing of that party is a cancer that will kill us all if we let it. I'd be pulling my hair out over the crap Trump says and does if he had been reelected, but I've reluctantly had to reconsider and admit he still would have been better for the country, flawed as he is.

I am highly suspicious of anyone remotely pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine right now. Putin is an enemy to our allies and our way of life. Posting crap about biolabs, Nazis or NATO was threatening them militarily fits into the Russian narrative that "they had to invade to install their puppet government." Complete and utter B.S. Don't think they aren't out on social media pushing their narrative. Putin and the Oligarchs can't have a flourishing democracy next to them. Plain and simple. It's a threat to their continued mob-style government in Russia.

So...did you vote for Biden?
Unfortunately I did. I had TDS, bad. I wish I had a do over. (I'd still b*tch about Trump, but I'd vote for him.)
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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GeorgiAg said:

TexAgsSean said:

GeorgiAg said:

Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

GeorgiAg said:

Posobiec is a Russian psyops asset. I beginning to think Tucker is too, or is just ratings troll.
You've claimed you realize the error of your vote in November of 2020, but your posts continue to show that you really haven't learned anything.

Exactly. Is he trolling now or was he trolling then? Either way he's pretty much a constant troll.

And staff will delete posts pointing that out. Even if they're benign.
I want low tax, solid energy policy, solid immigration policy, solid economic strategy and solid military strategy without a know-it-all , narcissistic, obnoxious New Yorker who is always right and an expert on everything and has "never lost" in anything in his life. And it's an oversimplification just to say "mean tweets." Many of the people he hired have said he's an idiot, reads nothing and waffles based on his mood that day. People used to try to get messages to him by appearing on Fox News. That's insane.

All that said, he's still better than dementia Biden and the band of misfits in the Democratic party just based upon the policy of the Republican Party. The Democrats are just fundamentally flawed in policy and the progressive wing of that party is a cancer that will kill us all if we let it. I'd be pulling my hair out over the crap Trump says and does if he had been reelected, but I've reluctantly had to reconsider and admit he still would have been better for the country, flawed as he is.

I am highly suspicious of anyone remotely pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine right now. Putin is an enemy to our allies and our way of life. Posting crap about biolabs, Nazis or NATO was threatening them militarily fits into the Russian narrative that "they had to invade to install their puppet government." Complete and utter B.S. Don't think they aren't out on social media pushing their narrative. Putin and the Oligarchs can't have a flourishing democracy next to them. Plain and simple. It's a threat to their continued mob-style government in Russia.

So...did you vote for Biden?
Unfortunately I did. I had TDS, bad. I wish I had a do over. (I'd still b*tch about Trump, but I'd vote for him.)

I don't believe you.

GeorgiAg said:

Trying to get people to take a vaccine during a pandemic. OMG.

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Trump told people to get the vax. Not sure what you mean.


"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly," Trump told "Fox News Primetime."
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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I was quoting you defending Biden's MANDATES and using tax dollars spent on propaganda on March 9, 2022 after everything we know after two years of this absolute joke. Whataboutism denied.
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