bonfarr said:
Can you define what it means then for Americans to be brave in Ukraine's fight? What do you consider an acceptable probability for escalation of the war to include NATO and its populace?
Like I said, simply not getting weak kneed and lamenting our existing material assistance in fear of nuclear holocaust every time Putin makes a threat. Just have a smidge of fortitude.
I think that jerking oneself around in an attempt to assess the mostly nebulous probabilities is a pointless exercise given the consistently fluctuating unknown variables at play.
I will say that the chances of Russia attacking NATO over 25-30% of Ukraine is between infinitesimal and nonexistent because the logic for doing so doesn't follow. There's no potential benefit or positive outcome for Russia. The outcome is substantially worse in doing so even in comparison to suffering a total loss in Ukraine. The benefit of making us FEAR that they will, however, is substantial.
Putin isn't nuts and he isn't illogical. His logic is based on his norms and experiences, which many people seem incapable of grasping, but he's quite calculating and methodical.