74OA said:
ABATTBQ11 said:
I disagree. I think a major lesson learned here is that you cannot base your entire war fighting strategy around the assumption of air superiority. We are very good at it, but it makes us extremely vulnerable. You still need to be able to operate and fight when air space is contested.
No such assumption exists as demonstrated by USAF's heavy spending on stealthy aircraft--specifically so it can operate effectively in future contested airspace against modern IADs. It wouldn't be spending those hundreds of billions if it just assumed it could do so already. Additionally, the Army and Navy's recent accelerated investment in longer range fires is insurance that we don't become solely dependent on airpower to reach at least partway into an enemy's rear.
This is somewhat circular reasoning. Pouring billions into stealth technology and aircraft over the last couple of decades to ensure they could operate effectively in future contested air space against modern IAD began with the implicit assumption that
they could and would, but the future conflicts of the past are today's. So yes, we built our current fleet around the assumption that we can and will establish air superiority. We don't assume that to be permanent, which is why we continue to invest in newer and better capabilities, but the assumption of the current and continued capability certainly exists.
On top of that, it isn't simply the ability to operate in the air, but on the ground. Planes are most vulnerable when they're parked, and stealth aircraft currently require a lot of maintenance and support, which means concentrating at large air bases. A successful long range strike on a forward airfield would be absolutely devastating to all operations.
Yes, the army and navy are accelerating their investment in long range fires, but they're kind of behind the 8 ball right now. They need those capabilities sooner rather than later, and it seems like the result of a late realization that we had become too reliant on air power against ill equipped adversaries.