***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,551,033 Views | 47731 Replies | Last: 9 hrs ago by Waffledynamics
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Haven't seen a Jomini post in a while so going to throw this up here. He's always had one of the more visually detailed sitreps, which I enjoy. Posting a roll up as it's a 12 post thread.


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Rossticus said:

I really don't think either party has stomach for compromise.
Not yet. Compromise isn't possible until the stakes are raised significantly. For Russia, the risk of losing Crimea ... for Ukraine, their sovereign existence. Unfortunately, much more blood must spilled.
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Very interesting happenings in the Bakhmut area. The city may yet hold. That's not guaranteed, but it's not lost just yet. Wagner's supposedly not getting their supplies from the Russians, and there is a potential counterattack in the near future or ongoing.

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Wait… I've seen this movie before…. Russia blames country for "invading" their own territory to deal with a Russian seeded and supported insurgency because said country won't acquiesce to Russia's wishes that they cede that territory to what amounts to a Russian proxy.

Russia uses as pretext for invasion to save the oppressed Russian speakers who are legitimate in their desires that Russia should facilitate the redrawing of another nation's boundaries.

It's all so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it… like it's happened before in one or more than one places over many years….

Probably just my imagination.
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Russia probably can't win and definitely can't lose politically. One scenario I've not seen discussed is the collapse of the outlying territories of Russia unwilling to continue the fight. I could see a number of those territories deciding to breakaway from Moscow's rule and work to form their on alliances. If that were to happen, the Russians would have to focus their efforts in keeping what they have.
pagerman @ work
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nortex97 said:

A very good discussion of the strategic situation/strategies here:


REBEKAH KOFFLER: Where we are with this conflict is that even the chairman of the joint chiefs, General Mark Milley, has admitted that there is no path to victory for Ukraine. My intelligence analysis tells me this war isn't winnable.

Why? It's because Putin's strategy is to outsuffer and outlast the adversary. Putin has assembled half a million new recruits, 315,000 joining the fight right now, 150,000 in training camps.

As you just said, Brian, this is typical Putin, typical Russia, just throwing bodies into the grinder. Putin also knows there is fatigue right now in the United States and in the west because the taxpayer is realizing that they have been sucked dry with $196 billion, as Lisa pointed out and they just can't continue forever.

So this "oops!" strategy that President Biden just pulled out with his visit is not going to stop Putin. Putin is not afraid. He has a plan. I describe this plan in my book, "Putin's Playbook," which you have.

Biden completely failed at deterrence, failed at strategy, just schizophrenically throwing weaponry at Ukraine hoping somehow it's going to scare Putin. But unfortunately, it won't.

FOX NEWS HOST LISA BOOTHE: To your point, I think a lot of Americans want to know what does winning look like according to Zelensky, how much money is that going to take, and how much human suffering has to happen to achieve that goal.

KOFFLER: Here is what Zelensky stated repeatedly what victory looks like to him. It's evicting the Russians from the entire territory of Ukraine.

BOOTHE: But is that feasible?

KOFFLER: It's absolutely not. Because the Russians are entrenched, especially in Crimea. It's an existential outcome of this war for Putin and for Russia. And so it is just not feasible.

Somebody needs to realize that the strategy of just throwing weaponry is not going to work. Weaponry and technology do not win wars, strategy does. And, unfortunately, despite 10 years' worth of every single piece of intelligence that we had back in the intelligence community, we had scores of war gaming, predicting and going through this conflict and how it's going to unravel, right?

How it's going to unravel is it is going to ratchet up if tensions are escalated, it's going to ratchet up cyber or nuclear armageddon. President Biden knows this. This is exactly why he is not deploying forces into Ukraine, he not sending F-35s into Ukraine.


KILMEADE: He miscalculated everything.

KOFFLER: Well, not everything. Not everything. Because, again, Putin is planning for a relentless draining war of attrition. Throwing people into the meat grinder, yes. They lost 200,000 men. In World War II, the Russians sacrificed 25 million. With the population of UKraine being 43 million, the Russians 143 million, can you do the math? That is prohibitive, so the conflict is going to go on forever.

And as long as it goes on, Putin achieves his goal. His definition of victory is very different from ours, it is preventing us and Ukraine from victory. The devastation of Ukraine. Ukraine right now has been decimated. The industrial base is destroyed. The agricultural base is destroyed. It is ceasing to exist as a viable country because we are providing the entire gross domestic product... They are entirely depending on us.

And right now, the Pentagon is already telegraphing to Ukraine that this is unsustainable because we are doing our own review, because our own weapons stockpile is depleting, some of these weaponry is going to take 7-18 years to replace. Ukraine is having an extremely high burn rate of ammo. 5,000 rounds a day, so our production capacity is outmatched.

there is a lot of stupid in this "analysis".

The notion that the taxpayer in the US is being "sucked dry" by supporting Ukraine and it "can't continue" is just incredibly wrong. We borrow $2 TRILLION annually (on a budget of $6 trillion). Somehow $2.2 trillion is just some unthinkable amount that will destroy the country? The only people pushing the unsustainability mantra are people that wouldn't support it if it were free or (the larger majority) can't bring themselves to support it because Biden is supporting it, which is purely political and if Trump was doing it would be 100% behind the policy.

Further, discussing Russian willingness to sacrifice bodies by looking at WW2 is not a meaningful comparison. Russian willingness to sacrifice in a struggle where they were invaded by an opponent bent on genocide and destruction of their country is not comparable to a situation where Russia invaded someone else unprovoked and that is no real threat to Russia at all. The population will go along for a while, but eventually they will wonder why so many of their sons, husbands and fathers are coming home in increasingly small boxes for closed casket funerals over a 100% voluntary war they started and are at best stalemated in that offers no tangible benefit to the average Russian should they "win". Ukraine is not Nazi Germany and the conflict is not even close to WW2. And that doesn't even take into consideration that Russia was then controlled by a totalitarian regime that gave their citizens absolutely no say in whether or not they wanted to fight; it just told them they had to risk death fighting Germans or endure death in the gulag. It's not difficult to keep sacrificing people when they have no real alternative.
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The American taxpayer is being sucked dry to a far greater extent by the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs than by supplying weapons and funding for a proxy war against Russia. And we've been stuck in those no-win quagmires for multiple generations.

Keep in mind that much of modern Poland, and the Baltic states - all NATO members - were part of the Russian empire until the Bolshevik Revolution. A proxy war on the Dnieper is far, far less expensive than an actual war on the Vistula or the shores of the Baltic.

[Let's get this back on track. There are other threads for discussion of the political issues, regardless of what carry on effects those might have for the strategic issues -- Staff]
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Ukrainian military repelled over 90 Russian attacks at Kupiansk, Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Shakhtarske directions, attacks near Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Dubovo-Vasylivka, Berkhivka, Yahidne, Maloilyinivka, Bakhmut, Stelmakhivka, Kreminna, Bilohorivka, Fedorivka, Novobakhmutivka, Avdiyivka, Vodyane, Nevelske, Maryinka, Pobyeda, Vuhledar and Prechystivka, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the morning report

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Furthermore, a Ukrainian offensive to expel Russia from occupied Ukrainian territory appears likely to include one of the most difficult combined arms operations: large-scale breaching. U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl recently justified the provision of mechanized and armored platforms to Ukraine by explaining that Ukraine would need such equipment to breach Russian obstacles. As he explained, the "Russians are really digging in. They're digging in. They're digging trenches, they're putting in these dragon's teeth, laying mines." U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley also recently assessed that it will "be very, very difficult to militarily eject the Russian forces from… every inch of Russian-occupied Ukraine. That doesn't mean it can't happen doesn't mean it won't happen, but it'd be very, very difficult." Notably, both of these U.S. senior leaders' assessments acknowledge open source reporting that Russia has spent the last several months improving its defensive positions, including by expanding trenches, improving existing fortifications, and erecting new barriers, including miles and miles of new anti-tank ditches, barriers, and dragon's teeth.

[Don't cut and paste entire copyrighted articles -- Staff]
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Great riposte to the pro-Russian propaganda

one thing you left out- the Soviet Union in 1941 was MUCH larger than today's Russia. And much stronger militarily as far as numbers of men (in the multi-millions) and their equipment/weaponry was world class in certain respects.

not the case today.
2wealfth Man
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I am not sure if this is the big "offensive" or not. Lots of fragmented and dis-organized attacks without much to show for it. As for China's involvement, there is no weapons system that solves stupid.
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This. Russians were willing to sacrifice for Russia in WWII. They were not willing to sacrifice for Afghanistan.
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I believe we are seeing what amounts to it. Russia can't gather any large formations or logistical bases close to the front to stage a single large attack because it would be detected and attacked with rockets and artillery as it was assembled, so they are forced to systematically feed units into combat to win by relentless attrition, and hope for Ukraine to become weak in an area, allowing somewhat of a breakthrough. It's the only practical option.
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"So too in Ukraine, we have seen similar examples of new technology in use, not drastically shaping the fighting, but providing signs of what's to come." AI, drones, social media, cyber.

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Good thread/maps of the evolving front/lines.
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Interesting analysis: What to expect in the second year of the war.

pagerman @ work
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nortex97 said:

Good thread/maps of the evolving front/lines.
It's interesting (and no, I mean nothing by this comparison, good or bad, just that I find it interesting visually) how much the occupied area of Ukraine reminds me of South Vietnam.
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Ok, now I'm convinced. The decision to offer M1s really was primarily to give Germany top cover to permit Leo donations.

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Wagner POWs telling the Washington Post they are beaten by the Russians and forced to mount suicidal attacks

More Fun for Putin's Troops
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Here's a quick run-through of Ukraine-related war news.

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74OA said:

Here's a quick run-through of Ukraine-related war news.

Sounds like the Kerch Bridge may need another visit soon.
2wealfth Man
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I must say I am really surprised there has not been more of an outcry in Russia from all these casualties. Are the mom's/wife's really ok with what is happening to their sons/husbands or is the propaganda just that good in Russia? Lot's of men not coming home.
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So far they are not from Moscow/St. Petersburg, but the poor outlying areas. The more casualties that begin to come from "proper" Russia, the harder it becomes for Putin.
2wealfth Man
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Interesting pics of the anti-tank barriers on the Polish border with Russia at Kaliningrad.

RebelE Infantry
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Ukraine about to make a run at that ammo depot in Transnistria.

The flames of the Imperium burn brightly in the hearts of men repulsed by degenerate modernity. Souls aflame with love of goodness, truth, beauty, justice, and order.
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2wealfth Man said:

I must say I am really surprised there has not been more of an outcry in Russia from all these casualties. Are the mom's/wife's really ok with what is happening to their sons/husbands or is the propaganda just that good in Russia? Lot's of men not coming home.
Yes, yes, and yes. They've been brainwashed into thinking they didn't start the war and that Ukraine is an existential threat. They don't even believe they're at war with the Ukraine anymore but NATO and the collective west. Most of the high level thinkers who see through this have most likely fled at this point.
Not a Bot
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Not a Bot
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This is a USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it common for this thing to actually fly over Ukrainian airspace?
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EDIT in light of the below post regarding the date.
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Seems that the Moldovan government is coordinating with them in an effort to expel the Russian backed forces and preclude any future Russian attempts at increased destabilization or outright attack that would use Transnistria as a staging area for attacks into Ukraine.

Moldova gets help taking care of their Russia problem, Ukraine gets the weapons Russian proxies have stockpiled there for their efforts.
RebelE Infantry
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Rossticus said:

Seems that the Moldovan government is coordinating with them in an effort to expel the Russian backed forces and preclude any future Russian attempts at increased destabilization or outright attack that would use Transnistria as a staging area for attacks into Ukraine.

Moldova gets help taking care of their Russia problem, Ukraine gets the weapons Russian proxies have stockpiled there for their efforts.

Something along those lines. But that depot has been there since the USSR days.
The flames of the Imperium burn brightly in the hearts of men repulsed by degenerate modernity. Souls aflame with love of goodness, truth, beauty, justice, and order.
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Oh, absolutely. I just meant, unless I'm mistaken, the pro-Russian contingent has control of the depot.
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Not a Bot said:

This is a USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it common for this thing to actually fly over Ukrainian airspace?
Yes. It was common for us to send Globalhawks to the Ukraine border in the run-up to the war. Obviously after the war began we quit flying over Ukrainian airspace.
Not a Bot
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Oh shoot I just now saw the year on that image. It's from one year ago. A lot of these tweeters are retweeting memories of the invasion. I thought it was from today. That's why I thought it was unusual. My bad.
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