***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,537,185 Views | 47716 Replies | Last: 18 hrs ago by 74OA
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EastSideAg2002 said:

txags92 said:

Somebody with 1 billion people to spare and a thirst for raw materials. Like somebody on Russia's southern border.
I agree that China will take advantage of the situation. I do not see them sending armed forces into Russia.
Yes, China is grooming Russia to be their biotch right now. As Russia's economy swirls the toilet bowl and they grow more desperate, Chinese banks will begin to take large stakes in Russian companies, followed by behind the scenes efforts by various groups to acquire large swaths of Russian real estate and other assets.

And before you know it, Russia becomes China North
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Hearing where Hungary 'declared war' or a state of wartime emergency due to 'physical and economic danger'

President enacting emergency powers and will inform citizens of scope of emergency acts tomorrow.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Hearing where Hungary 'declared war' or a state of wartime emergency due to 'physical and economic danger'

President enacting emergency powers and will inform citizens of scope of emergency acts tomorrow.

Orban is playing a very dangerous game here. Hungary has gone back and forth on authoritarians, communists, tyrants and just ego and power driven leaders. They have fared worse under many than they have under others.
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aggiehawg said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Hearing where Hungary 'declared war' or a state of wartime emergency due to 'physical and economic danger'

President enacting emergency powers and will inform citizens of scope of emergency acts tomorrow.

Orban is playing a very dangerous game here. Hungary has gone back and forth on authoritarians, communists, tyrants and just ego and power driven leaders. They have fared worse under many than they have under others.

Absolute power begets…
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Today's SITREP.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Russia is figuring out that modern warfare its a lot harder than it looks.
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Full Thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1529191308824399872.html

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From the horse's ass… erm… mouth… "Peace" on Russia's terms only. No negotiation, only voluntary capitulation and cessation of Ukraine to exist as a sovereign nation, or the same result as brought about by Russian military action. They will cede nothing and expect Ukraine to cede everything. Committed to victory for Russia either way. Russia won't leave Ukraine and stop pushing unless they're forced to. That is quite clear at this point.

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Rossticus said:

From the horse's ass… erm… mouth… "Peace" on Russia's terms only. No negotiation, only voluntary capitulation and cessation of Ukraine to exist as a sovereign nation, or the same result as brought about by Russian military action. They will cede nothing and expect Ukraine to cede everything. Committed to victory for Russia either way. Orcs must die.

It sounds like they reject the plan. Why is this unexpected?

Rossticus, what do you see as the ending of this war? How do they do it?
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Things do not appear to be going well for Ukraine at the moment. This is a tough video to watch.

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10thYrSr said:

It sounds like they reject the plan. Why is this unexpected?

Rossticus, what do you see as the ending of this war? How do they do it?

Not unexpected in the least. They've finally dropped all pretense that resolution of their publicly stated (fabricated) grievances at the beginning of the war were, in fact, their true motivations.

The wholesale rejection of what amounts to everything Russia has been claiming they were negotiating for, completely favorable to them at the expense of Ukraine, should put quite a few misconceptions to bed and bring reality into focus for folks who bought in to the possibility of peace for Ukraine that didn't emanate from military victory.

It should also crystallize an understanding of what Russia is willing to attempt if they think that they can, ultimately, get away with it. If they think that they can restore the glory and power they're owed on the world stage that they were unfairly denied by "the west". To them, you're either with them via complicity/capitulation, or you're a Nazi.

What do I see as the ending? I wish I could confidently say. Ukraine remains a prohibitive underdog despite having outperformed expectations and defied the odds to this point. As other posters have noted, while Ukraine may have the will, the heart, and the men, it takes phenomenal resources to engage in protracted conventional warfare while also dealing with the domestic catastrophe that result from your economic system grinding to a halt, your infrastructure being decimated, etc.

It's going to take a lot of charity and willpower from a lot of countries to give Ukraine the time and resources required to train and field a large enough force to halt, uproot, and drive out Russia as they try to politically annex every village, town, and city they either destroy or manage to secure and prop up puppet governments in.

That this degree of international dedication and goodwill actually are capable of continued cultivation and sustainment, that "never again" can really means something to generations that are largely removed from similar experiences such that they're willing to even sacrifice convenience in order to see it through, remains tenuous at best, IMO. But if it does then the Ukrainian people have a puncher's chance. If not then Russia will eventually strangle Ukraine to death both militarily and economically and subsequently do everything in their power to succeed in their stated goal of ensuring that Ukrainian people and culture are lost to history in favor of Russia's narrative.

TLDR: I have no flipping clue which way this will swing but if Western Europeans keep thinking that they can buy peace and prosperity for themselves by negotiating away the freedom of others, this is all going to amount to little more than one very pricey virtue signal for US and a valiant yet ill fated fight for survival for the Ukrainian people which could still serve to embolden Russia in other eventual endeavors.
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Russia looks like it has finally gotten it's act together a little bit. The question is whether they can hold off the counter offensive that looks to be building outside Kherson and survive attrition. I think this will be a long bloody war and the Russians are going to lose huge numbers of men and equipment still. By the end of summer I wouldn't be surprised if they had lost 60k soldiers KIA. What a crazy stupid war.
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aezmvp said:

Russia looks like it has finally gotten it's act together a little bit. The question is whether they can hold off the counter offensive that looks to be building outside Kherson and survive attrition. I think this will be a long bloody war and the Russians are going to lose huge numbers of men and equipment still. By the end of summer I wouldn't be surprised if they had lost 60k soldiers KIA. What a crazy stupid war.
I agree with this. And if you do the math on the potential WIA and equipment losses by then, the figures are staggering.

It brings to mind several questions:

  • Will their propaganda machine be able to continue to hide these extraordinary losses from the Russian public?
  • Will Putin's regime survive this level of historic on-going attrition, while simultaneously tanking the Russian economy?
  • How will they effectively be able to control seized territory after continuously backfilling those incredible losses with poorly trained manpower and likely inferior/outdated military resources.

And as callous as it may seem, the US and NATO appear to see this as "the opportunity" to cripple Russian aggression by arming a furiously committed proxy military - while at the same time cycling thru outdated or mothballed equipment. When looked at from these perspectives, it's a win-win and well worth the investment.

The Ukes now have a generational hatred for the Russians. They will not bend the knee, ever.
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CondensedFoggyAggie said:

Dude was out joyriding. MORE
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PJYoung said:

Older tanks get better distance in turret toss?
You do not have a soul. You are a soul that has a body.

We sing Hallelujah! The Lamb has overcome!
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Today, the Russian parliament scrapped the upper age limit for contractual service in their military. Clearly they have been hit hard.

In other news, listened to an update from Ash Carter and Nick Carter (former UK Defense official) this morning. Both were largely in agreement on state of things and what they thought would happen going forward. Some highlights:

  • Neither see end to war anytime soon until either side thinks they can't gain anything else.
  • US public won't rescind support of US efforts in Ukraine.
  • Doesn't see regime change happening although there are clearly some top officials who are questioning Putin's strategy.
  • Not worried about use of WMD by Russia although cyber warfare is clearly a threat. On that front, Russia hasn't been that successful...yet.
  • Thinks Russia will achieve it's goals in the East and then we will settle into a long-term stalemate.
  • Food shortages are going to get worse before they get better.
  • Nick Carter specifically concerned about food shortage and thinks NATO will have to get involved to get wheat and corn moving out of Black Sea and assisting with movement elsewhere.
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Full thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1529517462131290114.html

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This is an all hands on deck moment for the Russkies - they may have decided they can overwhelm the Ukes with sheer force of numbers, in which case it doesn't matter how old the tank is, but how many you can roll toward Ukrainian lines. Would not be surprised to see this in an attempt to increase gains. I would be interested in seeing exactly where those T-62's are headed.
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True, but they still have not done a mobilization. Unless it has been done covertly. (Not sure if that is possible)
Will be interested to see if those tanks have auto loaders like the 72 and up do. If not they may require more troops than their newer stuff too.

It is horrible to say, but I am hoping they are stuck in Ukraine for a long time and bled out. If they overwhelm Ukraine, next stop is NATO countries and that starts the apocalypse dominos falling again.
You do not have a soul. You are a soul that has a body.

We sing Hallelujah! The Lamb has overcome!
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Rossticus said:

Sick disgusting POS.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Agreed. Unless they have been upgraded, they had manual loading and a four-man crew. Reports are the tanks in the video were in/heading to Melitopol.
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Spitballing ... the T62's may be mostly used in occupied rear areas for security/police purposes - and not for field combat operations.
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AgBQ-00 said:

True, but they still have not done a mobilization. Unless it has been done covertly. (Not sure if that is possible)
Will be interested to see if those tanks have auto loaders like the 72 and up do. If not they may require more troops than their newer stuff too.

It is horrible to say, but I am hoping they are stuck in Ukraine for a long time and bled out. If they overwhelm Ukraine, next stop is NATO countries and that starts the apocalypse dominos falling again.

The appearance of T-62s in Ukraine is confirmation that the Russians have suffered a disaster in their tank forces. Here's a list of reasons why bringing T-62s is an act of desperation that they would not be doing if they had any other options.

1. The T-62 has a 115mm gun vice the 125mm gun on T-72 and newer tanks i.e., they are using different ammo that is not interchangeable and it hasn't been manufactured since 1978 meaning, it's reliability is going to be poor and it will be outgunned facing Ukrainian armor.

2. The T-72 is considered under powered with a 780hp engine but the T-62 has an even weaker 581hp engine and a shorter range (200 miles per full fuel tank).

3. There was a lot of evidence that Russians were already using a crew of two in T-72s because of a lack of trained crews. Namely, video of Russian tank columns show all the tubes pointed forward even after being ambushed because the commander has to switch positions to the gunner station. The T-62 requires a crew of 4 because it doesn't have an auto loader.

4. T-62s don't have thermal imager to find targets at night, they have a searchlight mounted on the turret.

The Russians are having to train tank crews to operate a tank that was last produced before any of them were born. That is how bad things are going for the Russians.
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Ulysses90 said:

The appearance of T-62s in Ukraine is confirmation that the Russians have suffered a disaster in their tank forces. Here's a list of reasons why bringing T-62s is an act of desperation that they would not be doing if they had any other options.

1. The T-62 has a 115mm gun vice the 125mm gun on T-72 and newer tanks i.e., they are using different ammo that is not interchangeable and it hasn't been manufactured since 1978 meaning it's reliability is going to be poor and it will be outgunned facing Ukrainian armor.

2. The T-72 is considered under powered with a 780hp engine but the T-62 has an even weaker 581hp engine and a shorter rank (200 miles per full fuel tank).

3. There was a lot of evidence that Russians were already using a crew of two in T-72s because of a lack of trained crews. Namely, video of Russian tank columns show all the tubes pointed forward even after being ambushed because the commander has to switch positions to the gunner station. The T-62 requiresa crew of 4 because it doesn't have an auto loader.

4. T-62s don't have thermal imagery to finds targets at night, they have a searchlight mounted on the turret.

What Putin is being told:

1. These were made back in the old days with REAL steel and when manufacturers had some pride
2. Uses less fuel!! It's lighter, faster, perfect for Ukrainian plains!
3. One russian tanker is worth a thousand Ukes!
4. Blind the enemy, yes blind'em. With our searchlights. Da.
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Rossticus said:

Of all the countries that you'd think would want to aid in stopping genocide. WOW!
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docb said:

Rossticus said:

Of all the countries that you'd think would want to aid in stopping genocide. WOW!
Israel makes cold realist moves that improve Israel's position. Israel doesn't care about the narratives it uses on credulous elderly Fox News viewers during those commercials. Israel has an Israel First foreign policy. America is a useful part of the equation, but it has to make moves recognizing the possibility that it may come to pass that this is no longer the case. Same reason Israel shares certain U.S. military technology with China.
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Details on the daring helo missions to resupply the encircled Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol. GUTS
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If those old tanks are going into Melitopol, then that tells me they are there for controlling the population. They possibly have a partisan problem.
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Waffledynamics said:

If those old tanks are going into Melitopol, then that tells me they are there for controlling the population. They possibly have a partisan problem.
Tanks rolling down Main Street (or the Ukraine version) tends to intimidate people.
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