Zobel said:
On paper a javelin for a tank seems like great ROI. But the US has provided some 7,000 to Ukraine which is probably around 1/3 of our total inventory. Allegedly we can make around 6,500 a year. Javelins arent the only anti-armor platform (NLAW etc) though.
The Russians have 2800 tanks in service and some silly number like 10000 in storage plus another 20000+ other kinds of armored vehicles. We can speculate about the condition and combat worthiness of those tanks, but the bottom line is the Russians have a lot of armor ranging from garbage to good to expend.
From what I've read, the javelin vs tank number is not the relevant metric. It's about trained soldiers and morale, and I'm not sure that favors Ukraine. Those are two things we can't ship them.
I believe that both in trained soldiers and morale, the numbers do favor Ukraine. Russia has run out of fresh forces in the hopper to send to Ukraine. They are in the process of Shake & Baking their spring conscript class but they cannot train or transport them rapidly. If they have plenty of modern infantry weapons and equipment for their forces then why has the Rosvgardia been carrying crap since the very beginning?
The Russian ammo stockpiles are seriously unreliable. Their PGMs hve been allowed to go stale because the money for periodic testing and replacement of ba lots has been pocketed. The people in charge of maint these munitions never thought they were going to be used anyway so they just used the money to line their own pockets. Who's gonna know?
With the embargo of semiconductors and other components, Russia cannot produce more weapons and ordnance. Ther factories and fuel farms also keep catchingon fire.
Russia has expended the nameless battalions from across the Stans and their equipment is wrecked. They are pushing new conscripts into the fight with mothballed equipment and poorly trained and poorly motivated leaders. Every day brings them closer to having to use units from the Moscow and St Petersburg region. The population in these regions is more than happy to swallow and regurgitate the propaganda about denazification and demilitarization and deny the Russian death toll until it's their sons that are getting roasted and ripped to shreds. I don't believe that's going to last very long when the units that parade annually through Red Square get sent to Ukraine.
Consider that Putin ostensibly sent an invasion force of 200k that was probably only 160-170k in actuality. All of those units saw heavy combat. Probably only about 100k of those forces are still in the fight. The new forces are being fed into the machine as fast as possible and will not be employed well.
The T-62s are very effective for slaughtering unarmed civilians in occupied regions but their side armor is vulnerable to almost every shaped charge RPG manufactured in the past 30 years. Recall that the first T-90 that was confirmed as destroyed by the Ukrainians was killed (surprisingly) by a Carl Gustaf, not even an NLAW or Javalin. As for fighting other tanks or trained infantry the T-62 is a sitting duck. It is from an era in which it was equipped with a searchlight instead of a thermal imagery for target acquisition at night.
Ukraine has a lot more military available manpower (~650k) that is already in the AO and shorter internal lines of supply. They have nowhere to go and face an enemy that will butcher them or send them to gulag camps scattered across Asia if the surrender, erase their names and idenities, and steal their children for slave labor. The Ukrainians have a lot more fight left in them than the Russians do because they have a lot more to lose.
The war is going to drag on and the losses are going to be very high for both sides but Ukraine holds to winning hand for a long war.