LMCane said:
MeatDr said:
Take it for the propaganda it may be, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this was mostly true, especially with how fast Ukraine seems to be recapturing the area around Kharkiv and the big push they are making towards Izyum.
I think a lot of so called "experts" don't know what the heck they are talking about.
The current population of the Russian Federation is 146,048,781 as of Monday, May 2, 2022.
anyone who believes that the Russians are somehow unable to draft tens of thousands of replacements for the 20K casualties they have suffered is delusional.
That's a population of NEARLY ONE HUNDRED FIFTY MILLION people-
and somehow they can't field a million man military if Putin wanted to?!?!
It's a lot more complicated than that. The percentage of those who are fighting aged males suitable for combat shrinks that number considerably.
Even still, you have to train and equip such an army, and your pulling a big chunk of your workforce to do it. That's IF the Russians can even replace much of what they're losing. Sending poorly equipped and barely trained conscripts in against a well equipped and bake hardened adversary on their own terrain is a recipe for disaster.
There are also the political implications. A massive mobilization and conscription will be very unpopular for a war that was supposed to be a, "special operation." They might as well just admit they're losing and there's untold numbers of dead.
It also jeopardizes the propaganda war. You think stories of military failures and war crimes are going to stay hidden when you have 100,0000 conscripts who probably don't even want to be there? Those guys are going to go home and talk.