***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

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I think they are hosed and essentially the Uke Alamo. Ukes couldn't get to them if they tried.

Russia cut off resupply by air and is done taking the casualties they are to try and root them out. It's basically becoming their version of the Stalingrad tractor plant.

I imagine some heavy MOAB type of bombing will take place shortly.
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G Martin 87
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Wearing my Saku beer hat today for Estonia. Been to Tallinn twice, love Estonia and the Estonian people so much. Along with Latvia and Lithuania, they know Russian brutality better than most.
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AgLA06 said:

I think they are hosed and essentially the Uke Alamo. Ukes couldn't get to them if they tried.

Russia cut off resupply by air and is done taking the casualties they are to try and root them out. It's basically becoming their version of the Stalingrad tractor plant.

I imagine some heavy MOAB type of bombing will take place shortly.

If they sent in special teams to storm it, then I wonder what the heck that giant explosion was. Couldn't be a charge ground forces planted, and I don't know why Russia would intentionally MOAB their own troops. Make the Ukes set something off?
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AgLA06 said:

I think they are hosed and essentially the Uke Alamo. Ukes couldn't get to them if they tried.

Russia cut off resupply by air and is done taking the casualties they are to try and root them out. It's basically becoming their version of the Stalingrad tractor plant.

I imagine some heavy MOAB type of bombing will take place shortly.
The MOAB bombing supposedly happened a little bit ago
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AGS-R-TUFF said:

MeatDr said:

Hoping for a way to buy these Mariupol fighters more time. The map doesn't look conducive to Uke ground troops getting in thru from East (Khereson) side expeditiously and not sure if they can afford to redirect some support from Donbas down to Mariupol.

My novice opinion is thinking if air strikes (drones, switchblades etc.) could create enough disruption to delay or fracture enemy advances, allowing for more effective guerilla counter strikes from Azof battalion.

1) Mariupol is completely cut off by land and sea. There is no hope of relief by Uke ground forces for the foreseeable future unless the Russian army completely collapses.

2) Khereson is completely different theatre in the war and any attempt to relieve Mariupol from that direction would face constant attacks out of Crimea.

3) The main current thrust is anticipated to be coming into the Donbas and the 12 or so BTG in and around Mariupol at least 8 will be able to be turned and pushed towards other strategic locations in the Donbas or towards the Dnieper and Uke forces will be better spent taking on those forces than trying to relieve 1000-2000 troops in Mariupol.

4) Air strikes are not going to relieve the forces there or create a corridor sufficient to evacuate forces that probably won't abandon their home anyway. Switchblades (the 300 series anyhow) don't have the range to reach the city from Uke held territory and would require end point recon and communications to be effective.

5) Air strikes would also have to go through a significant anti-air umbrella outside the city and would be better used around Khereson or in the Donbas.

6) The Azov and Marines in the steel factory are using tunnel systems of a massive factory complex (I think it's like 35-40 square km in size, the thing is huge) that have been prepared for years. Think fighting on 1.5 Iwo Jimas with a giant factory on top of it. That's what the Azov steel factory is. They've also built shelters, food and water storage, ammunition bunkers and all kinds of stuff in that system.

7) The defenders will be a giant pain in the ass to dig out of that area and will likely take months if not longer to completely clean out and it will cost the Russians at least 3-4 times the casualties to get them all out. I would anticipate at least 4-6 BTG having to finish that fight at a minimum.

8) It's estimated that the Russians now only have 70 functioning BTG in the war with 12 coming into the Eastern part of the Ukraine and 22 being refitted and equipped in Belarus. Those will likely need to be moved to the East to get into the fight. I don't think they'd be able to advance towards Kyiv with only 25k troops now that the Uke territorials in the north are equipped and going through intensive training and preparations.

Hope all this makes sense!
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Not to mention that the Russians really don't want to just completely destroy the steel plant, because it is one of the industrial prizes they are hoping to gain for themselves. If they wanted to build a giant steel mill from scratch, they would have done it on territory they already owned. So there is no point in destroying the steel mill piece by piece chasing the Ukrainians if it means they are going to have to completely rebuild it to be able to make any money from it.
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From WaPo


Russia confirmed that the ship sank but said only that it had been damaged by "heavy storms" and a fire that caused ammunition on board to detonate. On April 14, the Russian defense ministry said all crew members were evacuated. The authorities have not confirmed any dead or wounded.

But several families are now contradicting this claim in Russian media reports and on social media. Social media groups uniting mothers of Russian soldiers deployed in Ukraine are filling up with photos and pleas from parents looking for their missing sons.

On Monday, at least four families shared pictures of sailors who the families say served on the sunken ship and have been not been heard from since the incident.

"Please join our search for the Moskva sailors!" reads one message on a Vkontakte message board.

"Family members, please talk to your sons, perhaps someone saw the guys at the time of the evacuation, or you were near on the cruiser itself or you are currently with them in a hospital?"
So sad for those families.
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Yes, thanks for the great breakdown. I hope your point #7 materializes and the Russians lose a crapload of resources and troops.
Build It
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The Russians have been bombing the crap out of the steel plant. I don't think they are trying to save it in any way. Where did you get that information?
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Well now I feel better. Or do I not trust this?


Moscow is not considering using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

In an interview with India Today, Lavrov said his country's forces would use "conventional weapons only," according to state news agency Interfax.

Although he is not directly responsible for military decision-making, his comments are among the most direct so far on the prospect of Russia escalating the conflict into a nuclear one.

Soon after announcing his invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia's nuclear forces be placed on high alert.

Lavrov suggested that nuclear weapons were not part of the Kremlin's strategy as he referred to how the war is entering a new phase, which chimes with Ukraine's assessment that Moscow had started a new offensive in the Donbas region overnight Monday.

On Tuesday, Russian forces were attacking Ukrainian positions along the entire 300-mile front line in the eastern Donbas region, as Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky announced that a new Russian offensive in the east had begun.
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aggiehawg said:

Well now I feel better. Or do I not trust this?


Moscow is not considering using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

In an interview with India Today, Lavrov said his country's forces would use "conventional weapons only," according to state news agency Interfax.

Although he is not directly responsible for military decision-making, his comments are among the most direct so far on the prospect of Russia escalating the conflict into a nuclear one.

Soon after announcing his invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia's nuclear forces be placed on high alert.

Lavrov suggested that nuclear weapons were not part of the Kremlin's strategy as he referred to how the war is entering a new phase, which chimes with Ukraine's assessment that Moscow had started a new offensive in the Donbas region overnight Monday.

On Tuesday, Russian forces were attacking Ukrainian positions along the entire 300-mile front line in the eastern Donbas region, as Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky announced that a new Russian offensive in the east had begun.
When Russia has said anything this war, I would say 90% of the opposite is what has actually happened.
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Build It said:

The Russians have been bombing the crap out of the steel plant. I don't think they are trying to save it in any way. Where did you get that information?
I think today is the first time I have heard of really large bombs going off there. Until now, I was under the impression they had not been bombing or shelling it indiscriminately like they have the areas around it. No specific information to make me think that, just the impression I had developed over time. Could be totally wrong.
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aezmvp said:

AGS-R-TUFF said:

MeatDr said:

Hope all this makes sense!
Thanks for the explanation.

Is there a reason the Russians can't bypass the plant and take the rest of the city.
RebelE Infantry
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deddog said:

aezmvp said:

AGS-R-TUFF said:

MeatDr said:

Hope all this makes sense!
Thanks for the explanation.

Is there a reason the Russians can't bypass the plant and take the rest of the city.

They already have the rest of the city. Azovstal is the last pocket of resistance.
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deddog said:

aezmvp said:

AGS-R-TUFF said:

MeatDr said:

Hope all this makes sense!
Thanks for the explanation.

Is there a reason the Russians can't bypass the plant and take the rest of the city.
It is the same with every surrounded force. They can still sally out and do a lot of damage. Trapped forces on continuous land still need to be dealt with, unlike some of the Pacific Islands during WW2. Until that pocket is eliminated, they will still fight and jeopardize/undermine any Russian undertakings in that area.

I am sure Russia is also looking for a moral victory here. They will claim they eliminated the Nazis in the area. They kind of need to, to keep that narrative and justification alive.
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MeatDr said:

Interesting that it doesn't say "on", but "around". Which suggests they are interested in trying not to completely destroy the steel mill.
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Just finished a The Economist article ("The Builder's Bill", April 16, no free online access) on the estimated cost of reconstructing Ukraine. It cites a Center for Economic Policy Research analysis which puts the reconstruction number at $220 to $540B, depending on the remaining course of the war.

It also cites The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies which estimates that Ukrainian economic activity is down by a third. Regions directly affected by the war account for 29% of Ukraine's output and economic activity has essentially stopped in those areas.

The World Bank reckons that GDP will drop by 45% this year. All this damage and disruption adds up to a huge bill and greatly reduced ability for an already indebted Ukraine to generate the necessary revenue to finance it.

Somehow, the hundreds of billions of Russian government and oligarch money frozen overseas should be seized for that purpose. If that requires enabling laws, get on with it.
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Robk said:

I would love to see some stealth airpower used to help them. Wonder that the Russian air defense radar coverage looks like on the seaward side of that plant?
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That's an interesting statement given the current state of affairs.
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Robk said:

Yeah? And just how is that going to work? The city is locked down. They're surrounded entirely and are getting bombed inside a steel plant. What can we even do?

To say that I'm skeptical is an understatement.
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Waffledynamics said:

Robk said:

Yeah? And just how is that going to work? The city is locked down. They're surrounded entirely. What can we even do?
I have been scratching my head at that as well.
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First city in the east falls.

Today's SITREP.
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aggiehawg said:

Well now I feel better. Or do I not trust this?


Moscow is not considering using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

In an interview with India Today, Lavrov said his country's forces would use "conventional weapons only," according to state news agency Interfax.

Although he is not directly responsible for military decision-making, his comments are among the most direct so far on the prospect of Russia escalating the conflict into a nuclear one.

Soon after announcing his invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia's nuclear forces be placed on high alert.

Lavrov suggested that nuclear weapons were not part of the Kremlin's strategy as he referred to how the war is entering a new phase, which chimes with Ukraine's assessment that Moscow had started a new offensive in the Donbas region overnight Monday.

On Tuesday, Russian forces were attacking Ukrainian positions along the entire 300-mile front line in the eastern Donbas region, as Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky announced that a new Russian offensive in the east had begun.
Will be interesting on what happens or doesn't happen to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Build It said:

The Russians have been bombing the crap out of the steel plant. I don't think they are trying to save it in any way. Where did you get that information?

I think they've given up. It's now more about politically saving face than taking prizes because continued resistance is an existential threat to the regime.

Sinking the Moskva changed things. They can wipe tanks and infantry and aircraft under the rug. It's a lot more difficult to explain away losing a cruiser and flagship. I think the losses are to a point where they can't be hidden, and you have mothers asking a lot of questions about their sons on that ship. That's what finally got them out of Afghanistan: pissed off moms tired of seeing their sons not come home. The Russians seem desperate for some kind of PR win because the private narrative, which they monitor, is probably shifting.

They also will need something to show for the thousands of men they're about to lose with this offensive. They lost maybe 15k with their initial assault, but the Ukrainians are better armed and more motivated than ever. They're also facing a single front against an attack they could tell was coming. If they lose another 5-10k here and have nothing at all to show for it, I think the public may start to turn.
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txags92 said:

MeatDr said:

Interesting that it doesn't say "on", but "around". Which suggests they are interested in trying not to completely destroy the steel mill.
NYT article on the steel mill:



. . .
A sprawling Soviet-era steel factory that is sheltering thousands of soldiers and civilians is the last Ukrainian redoubt in the ravaged city of Mariupol, where the battle by Russian forces to take full control of the city appears to be entering its final stages.

Russian commanders said Tuesday they were beginning their assault on the Azovstal steel plant, where the remaining Ukrainian soldiers defending the besieged port city had been joined by 1,000 or more civilians, Ukrainian officials said. The Russians launched a new round of artillery barrages and issued the latest in a series of ultimatums to the fighters in the factory to surrender.

But the Azovstal plant makes for a formidable fortress, an immense industrial complex of thick concrete and walls, steel doors and underground warrens. Yan Gagin, who identified himself as Russian adviser in the Donetsk People's Republic, a self-declared government backed by the Kremlin, in eastern Ukraine, said in a broadcast report that the steel factory was designed to withstand a nuclear war.

"It is basically a city under a city," he said, conceding that the Russian's campaign to seize the plant had been significantly hampered by the sophisticated communication systems connecting the basement levels of the plant.
. . .
The plant stretches across four square miles, a complex of buildings, smokestacks, blast furnaces and stacks of coiled and plate steel, and it has its own port facilities on the Sea of Azov.

One of the largest metal mills in Europe, it produced about 10 million tons of steel a year before the Russian invasion, most of it sent by ship to European customers, according to its owner, Metinvest, a steel and mining conglomerate owned by Ukraine's richest man, the billionaire Rinat Akhmetov.

The network of underground spaces, which is now pivotal to the survival of the holed-up soldiers and civilians, was originally built to transport equipment between buildings and to access the undersides of ground-level machinery for maintenance, according to Metinvest, the company that operated the mill. There was no planned military use for the underground areas before the war, the company said.

The Russian military ordered Ukrainian forces inside to allow trapped civilians to evacuate through humanitarian corridors.

But the Ukrainians said they did not trust the Russians to honor their promise of safe passage and would likely refuse; they said they were preparing for battle. That sets the stage for a potentially bloody, protracted confrontation whose casualties may include many civilians.
. . .
The Russians are trying to establish uncontested control of a swath of territory linking the separatist-held regions of Donbas, in southeastern Ukraine, to the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia seized in 2014. The holdouts in Mariupol are the last substantial obstacle left in the region.

Russian forces have had the city, a major port, under siege since last month, bombarding much of it to rubble and slowly tightening their grip.

The fight over the Azovstal steel plant recalls one of the great struggles of the Second World War, the battle for the Stalingrad Tractor Factory as Nazi Germany's forces attempted to capture the city. Thousands of German and Soviet soldiers died there, as did many civilians, before the Soviets ultimately prevailed.
. . .
Ukraine's intelligence service wrote in a statement on Monday that the Russians were preparing to use three-ton bombs on the plant in an effort to raze it completely. Moscow is "not deterred by the fact that civilians have taken refuge in the plant," the service said in a statement, adding that they were anticipating "3-ton surprises" from the sky.

"You'd be surprised at how well people can survive big bombs in a facility like that," said Mr. Kagan, adding that the Russians have not exhibited extraordinary precision in their targeting.

"Sources: Satellite image taken April 9 by Maxar Technologies. Russian troop positions from Institute for the Study of War with American Enterprise Institute's Critical Threats Project. Note: Russian-controlled areas represent territory that Russian forces are able to operate freely in, without immediate risk of Ukrainian counterattacks, as assessed by the Institute for the Study of War on April 18. Areas of Russian advances indicate where Russian troops were seen. By Scott Reinhard"
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