***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,620,294 Views | 47855 Replies | Last: 53 min ago by B-1 83
RebelE Infantry
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mickeyrig06sq3 said:

wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
We don't want to collapse Russia, we want Putin gone. Hopefully the latter happens first.

The variable in this calculation is who replaces him? I highly doubt it will be anyone friendlier. I think the odds of things getting worse far outweigh the likelihood that people vote in western liberal democracy so that they can get their McDonald's, Netflix, and porn back…
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Interesting to see now if the Ukes can duplicate their sinking of the Orsk

with hitting more of the Russian Black Sea Fleet around the coastline.

if that starts to happen, that will be a strategic shift in the war.
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Proc92 said:

wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
Losing Putin wouldn't collapse Russia into 6 nuclear states. They have an infrastructure and could elect a new govt and even get international support to do so.
That would certainly be the best case scenario but there is absolutely no way to know if that will happen. The infrastructure of Russia certainly doesn't favor a Democracy and honestly it will never work there unified country. Russia's history has always been a strongman at the top and if the strongman is weak they are toppled internally. It could also split apart.

Removing Putin absolutely has potential benefits but there are also definitely risks. Also international support means very little in Russia compared to 90% of other countries because of culture and geography, you simply can't put an American or Western mindset to Russia and expect good results.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
one MEEN Ag
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RebelE Infantry said:

mickeyrig06sq3 said:

wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
We don't want to collapse Russia, we want Putin gone. Hopefully the latter happens first.

The variable in this calculation is who replaces him? I highly doubt it will be anyone friendlier. I think the odds of things getting worse far outweigh the likelihood that people vote in western liberal democracy so that they can get their McDonald's, Netflix, and porn back…
The west would prop up Alexei Navalny and thrust him as an opposition leader. Depending on how receptive Russia is to the idea of change and further integration into Europe, there would be a lot of people willing to help reform Russia into a non aggressive, reliable raw material provider. As much of a tongue and cheek it was from Putin about asking to join NATO, the best future outcome is a pacifist Russia that integrates well with the european continent and acts as a resource hedge against China.

That won't happen though.
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one MEEN Ag said:

That won't happen though.
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Mark Turner - the CIA was on the ground over a month before training the Ukes on weapon systems like the javelin. Expecting chemical attacks since there has been a stall by the Russians. Looking for retired US special operations soldiers to go over an help train and fight. There are companies of retired special operations soldiers from several countries, if they are not responsible for training they do not want special operators to be integrated with regular soldiers. Uke SOF have a lot of the same equipment the US SOF do like four banger night vision.
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I've provided updates on this thread in the past about my family members in Melitopol. Recently I've stopped providing updates, and the reason was that one of my family members was kidnapped by Russian soldiers 6 days ago. Of course, they were not doing anything wrong nor taking up arms, but this family member is a person of influence in that area and well connected. Perhaps the Russian military sees them as a tool for leverage or concerned about their community influence. We've not heard from this family member at all in 6 days, and they are a US citizen.

Today my family there reached out to the embassy staff for help and have started getting word out to US media sources. I'm actually concerned about this becoming too public and backfiring due to Russian antagonism towards the US. However, obviously we're worried for their wellbeing. I've reached out to Senator Cruz's and Senator Cornyn's office for discrete quick diplomatic assistance and waiting to hear back.

We're trying to decide how to handle this going forward but its definitely a scary situation.
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Best of luck and prayers continue to be sent.
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Russian Jet down?

Jock 07
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aggiehawg said:

Best of luck and prayers continue to be sent.

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Spaceship said:

I've provided updates on this thread in the past about my family members in Melitopol. Recently I've stopped providing updates, and the reason was that one of my family members was kidnapped by Russian soldiers 6 days ago. Of course, they were not doing anything wrong nor taking up arms, but this family member is a person of influence in that area and well connected. Perhaps the Russian military sees them as a tool for leverage or concerned about their community influence. We've not heard from this family member at all in 6 days, and they are a US citizen.

Today my family there reached out to the embassy staff for help and have started getting word out to US media sources. I'm actually concerned about this becoming too public and backfiring due to Russian antagonism towards the US. However, obviously we're worried for their wellbeing. I've reached out to Senator Cruz's and Senator Cornyn's office for discrete quick diplomatic assistance and waiting to hear back.

We're trying to decide how to handle this going forward but its definitely a scary situation.
Thats f'ing terrible. Thoughts and prayers.
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Praying for your family.
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P.U.T.U said:

Here is the link to the interview with the retired Marine Recon that was and will be on the ground helping train the Ukes. They are estimating more Uke citizens are dead than soldiers. Russia has a history of cremating their dead soldiers so they can cover up how many are actually killed.

Vigilance Elite interview with Mark Turner
On a side note, Shawn Ryan is really, really good at interviews. I have not watched this but watched several others. He know how to do it.
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.

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Captain Positivity said:

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To be fair the Mig-29As that Poland have won't do a whole lot. It's an outdated fighter that will get shot out of the sky and who knows if they even have an airfield left to fly them out of.

Small drones, manpads and ATGMs will still be far more effective.
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74OA said:

Captain Positivity said:

Hopefully blew a lot of equipment/ammo as well.

Those other two ships likely had their fastest times underway in their history.
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Praying for you guys and all involved.
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aggie93 said:


aggie93 said:

FireAg said:

This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
Perhaps but I don't think so. I think this continues as a long, drawn out fight where Russia eventually wins but at tremendous cost to Russia and with Ukraine basically being destroyed. That's sadly in the best interests of NATO at this point because the real danger is when Russia decides to move to the next step and go after one of the Baltics or Poland that are NATO countries. That's when the nuclear risk really kicks in, Russia would be crushed from a conventional perspective so it's either accept defeat or go nuclear. So as much as it is horrible the best thing for us is for this to stay in Ukraine. Russia is not going to quit, they are fully committed.

As for Putin, certainly taking him out may solve this but it also means Russia goes into chaos. There is no one in Russia who can replace him, Putin has destroyed all his opposition internally and there are just very few people even capable of being in charge of such a complex country there. So you are looking at a possible Civil War or failed state or both. In a country with thousands of nukes and a lot of really bad people. Maybe that turns out ok but that could actually end up even more dangerous.

It's really frightening we don't have any adults in charge of our foreign policy right now.
The best interest of NATO is to keep russia in russia. If you give them Ukraine you just put a significant amount of their intermediate and some of their short range weapons in NATO range. Its 500 miles from western border to Dnieper river, if you kick them out completely including Crimea that jumps to 750 miles. Ukraine also has very valuable strategic resources: Black Sea access, Agriculture, O&G, Etc absolutely nuts to give them all this while allowing them to commit genocide on the Ukrainian peoples.

The Risk of Nuclear war already exists. Is the world prepared to let anyone with Nukes steal land and murder people?

Russia is a failed state now. We have to have faith and prepare that a new group of leaders better than putin rises to the occasion. Prepare for future problems now but deal with them as they come about nukes or not.
Of course it would be better if Russia retreated but that isn't going to happen or is very unlikely to happen. Russia is trying to seal itself off from a future attack while it still can, it's in demographic collapse and in 10 years (maybe less) simply won't be capable of doing so. The lack of military age males in Russia is a real problem. So they have gone all in and to retreat means total collapse and soon rather than later. Russians don't look at this the same way we do and they are far more accustomed to a harsh life. I mean it's possible they just "go back to Russia" but extremely unlikely so what we are looking at is the much more likely scenario that they continue to attack Ukraine until the conquer it no matter the cost.

Taking out Putin certainly reshuffles the deck but that seems very unllikely to happen. He has a death grip on power and is still supported by most Russians. Russians like a nationalist and they don't really have an alternative as Putin has made sure of that. He's 70 but in pretty good health. So the only way you are probably taking him out is assassination and that's a really, really dangerous card to play because no one knows who or what will replace him and how they will react if they think NATO is behind taking out Putin.

You need to look a few moves further down the chess board.

Russia has a population in 2022 of 146,000,000 citizens

to think that the Russian Army doesn't have enough potential recruits to seal itself off from future attack is not accurate.
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Mark Turner - The US has plenty of evidence that Russia is purposely killing and kidnapping Uke citizens. Ukraine started marking areas where citizens where and Russia attacked those places sometimes within hours so Ukraine stopped doing this. The Ukraine military is using schools, hospitals, and gyms as FOBs since they have everything you need to support the troops, another reason Russia is bombing them.

He also mentioned ODA teams in the area, aka green berets. I don't know if that means in Ukraine or some place like Poland but this is exactly what they are trained to do. To think a bunch of citizens or barely trained soldiers are using and maintaining advanced weapon systems is nave.

War is hell and expect it to get worse.
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LMCane said:

aggie93 said:


aggie93 said:

FireAg said:

This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
Perhaps but I don't think so. I think this continues as a long, drawn out fight where Russia eventually wins but at tremendous cost to Russia and with Ukraine basically being destroyed. That's sadly in the best interests of NATO at this point because the real danger is when Russia decides to move to the next step and go after one of the Baltics or Poland that are NATO countries. That's when the nuclear risk really kicks in, Russia would be crushed from a conventional perspective so it's either accept defeat or go nuclear. So as much as it is horrible the best thing for us is for this to stay in Ukraine. Russia is not going to quit, they are fully committed.

As for Putin, certainly taking him out may solve this but it also means Russia goes into chaos. There is no one in Russia who can replace him, Putin has destroyed all his opposition internally and there are just very few people even capable of being in charge of such a complex country there. So you are looking at a possible Civil War or failed state or both. In a country with thousands of nukes and a lot of really bad people. Maybe that turns out ok but that could actually end up even more dangerous.

It's really frightening we don't have any adults in charge of our foreign policy right now.
The best interest of NATO is to keep russia in russia. If you give them Ukraine you just put a significant amount of their intermediate and some of their short range weapons in NATO range. Its 500 miles from western border to Dnieper river, if you kick them out completely including Crimea that jumps to 750 miles. Ukraine also has very valuable strategic resources: Black Sea access, Agriculture, O&G, Etc absolutely nuts to give them all this while allowing them to commit genocide on the Ukrainian peoples.

The Risk of Nuclear war already exists. Is the world prepared to let anyone with Nukes steal land and murder people?

Russia is a failed state now. We have to have faith and prepare that a new group of leaders better than putin rises to the occasion. Prepare for future problems now but deal with them as they come about nukes or not.
Of course it would be better if Russia retreated but that isn't going to happen or is very unlikely to happen. Russia is trying to seal itself off from a future attack while it still can, it's in demographic collapse and in 10 years (maybe less) simply won't be capable of doing so. The lack of military age males in Russia is a real problem. So they have gone all in and to retreat means total collapse and soon rather than later. Russians don't look at this the same way we do and they are far more accustomed to a harsh life. I mean it's possible they just "go back to Russia" but extremely unlikely so what we are looking at is the much more likely scenario that they continue to attack Ukraine until the conquer it no matter the cost.

Taking out Putin certainly reshuffles the deck but that seems very unllikely to happen. He has a death grip on power and is still supported by most Russians. Russians like a nationalist and they don't really have an alternative as Putin has made sure of that. He's 70 but in pretty good health. So the only way you are probably taking him out is assassination and that's a really, really dangerous card to play because no one knows who or what will replace him and how they will react if they think NATO is behind taking out Putin.

You need to look a few moves further down the chess board.

Russia has a population in 2022 of 146,000,000 citizens

to think that the Russian Army doesn't have enough potential recruits to seal itself off from future attack is not accurate.
Even far smaller Ukraine has ~11M males between the ages of 15 and 54. Plenty of cannon fodder.
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If Russia wants they can keep sending soldiers until it takes down Ukraine, just like they did during WW2. Remember Stalin said "quantity has a quality a quality of its own". Heck they are even considering sending in minors with basically no training.
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Good luck with the bureaucracy. Might consider reaching out to a Russian attorney. And by reaching out I mean hiring them to bribe Russian officials to provide a status.
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P.U.T.U said:

If Russia wants they can keep sending soldiers until it takes down Ukraine, just like they did during WW2. Remember Stalin said "quantity has a quality a quality of its own". Heck they are even considering sending in minors with basically no training.

There is a few key differences between today and WWII

1) The russian population is not the same (in numbers or demographics) as the soviet population in 1941. The soviet population in 1941 was something like 30 to 50% higher than the current russian population. Furthermore, the average age of citizens was far lower than it is in russia today. Many many millions more military aged men were available to fight in WWII than would be able to now.

2) The soviets were fighting a defensive war in the 1940s (at least initially). This allowed them to take advantage of shorter supply lines that were not at risk of being sabotaged or attacked deep in enemy territory. That is not an advantage that they have today, in fact, in this sense, their position is much closer to the Germans in 1941, where despite superior equipment they are struggling due to supply issues.
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Another excellent discussion of the failure of Russian logistics.
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P.U.T.U said:

Here is the link to the interview with the retired Marine Recon that was and will be on the ground helping train the Ukes. They are estimating more Uke citizens are dead than soldiers. Russia has a history of cremating their dead soldiers so they can cover up how many are actually killed.

Vigilance Elite interview with Mark Turner
A lot of them are being cremated in their vehicles by the Ukrainians.
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Makes sense since the head of Wagner is this guy. Notice the tattoos.

Send a Nazi to kill someone else who is supposed to be a Nazi.
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aggiehawg said:

Makes sense since the head of Wagner is this guy. Notice the tattoos.

Send a Nazi to kill someone else who is supposed to be a Nazi.
Not going to lie, a great propaganda piece would be his head on a pike in central Kiev.
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EastSideAg2002 said:

aggiehawg said:

Makes sense since the head of Wagner is this guy. Notice the tattoos.

Send a Nazi to kill someone else who is supposed to be a Nazi.
Not going to lie, a great propaganda piece would be his head on a pike in central Kiev.
nah, needs to be a full shoulder mount to show off those tattoos
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