***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

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FireAg said:

This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
Perhaps but I don't think so. I think this continues as a long, drawn out fight where Russia eventually wins but at tremendous cost to Russia and with Ukraine basically being destroyed. That's sadly in the best interests of NATO at this point because the real danger is when Russia decides to move to the next step and go after one of the Baltics or Poland that are NATO countries. That's when the nuclear risk really kicks in, Russia would be crushed from a conventional perspective so it's either accept defeat or go nuclear. So as much as it is horrible the best thing for us is for this to stay in Ukraine. Russia is not going to quit, they are fully committed.

As for Putin, certainly taking him out may solve this but it also means Russia goes into chaos. There is no one in Russia who can replace him, Putin has destroyed all his opposition internally and there are just very few people even capable of being in charge of such a complex country there. So you are looking at a possible Civil War or failed state or both. In a country with thousands of nukes and a lot of really bad people. Maybe that turns out ok but that could actually end up even more dangerous.

It's really frightening we don't have any adults in charge of our foreign policy right now.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Stlkofta said:

From March 18th, Congressman Gallagher's questioning of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) Sasha Baker...

Is integrated deterrence a success if the invaded nation is ravaged?

Put simply, the White House believes its sanctions-based approach has worked.

Gallagher noted a key way the Russians could get around it...


Rep. Gallagher: So that's a yes, to punish their behavior. And by punishing Russian behavior, we are creating dilemmas, as you put it, or at least costs for the Russians, cost impositions.
Sasha Baker: Yes, Congressman.
Rep. Gallagher: So under the same logic, if another actor, say China, provided the Russian government with funding to help them evade sanctions, that would create an advantage for Russia, in the sense that it would mitigate some of the costs we impose via sanctions, right?
Sasha Baker: Congressman, yes, and we're having a conversation with China about our concerns in that regard.

Later on, Congressman Gallagher drives another point home...


Rep. Gallagher: Okay. Are you rethinking any of the assumptions underlying the NDS as a result of Ukraine? Or do you see it as a validation of integrated deterrence?
Sasha Baker: Congressman, we believe that the strategy, in fact, took into consideration some of the behavior that we've now seen Russia exhibit, and that it's resilient to what we're seeing from the Russians at this time.
Rep. Gallagher: So do you believe integrated deterrence succeeded in the case of Russia, Ukraine?
Sasha Baker: I think what you're seeing right now is integrated deterrence in action, bringing together the sanctions, the allies and partners.
Rep. Gallagher: What you're effectively saying is your entire theory of deterrence requires a country get invaded and pillaged in order to galvanize the West into action, and I just don't want to put our eggs in that basket. I'm out of time.
We knew Russia's intentions with regard to Ukraine months ago. We chose sanctions as a deterrence against those actions instead of providing Ukraine what it needed in terms of weapons and training. The concept of integrated deterrence clearly failed to stop Russia in this case. All the sanctions in the world aren't going to stop the Russians when they can (and have) called on the Chinese and Iranians to give them a lifeline. These sanctions aren't going to do a thing for Ukraine when the shooting stops and they look around their nation and see the "benefits" of such integrated deterrence measures.

Ok, now balance that with mutually assured destruction in a worldwide nuclear war.

I'm not saying we couldn't have done more, but the end of civilization is something to tread lightly around, especially when dealing with a dying psychopath.

Finally, we certainly suspected Russia was up to something. This madness is close to the extreme end of a whole lot of other likely possibilities.
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Shooz in Mizzou said:

aggie93 said:

Absolutely fantastic podcast interview with Peter Zeihan on what is really going on with Ukraine and the chips that are falling, short and longterm.

Jordan Harbinger Podcast with Zeihan

Some of the discussion points:

Why this is Russia's last war and why they need to go now
Why Russia will eventually win but at a tremendous cost
Why NATO wants to keep Russia bottled up in Ukraine so they don't move on to the next target which is clearly the plan
Why Putin is not going to be deposed
The consequences of Russia not having success has different consequences, most of which people aren't considering yet
Russia as a potential failed State and how there is no succession plan for Putin and a frightening lack of leadership when he is gone.
How all of this ties in with China, Xi, and Taiwan and not in the way most people think.

This was an absolutely amazing listen! Thanks for sharing. I learned more in that episode than an entire month of consuming "news". Which again proves what mindless dribble TV news is. Fox News included. (The other ones are mindless AND maliciously evil. Double whammy).
Zeihan is a really, really smart guy that has an understanding of Geopolitics that is as good as anyone I have ever heard. I don't agree with everything he says or with his solutions but his perspective is so valuable because it allows you to look at things from a broader perspective instead of getting distracted by 99% of the stories from the media that are designed around conflicting narratives and usually focused on the wrong thing.

It is so important to understand what the real motivations are here and where this is going and so little focus is being spent on that. Probably the biggest positive out of all of this is this makes the likelihood of China trying to invade Taiwan far less likely because it is clear now that it would China would fail miserably if they did and would destroy their own country in the process.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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AgsMyDude said:

Does anyone have a good website for daily updates? I've been unable to follow this thread for about a week and it'll take forever to catch up on all the awesome posts in here.
The War Zone
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PJYoung said:

Does anyone know Ukrainian military casualties? Don't recall seeing estimates for those.

I understand why the Ukrainian government might be hesitant to post them and why people would be skeptical about anything Russia claimed.
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aggie93 said:

FireAg said:

This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
Perhaps but I don't think so. I think this continues as a long, drawn out fight where Russia eventually wins but at tremendous cost to Russia and with Ukraine basically being destroyed. That's sadly in the best interests of NATO at this point because the real danger is when Russia decides to move to the next step and go after one of the Baltics or Poland that are NATO countries. That's when the nuclear risk really kicks in, Russia would be crushed from a conventional perspective so it's either accept defeat or go nuclear. So as much as it is horrible the best thing for us is for this to stay in Ukraine. Russia is not going to quit, they are fully committed.

As for Putin, certainly taking him out may solve this but it also means Russia goes into chaos. There is no one in Russia who can replace him, Putin has destroyed all his opposition internally and there are just very few people even capable of being in charge of such a complex country there. So you are looking at a possible Civil War or failed state or both. In a country with thousands of nukes and a lot of really bad people. Maybe that turns out ok but that could actually end up even more dangerous.

It's really frightening we don't have any adults in charge of our foreign policy right now.
The best interest of NATO is to keep russia in russia. If you give them Ukraine you just put a significant amount of their intermediate and some of their short range weapons in NATO range. Its 500 miles from western border to Dnieper river, if you kick them out completely including Crimea that jumps to 750 miles. Ukraine also has very valuable strategic resources: Black Sea access, Agriculture, O&G, Etc absolutely nuts to give them all this while allowing them to commit genocide on the Ukrainian peoples.

The Risk of Nuclear war already exists. Is the world prepared to let anyone with Nukes steal land and murder people?

Russia is a failed state now. We have to have faith and prepare that a new group of leaders better than putin rises to the occasion. Prepare for future problems now but deal with them as they come about nukes or not.
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rgag12 said:

PJYoung said:

Does anyone know Ukrainian military casualties? Don't recall seeing estimates for those.

I understand why the Ukrainian government might be hesitant to post them and why people would be skeptical about anything Russia claimed.
Best guess is around 35k KIA/WIA/MIA/Captured. It's VERY hard to get good numbers on this. Civilian total casualties are probably 100k plus at this point, mostly wounded. But hard to tell as Kharkiv and Mariupol are black holes information wise (Sumy too to an extent). But 25% of the country is displaced. Crazy.
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Just in case I missed it: Turkey still is not allowing new warships through the straits, meaning Russia has a cap on its Naval force, correct?
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aggie93 said:

FireAg said:

This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
Perhaps but I don't think so. I think this continues as a long, drawn out fight where Russia eventually wins but at tremendous cost to Russia and with Ukraine basically being destroyed. That's sadly in the best interests of NATO at this point because the real danger is when Russia decides to move to the next step and go after one of the Baltics or Poland that are NATO countries. That's when the nuclear risk really kicks in, Russia would be crushed from a conventional perspective so it's either accept defeat or go nuclear. So as much as it is horrible the best thing for us is for this to stay in Ukraine. Russia is not going to quit, they are fully committed.

As for Putin, certainly taking him out may solve this but it also means Russia goes into chaos. There is no one in Russia who can replace him, Putin has destroyed all his opposition internally and there are just very few people even capable of being in charge of such a complex country there. So you are looking at a possible Civil War or failed state or both. In a country with thousands of nukes and a lot of really bad people. Maybe that turns out ok but that could actually end up even more dangerous.

It's really frightening we don't have any adults in charge of our foreign policy right now.
The best interest of NATO is to keep russia in russia. If you give them Ukraine you just put a significant amount of their intermediate and some of their short range weapons in NATO range. Its 500 miles from western border to Dnieper river, if you kick them out completely including Crimea that jumps to 750 miles. Ukraine also has very valuable strategic resources: Black Sea access, Agriculture, O&G, Etc absolutely nuts to give them all this while allowing them to commit genocide on the Ukrainian peoples.

The Risk of Nuclear war already exists. Is the world prepared to let anyone with Nukes steal land and murder people?

Russia is a failed state now. We have to have faith and prepare that a new group of leaders better than putin rises to the occasion. Prepare for future problems now but deal with them as they come about nukes or not.
Of course it would be better if Russia retreated but that isn't going to happen or is very unlikely to happen. Russia is trying to seal itself off from a future attack while it still can, it's in demographic collapse and in 10 years (maybe less) simply won't be capable of doing so. The lack of military age males in Russia is a real problem. So they have gone all in and to retreat means total collapse and soon rather than later. Russians don't look at this the same way we do and they are far more accustomed to a harsh life. I mean it's possible they just "go back to Russia" but extremely unlikely so what we are looking at is the much more likely scenario that they continue to attack Ukraine until the conquer it no matter the cost.

Taking out Putin certainly reshuffles the deck but that seems very unllikely to happen. He has a death grip on power and is still supported by most Russians. Russians like a nationalist and they don't really have an alternative as Putin has made sure of that. He's 70 but in pretty good health. So the only way you are probably taking him out is assassination and that's a really, really dangerous card to play because no one knows who or what will replace him and how they will react if they think NATO is behind taking out Putin.

You need to look a few moves further down the chess board.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
G Martin 87
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Zeihan's interview with Jordan Harbinger is outstanding for background. Strongly recommend that everyone listen, especially if you're in the "Putin is crazy" camp.
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Listening now. Very much agree. Putin knows Russian history, knows the current demography of Russia, and knows what is necessary to secure Russia.

Also Zeihan sounds like John Hamm.
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aggie93 said:

Shooz in Mizzou said:

aggie93 said:

Absolutely fantastic podcast interview with Peter Zeihan on what is really going on with Ukraine and the chips that are falling, short and longterm.

Jordan Harbinger Podcast with Zeihan

Some of the discussion points:

Why this is Russia's last war and why they need to go now
Why Russia will eventually win but at a tremendous cost
Why NATO wants to keep Russia bottled up in Ukraine so they don't move on to the next target which is clearly the plan
Why Putin is not going to be deposed
The consequences of Russia not having success has different consequences, most of which people aren't considering yet
Russia as a potential failed State and how there is no succession plan for Putin and a frightening lack of leadership when he is gone.
How all of this ties in with China, Xi, and Taiwan and not in the way most people think.

This was an absolutely amazing listen! Thanks for sharing. I learned more in that episode than an entire month of consuming "news". Which again proves what mindless dribble TV news is. Fox News included. (The other ones are mindless AND maliciously evil. Double whammy).
Zeihan is a really, really smart guy that has an understanding of Geopolitics that is as good as anyone I have ever heard. I don't agree with everything he says or with his solutions but his perspective is so valuable because it allows you to look at things from a broader perspective instead of getting distracted by 99% of the stories from the media that are designed around conflicting narratives and usually focused on the wrong thing.

It is so important to understand what the real motivations are here and where this is going and so little focus is being spent on that. Probably the biggest positive out of all of this is this makes the likelihood of China trying to invade Taiwan far less likely because it is clear now that it would China would fail miserably if they did and would destroy their own country in the process.

Wow. Great listen. Thx for posting.
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Just in case I missed it: Turkey still is not allowing new warships through the straits, meaning Russia has a cap on its Naval force, correct?
It's complicated and governed by the Montreux Convention. Basically, if a Russian ship has a home port in the Black Sea, it can pass freely to return to that port. In the case that Russia is at war, I don't think it can leave the Black Sea. Likewise, no new vessels can enter so long as Russia is at war. Once peace is declared, then Russia can rebase a vessel to the Black Sea. I think. I'm sketchy on this. I do know that the US, while not a signatory to the Montreux Convention, generally wants to avoid placing ships in the Black Sea so as not to upset this balance of power that has existed for almost 90 years.
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Bravo Zulu for that link. Excellent interview. I have posted on here how Russia was a dying nation but did not realize it was so bad.

When the link comes out I will post the one about Vigilance Elite where he interviews retired Marine recon Mark Turner who was on the ground in Ukraine at the start. Almost 3 hours long. Mark Turner will be on the Mike Drop podcast as well, Shawn Ryan and Mike Ritland are retired SEALs and and give excellent interviews
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aggie93 said:

FireAg said:

This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
Perhaps but I don't think so. I think this continues as a long, drawn out fight where Russia eventually wins but at tremendous cost to Russia and with Ukraine basically being destroyed. That's sadly in the best interests of NATO at this point because the real danger is when Russia decides to move to the next step and go after one of the Baltics or Poland that are NATO countries. That's when the nuclear risk really kicks in, Russia would be crushed from a conventional perspective so it's either accept defeat or go nuclear. So as much as it is horrible the best thing for us is for this to stay in Ukraine. Russia is not going to quit, they are fully committed.

As for Putin, certainly taking him out may solve this but it also means Russia goes into chaos. There is no one in Russia who can replace him, Putin has destroyed all his opposition internally and there are just very few people even capable of being in charge of such a complex country there. So you are looking at a possible Civil War or failed state or both. In a country with thousands of nukes and a lot of really bad people. Maybe that turns out ok but that could actually end up even more dangerous.

It's really frightening we don't have any adults in charge of our foreign policy right now.
Well...... maybe Zelinski can take over?
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Keegan99 said:

Listening now. Very much agree. Putin knows Russian history, knows the current demography of Russia, and knows what is necessary to secure Russia.

Also Zeihan sounds like John Hamm.

If you have 45 minutes to listen to background on Putin I thought this was really good:

Mr. Business
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Even the lower end of NATO's suggested range of Russian casualties is eye-opening for less than a month of fighting.

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74OA said:

Even the lower end of NATO's suggested range of Russian casualties is eye-opening for less than a month of fighting.

Go look at their visually confirmed equipment losses (those that are open source) this seems a very reasonable number. If the Ukes can cut off and force the surrender or loss of the two groups near Kyiv that they are threatening. Woof. Russia will be very, very short of trigger pullers in their invasion force.
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aezmvp said:

74OA said:

Even the lower end of NATO's suggested range of Russian casualties is eye-opening for less than a month of fighting.

Go look at their visually confirmed equipment losses (those that are open source) this seems a very reasonable number. If the Ukes can cut off and force the surrender or loss of the two groups near Kyiv that they are threatening. Woof. Russia will be very, very short of trigger pullers in their invasion force.
As I said, even the lower end of the suggested range of casualties is impressive. I imagine the ground truth lies somewhere in-between.
one MEEN Ag
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Listening to the podcast now. He talks about the brain drain in Russia that's been going on for decades.

I work with incredibly talented, phd holding russians in the oil and gas industry that are here on visas. They usually have the same visa issues everyone else does and they wind up hoping around the globe over their careers.

The joke is that russian engineers will go anywhere in the world for work except back to russia.

Zeihan has some great commentary on global brain drain and how America will be the winner in the long run. And while that becomes a competition problem for citizens, its better than having the opposite problem where you're in a country that has lost their young populations to other countries.
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one MEEN Ag said:

Listening to the podcast now. He talks about the brain drain in Russia that's been going on for decades.

I work with incredibly talented, phd holding russians in the oil and gas industry that are here on visas. They usually have the same visa issues everyone else does and they wind up hoping around the globe over their careers.

The joke is that russian engineers will go anywhere in the world for work except back to russia.

Zeihan has some great commentary on global brain drain and how America will be the winner in the long run. And while that becomes a competition problem for citizens, its better than having the opposite problem where you're in a country that has lost their young populations to other countries.
The brain drain is real. My wife finished her PhD here and has a lot of friends that came from Russia that are PhDs or MDs.
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MeatDr said:

Not surprising given that Poland told them to GTFO for spying.
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Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
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Here is the link to the interview with the retired Marine Recon that was and will be on the ground helping train the Ukes. They are estimating more Uke citizens are dead than soldiers. Russia has a history of cremating their dead soldiers so they can cover up how many are actually killed.

Vigilance Elite interview with Mark Turner
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wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
Losing Putin wouldn't collapse Russia into 6 nuclear states. They have an infrastructure and could elect a new govt and even get international support to do so.
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wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
china is going to have free reign in Eastern Russia even if it is only as pennies to the ruble.
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wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
We don't want to collapse Russia, we want Putin gone. Hopefully the latter happens first.
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Proc92 said:

wtmartinaggie said:

Honest question... is a Russian collapse really in our best interest? I think one of their reps said it best that if we decapitate Russia and cause it to collapse we will have 5-6 nuclear nation states to deal with. Could end up backfiring. It also would very much open the door for China to move on resource rich and sparsley populated areas of eastern siberia. Could be bad for the long-game...
Losing Putin wouldn't collapse Russia into 6 nuclear states. They have an infrastructure and could elect a new govt and even get international support to do so.

Russia is Moscow, St. Petersburg, and then a vast land mass that's borderline third world. There is really not much to support an independent state existing without a center of power in the two first-world cities.
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