***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,622,391 Views | 47856 Replies | Last: 1 hr ago by mallen
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FIDO95 said:

I once heard someone asking an officer, Vietnam vet how it was that the US with all its tanks, guns, and planes couldn't defeat the any enemy fighting with only pitchforks. He responded by stating that the premise of the question is incorrect. Then real question is, "How can you with all your tanks, guns, and planes beat an enemy WILLING to fight you with only pitchforks. The Russians are learning that lesson in Ukraine... Farmers Fight!!

They didn't even bring the pitchforks. But that singing is enough to drive anyone off. And I think trigger finger is out of ammo.
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That brings back visions of Red Dawn singing the anthem at the "correction camp"…. Chills
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US Ohio Class Nuclear Subs …. France may be getting there subs ready, but these bad boys could and would wipe out any nation that wants to start a nuclear war… let's hope these are never used. This video says one sub could take out Russia and China all at once … that's just 1 sub out of the 14 we have …

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fka ftc said:

OwnWorstEnemy said:

fka ftc said:

Dorm 15 said:

fka ftc said:

Heck, these guys are fighting folks who 35 years ago where their fellow countrymen.
Isn't the other side doing the same thing?
Yes, and it has been noted that its a huge hit to Russian troop morale.

Except for a singular important point that you're missing. One side is fighting for their freedom, continued independence, and very existence. That tends to impart willpower and resolve to a people.
No, not missing a thing. Its core the point I am making. Freedom, independence and existence are much more of a fluid thing for Eastern Europe.

I am suspect their "love of country" is as strong as it is being made out to be. Thats not in defense of Russia, just an observation of history for that area.

Edited: The Confederacy was fighting for the bolded items and yet did not fight until the last bullet. At some point, their cause was lost and it was time to make painful amends.
Now do the colonials.
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From March 18th, Congressman Gallagher's questioning of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) Sasha Baker...

Is integrated deterrence a success if the invaded nation is ravaged?

Put simply, the White House believes its sanctions-based approach has worked.

Gallagher noted a key way the Russians could get around it...


Rep. Gallagher: So that's a yes, to punish their behavior. And by punishing Russian behavior, we are creating dilemmas, as you put it, or at least costs for the Russians, cost impositions.
Sasha Baker: Yes, Congressman.
Rep. Gallagher: So under the same logic, if another actor, say China, provided the Russian government with funding to help them evade sanctions, that would create an advantage for Russia, in the sense that it would mitigate some of the costs we impose via sanctions, right?
Sasha Baker: Congressman, yes, and we're having a conversation with China about our concerns in that regard.

Later on, Congressman Gallagher drives another point home...


Rep. Gallagher: Okay. Are you rethinking any of the assumptions underlying the NDS as a result of Ukraine? Or do you see it as a validation of integrated deterrence?
Sasha Baker: Congressman, we believe that the strategy, in fact, took into consideration some of the behavior that we've now seen Russia exhibit, and that it's resilient to what we're seeing from the Russians at this time.
Rep. Gallagher: So do you believe integrated deterrence succeeded in the case of Russia, Ukraine?
Sasha Baker: I think what you're seeing right now is integrated deterrence in action, bringing together the sanctions, the allies and partners.
Rep. Gallagher: What you're effectively saying is your entire theory of deterrence requires a country get invaded and pillaged in order to galvanize the West into action, and I just don't want to put our eggs in that basket. I'm out of time.
We knew Russia's intentions with regard to Ukraine months ago. We chose sanctions as a deterrence against those actions instead of providing Ukraine what it needed in terms of weapons and training. The concept of integrated deterrence clearly failed to stop Russia in this case. All the sanctions in the world aren't going to stop the Russians when they can (and have) called on the Chinese and Iranians to give them a lifeline. These sanctions aren't going to do a thing for Ukraine when the shooting stops and they look around their nation and see the "benefits" of such integrated deterrence measures.

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fka ftc said:

Though the insurgency may have cool weapons, the disease and starvation will drive anyone wanting to continue life to leave the country.

With other "insurgencies" they were accustomed to no power, running water, killing goats for food, living in tents and caves. They also had a religious basis to their defense of their territory and a much longer history of being their own "nation".

No matter how much you want to believe in the Ghost of Kyiv and Snake Island, the will to stick this out and battle to the last bullet may not be as strong as being propagated by the media and interwebs..

Heck, these guys are fighting folks who 35 years ago where their fellow countrymen.

People have long memories about things like the holodomor. Generational memories.
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fka ftc said:

OwnWorstEnemy said:

fka ftc said:

Dorm 15 said:

fka ftc said:

Heck, these guys are fighting folks who 35 years ago where their fellow countrymen.
Isn't the other side doing the same thing?
Yes, and it has been noted that its a huge hit to Russian troop morale.

Except for a singular important point that you're missing. One side is fighting for their freedom, continued independence, and very existence. That tends to impart willpower and resolve to a people.
No, not missing a thing. Its core the point I am making. Freedom, independence and existence are much more of a fluid thing for Eastern Europe.

I am suspect their "love of country" is as strong as it is being made out to be. Thats not in defense of Russia, just an observation of history for that area.

Edited: The Confederacy was fighting for the bolded items and yet did not fight until the last bullet. At some point, their cause was lost and it was time to make painful amends.

So, you've been hiding under a rock for a month? If they didn't love their homeland, they wouldn't be fighting so hard. Hundreds of thousands emigrated just to fight.
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18 total Ohio's. The first four were converted to carry and launch 154 tomahawks. The other 14 carry 24 trident missiles that have a 7,000 mile range. Each missile has up to 12 warheads that are independently targeted. Each warhead is 475 kilotons which is about 30 times the power of the bomb used on Hiroshima. So one sub has about 9,000 times the destructive power of Hiroshima by my rough math.
RebelE Infantry
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FIDO95 said:

I once heard someone asking an officer, Vietnam vet how it was that the US with all its tanks, guns, and planes couldn't defeat the any enemy fighting with only pitchforks. He responded by stating that the premise of the question is incorrect. Then real question is, "How can you with all your tanks, guns, and planes beat an enemy WILLING to fight you with only pitchforks. The Russians are learning that lesson in Ukraine... Farmers Fight!!

Lol. Lmao.
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Today's update

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The more interesting point is that you follow progressive Dustin Miller. You should let the dude from Romania who originally posted it know that he goofed. See if you can chase this one down for me.

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Not only that, wastes significant fuel.
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What's worked is the Ukrainians killing untold numbers of Russians and denying them strategic objectives.
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Worth the watch time.

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Unconfirmed WHAT exactly is on fire but something large appears to have been lit up. Reports are a ship but no pics to confirm which ship or what class. Many more photos and additional video in thread.

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First tweet says he thinks it's an alligator class on fire, to me it looks like a Ropucha class. The last tweet with video looks like an Alligator class
Mr. Business
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Ukes take down the Orsk, it would appear.

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Russia to change strategies and just focus on the 'eastern third'? (Donbas/Crimea regions)?

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nortex97 said:

Russia to change strategies and just focus on the 'eastern third'? (Donbas/Crimea regions)?

Didn't they already have this territory before the invasion?
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Crimea proper yes but some of those areas down/near Crimea (including the river that supplied it until it was dammed up) they didn't. I don't know the exact terms, sorry.
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This war seems to be shaping up as follows...

The only way for the Russians to turn the tide at this point appears to be a move away from conventional warfare toward a WMD campaign...

But a WMD campaign, at this point, I think would engage the eastern bloc NATO countries to move troops into Ukraine...which then puts other NATO countries on the verge of WWIII as they move to reinforce and protect the borders of eastern bloc NATO countries in the spirit and in honor of Article 5...

The best outcome for the entire world is one that would have saved the world from WWII given a similar predicament...cut the head off of the leadership of the offending force...

The world needs Putin to be dispatched...
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nortex97 said:

Crimea proper yes but some of those areas down/near Crimea (including the river that supplied it until it was dammed up) they didn't. I don't know the exact terms, sorry.

They took Crimea in 2014. The provinces that Russia said were majority Russian and want help against the Ukraine govt are Donbas and Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine.
G Martin 87
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Spinnaker96 said:

This seems like a considerably important development
Color me skeptical. Anonymous has a history of bluster and claims that don't amount to anything. And why wait 48 hours? Release the documents now. Waiting only helps Russia.
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nortex97 said:

Crimea proper yes but some of those areas down/near Crimea (including the river that supplied it until it was dammed up) they didn't. I don't know the exact terms, sorry.
Was asking because concentrating on territory you've already held for the last 7 years seems like an attempt to put a positive spin on a military retreat.
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agent-maroon said:

nortex97 said:

Crimea proper yes but some of those areas down/near Crimea (including the river that supplied it until it was dammed up) they didn't. I don't know the exact terms, sorry.
Was asking because concentrating on territory you've already held for the last 7 years seems like an attempt to put a positive spin on a military retreat.
Per another poster above it might be adding Donetsk and Donbas to the Crimea holding, but really from a strategic perspective the Dnieper river that supported Crimea, and the ports and oil fields down on the sea are perhaps what are most valuable.

But again, I don't know that the Daily Mail piece (which I posted today) is true, and certainly haven't read anything saying he was pulling forces back from Kiev for instance (which shouldn't really matter but he may be resolved to reduce it to a burning hulk of ruins like Mariupol before pulling back).

This is an updated map below but the article here explains a bit here as to why Mariupol etc. matter so much to Moscow;

A protracted stalemate position might indicate...plans to emplace field artillery and start going to town, imho. If they can handle the attempts to encircle/harass them, that is.

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Does anyone have a good website for daily updates? I've been unable to follow this thread for about a week and it'll take forever to catch up on all the awesome posts in here.
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agent-maroon said:

nortex97 said:

Crimea proper yes but some of those areas down/near Crimea (including the river that supplied it until it was dammed up) they didn't. I don't know the exact terms, sorry.
Was asking because concentrating on territory you've already held for the last 7 years seems like an attempt to put a positive spin on a military retreat.
True, and those lower SE portions used to want to be apart of Russian. Not sure that's the case now with the amount of destruction and killing the Russians have done down there.
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You would think they'd be better, their airborne forces have been absolutely decimated.
These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.-Thomas Paine
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G Martin 87 said:

Spinnaker96 said:

This seems like a considerably important development
Color me skeptical. Anonymous has a history of bluster and claims that don't amount to anything. And why wait 48 hours? Release the documents now. Waiting only helps Russia.

Probably trying to decide what to "release" based on what Russia is willing to pay. This is Eastern Europe here.
Shooz in Katy
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aggie93 said:

Absolutely fantastic podcast interview with Peter Zeihan on what is really going on with Ukraine and the chips that are falling, short and longterm.

Jordan Harbinger Podcast with Zeihan

Some of the discussion points:

Why this is Russia's last war and why they need to go now
Why Russia will eventually win but at a tremendous cost
Why NATO wants to keep Russia bottled up in Ukraine so they don't move on to the next target which is clearly the plan
Why Putin is not going to be deposed
The consequences of Russia not having success has different consequences, most of which people aren't considering yet
Russia as a potential failed State and how there is no succession plan for Putin and a frightening lack of leadership when he is gone.
How all of this ties in with China, Xi, and Taiwan and not in the way most people think.

This was an absolutely amazing listen! Thanks for sharing. I learned more in that episode than an entire month of consuming "news". Which again proves what mindless dribble TV news is. Fox News included. (The other ones are mindless AND maliciously evil. Double whammy).
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