***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,553,950 Views | 47734 Replies | Last: 4 hrs ago by 74OA
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ttu_85 said:

Eliminatus said:

ttu_85 said:

Eliminatus said:

Captain Positivity said:

Alright. This past 12 hours has finally made me call my shot.

Ukraine is going to survive this IMO. They have taken the best shot that Russia was willing to give and from here on out, I don't see Russia being any more capable from this point forward than they have been without massive reinforcement. Which I am also not so sure we will see either.

A lot of fighting is still ahead but I think we will still see a Ukraine in the future. (Non nuclear consideration)

This war will be examined from every angle possible and the exact reasons will eventually get out but the net result is that Russia was not capable enough to accomplish their goals and looking back with hindsight, they might not have ever been from that first minute they opened fire.

This was a failed strategy that led to failed tactics that reinforced that failed strategy in my eyes. I know this is armchair general'ing but I believe now. I always wanted to but Ukraine bought the time we need and I am convinced the above is just more and more cracks that are becoming obvious in this Russian invasion.
I hope you are right but you are calling your shot 3:00 into the first quarter. This thing is just getting started.

Could you imagine it Jan 1, 1942 and we are on our heels in the Pacific taking one hit after another. Now imagine they had our communication tech- almost real time imagery of war. What would be posted on such threads. I can see it now: 'America and Britain are done.', 'Our navy has been destroyed', 'Japan is going to cake walk to the West Coast', Blah blah.

Not meaning to call you out. Please don't take it personally after all this is the first time in history we get almost real-time unedited unfiltered imagery from a major war zone. Its like watching a football or basketball game. To bad war doesns't work like that.
No, you are right for sure.

That is why I stressed my qualifiers as no major reinforcements soon and no Crazy Putin moves that are hard to quantify. With the stuff they have in theater right now and in the very near future, I just don't see them making the Ukes capitulate. Their peak power with their original invasion force has long passed now and the Ukes are still here and gaining hard earned experience and floods of willing defenders that will soon, maybe even right now, be armed more and more with modern weapons designed to kill the biggest threats they are facing now.

They had an estimated sub 200K force from the first minute that has since been spread out and been in constant fighting and maneuvering for over three days. I imagine reinforcements are trickling in but their efforts seem disjointed, piecemeal, and even stupid at times. They have been repulsed in their attempts at Kiev already. The city has stood and the citizens are even more galvanized. They have proven to still be able to attack air threats successfully.

The biggest thing I see so far is that Russia has not seemed to be able to coordinate and communicate effectively on the ground. At least not to our standards. I have seen videos of lone or double vehicles getting shot to ***** All alone. A lot of times now. It's bizarre. Russia has not prosecuted this in the way that anyone expected they should have been able to.

I could be wrong. I may very well be. I am just a dude sitting in a chair in Texas looking from the outside in. But I hope I am right to. This is just my very unexpert guess after absorbing all of this. We shall of course see in the end.

I actually appreciate you keeping me honest. I certainly strive to be.
You have long been a good poster that have have enjoyed reading through the years. To be honest, I irritate the hell out of my friends and family and especially my wife with my cold pragmatic take on things. In this case its knowing the Russians always start poorly.

The mistakes they made in 1941 are unbelievably bad. Stupidity on a mass scale- see Stalin's purges and political appointments to the officer class. Mistakes that would have doomed most nations. The only thing that saved them was the massive size of their nation and that fact Stalin had millions of bodies to throw into the path of Germany's blitzkreig. One thing about Russians they can bleed and come back for more. Its something ingrained in their makeup. Weird I know.

Russia could either throw in the towel early like they did in 1905 vs Japan or they will come back for more and more. Which Russia shows up. In 1905 the country was hit with the first shock wave of Revolution. The Tsar was already in trouble. Here, Russia is ruled by the grip of a tyrant that has proven to be shrewd and ruthless in much the same mold as Stalin. But unlike Stalin, a Georgian, BTW, Mother Russia's very existence is not on the line.

This last fact gives me hope. That the Russian people will not be so eager to bleed for Putin's cause of expanding the old Russian Empire. We will see. Especially given the fact Russia with an old declining population doesn't have that much blood to spill. Whichever the case its a Russian thing to start off poorly.

I don't believe that Russia can come back for more and more. The means to recover from the mistakes of 1941 were a large population, millions of square miles of space in which to maneuver, and strong allies contributing materiel. Russia doesn't have any of these resources in Ukraine. They aren't fighting to expel an invader but rather they are the invader.

I believe that August 1914 is a better template fo understanding the current situation than 1941. The catastrophic events of 1914 cast a die that deprived either side of strategic objectives but led to four years of death and stalemate. The resemblance of Russia's deeply flawed plan for the invasion of Ukraine is failing for the same reasons that Germany's Schlieffen Plan failed.

WW I lasted for four more years after August 1914. So why won't that be the case in Ukraine? A critical and perhaps decisive difference between Russia today and Germany in 1914 or the USSR in 1941 is that their economies run on fiat currency and the plug has been pulled. That means that Russia can only use up the resources that they already have and their population begins to starve very shortly. There has perhaps never been a case in history where an invading army will steal and horde the currency of the nation of they are seeking to destroy. The exchange rate of the Ukrainian Hryvnia to the Russian Rupee on Monday will be very interesting. The most effective lever against Putin will be the speed with which the nation's of the world can empty the bank accounts and pantries of Russians. Putin doesn't care about them personally but hunger and economic run in Russia affect him.

Russia has only one advantage in this war which is a ruthless leader with a nuclear deterrent to prevent the rest of the world from jumping in eagerly to fight on the side of Ukraine. By way of analogy, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a hostage taking (the extreme beating of an estranged spouse) in public on the world stage. Putin is bludgeoning Ukraine while threatening to kill the victim and anyone who intervenes.

The wild card is how crazy Putin really is. He has been careful never to display any measure of compassion, mercy, or sentimentality. He believes that those are behaviors unbecoming of a Russian which suggests that he just might be willing to burn it all down.

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Here's the link someone asked for.. hope this works

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Jayhawk said:

Wall Street Journal headline:

"Germany to Raise Defense Spending Above 2% of GDP in Response to Ukraine War

Decision breaks with decades of lower investment in defense than peers and a growing energy partnership with Russia"

The Russians done eff'd up now..

If only someone would have suggested they do this sooner.
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Strangely, it may take China to solve this.
They are Putin's only lifeline right now, if they lush him it might force him to agree to some face saving measure.
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Interesting thread here

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I see no reason for Ukraine to bargain away potential EU or NATO membership. I still think Putin's original plan was to make Ukraine a Russian puppet state and annex predominately Russian areas in the East and the northern land bridge to Crimea into the official Russian boundary. It looks like the idea of a Russian-friendly puppet regime has come and gone.

The Russians have been historically bad with logistics except for when they were getting Lend/Lease aid in WWII and fighting for survival. It looks like corruption and incompetence has eaten away the Russian military's ability to project power.

I did not expect their military to exhaust supply so quickly. I am now wondering if the Russian units in Ukraine will break down to point that Ukraine could actually start significant counter-attacks to retake territory if we keep pumping anti-air and anti-tank weapons to them in vast numbers.

Where is the Russian infantry that should be moving forward and supporting their armored columns to clear out the Ukrainian infantry that is using all of the shoulder-mounted weapons? Where is the Russian air force?
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oragator said:

Strangely, it may take China to solve this.
They are Putin's only lifeline right now, if they lush him it might force him to agree to some face saving measure.
They can't or won't. It would damage their ability for cover later and they need the energy and resources.
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This was helpful to understand Russia's motivations. Obviously they want NATO off the table, but probably some form of petro-state demands (drop tarrifs on pass through transmission/guarantees on no development of reserves). They might also want to carve off the remaining ports in the south with Crimea (and the Donbas region).
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What incentive is there for Russia to deescalate (other than getting their ass kicked)?

How likely will stopping this war lead to the world giving them back their financial permissions? Why would the un, eu and so forth give anything back unless putin steps down?

Quitting will lead to Russia being punished further than they already area. putin himself might have to give up power for Russia to be saved.

Putin has lost his mind. Either his political partners must remove him or this escalates.
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Agthatbuilds said:

What incentive is there for Russia to deescalate (other than getting their ass kicked)?

How likely will stopping this war lead to the world giving them back their financial permissions? Why would the un, eu and so forth give anything back unless putin steps down?

Quitting will lead to Russia being punished further than they already area. putin himself might have to give up power for Russia to be saved.

Putin has lost his mind. Either his political partners must remove him or this escalates.

The question would be, who takes over if Putin is removed or killed? Is that actually worse where an unknown is taking the controls of nukes in a country in shambles? It's be akin to NK or Iran having nukes now, or a lot of them at least.
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74OA said:

The Russian army is reverting to type. LOOTING
Seems this is distracting them from their mission. Is this an example of a lack of discipline?
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CNN reporting talks won't take place until Monday…
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And nuclear threats mean those can be normalized against China in future years too, as can the crippling sanctions as they continue to escalate. And if China supports Russia through this as Putin goes scorched earth, it's not out of the question that sanctions could come for them next.
So saying that at some point, even assuming their motives are as we expect, the destabilization Russia is causing will (hopefully) be too much for even China.
Irish 2.0
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If Putin retreats all military out of Ukraine and Belarus far away ruin the border, they'll undo some of the financial sanctions.
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FireAg said:

CNN reporting talks won't take place until Monday…
This makes sense if the negotiating team left the Kremlin 2 hours ago.
Red Pear Realty
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Sponsor Message: We Split Commissions. Full Service Agents in Austin, Bryan-College Station, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. Red Pear Realty
Irish 2.0
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Alexei Navalny would be the ideal replacement in this situation IMO…
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richardag said:

74OA said:

The Russian army is reverting to type. LOOTING
Seems this is distracting them from their mission. Is this an example of a lack of discipline?
Of course, that and their logistics being in a shambles.
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Tooze is a very serious economic historian. Good read from him on the impact of financial sanctions and possible Russian domestic issues starting tomorrow.

"So there is considerable financial fragility in Russian society that may be triggered next week.
Meanwhile, this is the latest prediction for the Russian rouble tomorrow.
153 as compared to 83 at the end of last week. A huge shock to the Russian home front."

Red Pear Realty
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Sponsor Message: We Split Commissions. Full Service Agents in Austin, Bryan-College Station, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. Red Pear Realty
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There pics showing long lines at ATMs in Moscow with people withdrawing money.
Red Pear Realty
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Sponsor Message: We Split Commissions. Full Service Agents in Austin, Bryan-College Station, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. Red Pear Realty
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About time to start buying Ruble's.?
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Man, I was going to post a TikTok video a buddy sent me of a fairly large group of folks taking on two troop carriers (I think) with Molotov cocktails but the video was pulled due to "community standards."

It was impressive.
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Red Pear Realty said:

At this point if your a Russian soldier driving around the Ukraine with one to say 6 pieces of equipment you Either don't care and want to surrender or your pretty stupid and are fixing to get shot …

This war is not like the wars the US has fought in Iraq… people take cover and hide.. here the locals are driving around the equipment and yelling at them
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Am I crazy thinking that Putin might use to dirty bomb/ small nuke on themself and blame Ukraine? Try to get a "I told you so" to the rest of the world, give others cover to back him, and win back his people?
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nm, already covered
Irish 2.0
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MaroonStain said:

There pics showing long lines at ATMs in Moscow with people withdrawing money.

Rumors of ATM limits being set at like 1000RUB…~$12USD today... $7USD tomorrow.
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According to https://www.defconlevel.com/ we are still at Defcon 3, no change since Putin's statement.
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Red Pear Realty said:

LOL at the guy on rollerblades
Irish 2.0
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flakrat said:

About time to start buying Ruble's.?

Not yet. I think the RUB could see a 250:1 USD before all the dust settles. It's currently ~85:1
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Add them back to swift?

Why would the world not demand putin step down before removing the sanctions?
Irish 2.0
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flakrat said:

According to https://www.defconlevel.com/ we are still at Defcon 3, no change since Putin's statement.

Biden won't do that. It'll spook our market pretty bad if he did.

Well…just changed. Tomorrow will be fun for the US markets if they did indeed raise. Not sure of the source
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flakrat said:

According to https://www.defconlevel.com/ we are still at Defcon 3, no change since Putin's statement.

Lol, you missed it by a minute. Level 2 on the current status page and last updated today.
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