***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,554,820 Views | 47734 Replies | Last: 13 hrs ago by 74OA
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No Spin Ag said:

FireAg said:

***Bold statement warning***

Russia has lost this war…

Even if they take Kyiv, they've still lost…

They've shown they are a weak adversary (at least in terms of conventional warfare)…

They've alienated themselves from just about every country on the planet…

They are going to suffer massive financial hardships…

They've lost relatively substantial numbers of troops and equipment…

They've been stonewalled and embarrassed by as seeming inferior force, and all of the world got to see it first hand…

Putin has been made a fool of by a dude who used to be a comedic TV actor…

Putin's own people are disgusted and willing to risk arrest (or worse) letting him know they ain't happy with him…

This was a monumental Charlie Foxtrot which will have lasting repercussions for years to come, leaving Russia essentially marginalized…

You're right. From the way things keep unfolding its obvious Putin's macho bravado isn't that much of a threat if a country like Ukraine can be this difficult. The stink of this is going to last for years after he's gone.

Putin is getting to the point where it's total war or go home.

Fireags right- the War is lost overall. But, to lose militarily will end Russia as we know it
Irish 2.0
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Bag said:

crazy thought, what would a couple dozen drone strikes ocer the Kremlin do in terms of the russians mental might, cant just ait here and play defense all day

It would lead to nukes getting deployed
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No Spin Ag said:

oneeyedag said:

Would be foolish to think that someone US, Poland, or Canada doesn't have a SOF group on the ground. Probably CIA SAD and or CIA contractors.

What's SOF?

Fictional organization only seen in movies.
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aeroag14 said:

Per the AP and Macron, Minsk has green lit Moscow go station Nukes in Belarus.

Probably not a big tactical update as Russian nukes could strike all of Ukraine from Russia. But definitely a huge escalation in terms of saber rattling.

I can't stress this enough…the world will not tolerate the use of nuclear ordinance by Russia in Ukraine…

Not now…that would be tantamount to a terrorist attack at this point…

Russia attacked a sovereign nation, unprovoked, and if he uses nukes, the world will respond…

It is a very dangerous chess game, but nukes of any sort will not be tolerated…you can take that to the bank…
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aeroag14 said:

Per the AP and Macron, Minsk has green lit Moscow to station Nukes in Belarus.

Probably not a big tactical update as Russian nukes could strike all of Ukraine from Russia. But definitely a huge escalation in terms of saber rattling.

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jabberwalkie09 said:

RangerRick9211 said:


Macron talking nukes with Belarus.


In a phone conversation Saturday, Macron denounced "the gravity of a decision that would authorize Russia to deploy nuclear arms on Belarus soil," a statement by the presidential palace said.

Macron told Alexander Lukashenko that fraternity between the people of Belarus and Ukraine should lead Belarus to "refuse to be a vassal and an accomplice to Russia in the war against Ukraine," the statement said.

He's essentially asking Lukashenko to cut off his lifeline and hang himself. But it would royally piss off Putin, so there's that.

AP edited out the green light comment.
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A little ways down on this link:

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Part of me wishes Russia provokes the rest of the world into disposing of them for good - that way China has no formidable ally. On the bright side that probably buys 50+ years of relative peace assuming the US doesn't fracture politically.
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flashplayer said:

Part of me wishes Russia provokes the rest of the world into disposing of them for good - that way China has no formidable ally. On the bright side that probably buys 50+ years of relative peace assuming the US doesn't fracture politically.

Not so sure I would call Russia "formidable" right now…
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The absolute hate in this woman towards Russia. These people are incredible.

Hope the link works
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After this debacle put on by Russia, china might be having second thoughts about keeping Russia as an ally. They're the kid that always talked the talk, and came off as big and bad and not someone to mess with. But when push comes to shove and the little guy pops him in the mouth everyone points and laughs at the "big guy" now and his friends bail.
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Fair enough but I want China to understand that loud and clear.
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Paper tiger, apparently. And apparently terrible at strategy
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FireAg said:

aeroag14 said:

Per the AP and Macron, Minsk has green lit Moscow go station Nukes in Belarus.

Probably not a big tactical update as Russian nukes could strike all of Ukraine from Russia. But definitely a huge escalation in terms of saber rattling.

I can't stress this enough…the world will not tolerate the use of nuclear ordinance by Russia in Ukraine…

Not now…that would be tantamount to a terrorist attack at this point…

Russia attacked a sovereign nation, unprovoked, and if he uses nukes, the world will respond…

It is a very dangerous chess game, but nukes of any sort will not be tolerated…you can take that to the bank…
Goodness we are a stupid species with the memory of an ant. The Cold War ends and shazam 30 years later nukes or even the threat to irresponsibly deploy them is a viable military option in the minds of some, such as Putin.

I live in a high target area. Call me paranoid but given how insane Russia is acting I just may take a vacation to Colorado Springs.

Just Kidding
How about Austin,
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Kyiv seems to be in blackout mode preparing for a bombing. I'm aware of the tank column, but are there other artillery and/or aircraft movements that we know of that make tonight different from previous ones?
Ag In Ok
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I came to a similar conclusion today as well - my concern: did he plan for tactical nukes to be used, somewhere? I fear the only way he sees he can save face and show might involves the unthinkable. Granted, i see no way Russia could survive in its current form at all, but he may roll the dice.

His conventional strength is being set afire by the Ukes. China May prefer Russia fails, they would certainly stake some mythical claim from the Urals to Kamchatka.
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Irish 2.0 said:

Bag said:

crazy thought, what would a couple dozen drone strikes ocer the Kremlin do in terms of the russians mental might, cant just ait here and play defense all day

It would lead to nukes getting deployed

so the ruskies have the world by the balls then, let us do what we want or we go full nuclear winter?

Dangerous chess match indeed

Good thing Brandon has it all under control
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FireAg said:

***Bold statement warning***

Russia has lost this war…

Even if they take Kyiv, they've still lost…

They've shown they are a weak adversary (at least in terms of conventional warfare)…

They've alienated themselves from just about every country on the planet…

They are going to suffer massive financial hardships…

They've lost relatively substantial numbers of troops and equipment…

They've been stonewalled and embarrassed by a seemingly inferior force, and all of the world got to see it first hand…

Putin has been made a fool of by a dude who used to be a comedic TV actor…

Putin's own people are disgusted and willing to risk arrest (or worse) letting him know they ain't happy with him…

This was a monumental Charlie Foxtrot which will have lasting repercussions for years to come, leaving Russia essentially marginalized…

I believe this too. Hope he doesn't go nuclear though on his way out. Ukrainian people will never agree to live under his control and the military won't flip either. He would have to occupy that country and face almost constant uprisings from the citizens. He might end up killing Zelensky, but this war is over. He's not taking Ukraine.
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I'm not at all willing to say this is over. Putin will double down. He can't afford not to. He needs to go big, very big or lose face for a generation. That's not his style. This is going to get far uglier.
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ttu_85 said:

FireAg said:

aeroag14 said:

Per the AP and Macron, Minsk has green lit Moscow go station Nukes in Belarus.

Probably not a big tactical update as Russian nukes could strike all of Ukraine from Russia. But definitely a huge escalation in terms of saber rattling.

I can't stress this enough…the world will not tolerate the use of nuclear ordinance by Russia in Ukraine…

Not now…that would be tantamount to a terrorist attack at this point…

Russia attacked a sovereign nation, unprovoked, and if he uses nukes, the world will respond…

It is a very dangerous chess game, but nukes of any sort will not be tolerated…you can take that to the bank…
Goodness we are a stupid species with the memory of an ant. The Cold War ends and shazam 30 years later nukes or even the threat to irresponsibly deploy them is a viable military option in the minds of some, such as Putin.

I live in a high target area. Call me paranoid but given how insane Russia is acting I just may take a vacation to Colorado Springs.

Just Kidding
How about Austin,

Considering Colorado Springs is close to NORAD, you may want to choose another option
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Agthatbuilds said:

No Spin Ag said:

FireAg said:

***Bold statement warning***

Russia has lost this war…

Even if they take Kyiv, they've still lost…

They've shown they are a weak adversary (at least in terms of conventional warfare)…

They've alienated themselves from just about every country on the planet…

They are going to suffer massive financial hardships…

They've lost relatively substantial numbers of troops and equipment…

They've been stonewalled and embarrassed by as seeming inferior force, and all of the world got to see it first hand…

Putin has been made a fool of by a dude who used to be a comedic TV actor…

Putin's own people are disgusted and willing to risk arrest (or worse) letting him know they ain't happy with him…

This was a monumental Charlie Foxtrot which will have lasting repercussions for years to come, leaving Russia essentially marginalized…

You're right. From the way things keep unfolding its obvious Putin's macho bravado isn't that much of a threat if a country like Ukraine can be this difficult. The stink of this is going to last for years after he's gone.

Putin is getting to the point where it's total war or go home.

Fireags right- the War is lost overall. But, to lose militarily will end Russia as we know it

This should terrify everyone. Putin is proud and arrogant with dreams of Russian domination.

When that comes crashing down... Will be bite his pill and end it or will he start lobbing nukes? Hope if the latter he's taken down and this orders are ignored.
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Waffledynamics said:

Kyiv seems to be in blackout mode preparing for a bombing. I'm aware of the tank column, but are there other artillery and/or aircraft movements that we know of that make tonight different from previous ones?
There was reported movement of 2S19 Mista Self Propelled Howitzers and BM-21 Grads around Slavyuch. I think those are headed to Chernihiv however.
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Something going down on top right quadrant
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Ag In Ok said:

I came to a similar conclusion today as well - my concern: did he plan for tactical nukes to be used, somewhere? I fear the only way he sees he can save face and show might involves the unthinkable. Granted, i see no way Russia could survive in its current form at all, but he may roll the dice.

His conventional strength is being set afire by the Ukes. China May prefer Russia fails, they would certainly stake some mythical claim from the Urals to Kamchatka.

If the thought even crosses his disturbed, tyrannical mind, someone on the inside in Moscow needs to take him out before he goes down a path in which the world will not be able to ignore…

The unthinkable will become reality if he does something stupid like that…

Yes, the US is the only nation to deploy nukes, and as awful as they are, we did so against a foe who attacked us first, and then refused to surrender…as awful as they were, those nukes actually saved lives, and again, they were used against an enemy who attacked us first…

I can't see how the world stands for the deployment of nukes against a sovereign nation who did not provoke or attack the enemy which has attacked it…
Not a Bot
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Thought it was tracer rounds, but it looks like it's bugs flying in front of the camera.
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Multistream with a guy that seems pretty in-the-know.

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Talon2DSO said:

I'm not at all willing to say this is over. Putin will double down. He can't afford not to. He needs to go big, very big or lose face for a generation. That's not his style. This is going to get far uglier.

At this point, he loses face NO MATTER WHAT…

Even if he conquers Ukraine, he loses at this point…
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wildmen09 said:

ttu_85 said:

FireAg said:

aeroag14 said:

Per the AP and Macron, Minsk has green lit Moscow go station Nukes in Belarus.

Probably not a big tactical update as Russian nukes could strike all of Ukraine from Russia. But definitely a huge escalation in terms of saber rattling.

I can't stress this enough…the world will not tolerate the use of nuclear ordinance by Russia in Ukraine…

Not now…that would be tantamount to a terrorist attack at this point…

Russia attacked a sovereign nation, unprovoked, and if he uses nukes, the world will respond…

It is a very dangerous chess game, but nukes of any sort will not be tolerated…you can take that to the bank…
Goodness we are a stupid species with the memory of an ant. The Cold War ends and shazam 30 years later nukes or even the threat to irresponsibly deploy them is a viable military option in the minds of some, such as Putin.

I live in a high target area. Call me paranoid but given how insane Russia is acting I just may take a vacation to Colorado Springs.

Just Kidding
How about Austin,

Considering Colorado Springs is close to NORAD, you may want to choose another option
Please reread the last 4 lines. Forgive my failed attempt to be humorously sarcastic.
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Agthatbuilds said:

Something going down on top right quadrant

Top right is Gordok Lviv to the best of my knowledge
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Ag In Ok said:

I came to a similar conclusion today as well - my concern: did he plan for tactical nukes to be used, somewhere? I fear the only way he sees he can save face and show might involves the unthinkable. Granted, i see no way Russia could survive in its current form at all, but he may roll the dice.

His conventional strength is being set afire by the Ukes. China May prefer Russia fails, they would certainly stake some mythical claim from the Urals to Kamchatka.
China wants Russia to win... Just not in the current time elapsed, ideally it would drag until ~August since a Taiwain straight amphibious op is restricted to June-August. The Chinese consider Mongolia, Tanu Tuva, and the areas north of the Amur that the Russians ceded in the Treaty of Nerchinsk to be the "proper" boundary between it and Russia.
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Talon2DSO said:

I'm not at all willing to say this is over. Putin will double down. He can't afford not to. He needs to go big, very big or lose face for a generation. That's not his style. This is going to get far uglier.

Absolutely. His pride is on the line now. If he doesn't accomplish his goal this could get ugly, like nuclear ugly.
No Spin Ag
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Fitch said:

The absolute hate in this woman towards Russia. These people are incredible.

Hope the link works

It works, and yes, those people are incredible.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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There was gun fire, a boom and a bright flash at the very top middle
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