P.U.T.U said:
Since the Ukraine army is modeled after the US military you would probably see similar numbers as far as ground troops versus support. If they have 350,000 in uniform that means they have around 35,000 trigger pullers, probably a little higher since they don't have as much support troops as what we have. They will be pulling a lot of people that were not trained for things like infantry heading to the front lines.
There have been some videos of women who were in support roles controlling some of the more advanced weapon systems. At this point I think if you are willing to fight they will allow you if you are from Ukraine.
I believe that the post-Feb 24 combat experience within the Ukrainian military overshadows almost all of the pre-combat training they had (which served them well!). They may be modeled after the US military but no fighting force in world basks in the luxuriant ratio of "tail to tooth" logistics support enjoyed by the US. They Ukrainian army is also much more infantry centric that the US which tends to be more reliant on heavy platforms.
The Ukrainians today are much like 1st Marine Division at about December 1942 after they had been fighting for five months on Guadalcanal. Training in the US before deployment helped them survive first contact with the Japanese army but the fighting on the island was significantly different from both peacetime training and the Banana wars. Guadalcanal also provided a lesson that the Ukrainians have come to appreciate which is that there are no rear areas i.e. there is risk of attack anywhere
My uncle told me that as a 2LT in the 101st Abn commissioned in 1959 his platoon sergeant was always a bit critical of the training standards because the best training for combat is combat: "Sir, the Korean War was good training. We didn't simulate nothing!"