***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

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I still think there are pockets of resistance in Mariupol. Maybe it was just for the wounded that were exchanged?

Pic below is claimed to be yesterday from the depths of the steel plant. Info is still muddled from what I can tell. Anyone have any definitive word? Haven't found any myself yet.

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Can someone give an overall synopsis of what is happening? Trying to follow as best I can but I'm summary I have as follows:

Ukraine making strong pushes and encirclement's to the Russian border in the NE while Russia is actively pushing and taking ground in the south toward Odessa. Is this fair to say?
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The Russians arent advancing on Odessa atm.
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RONA Ag said:

Can someone give an overall synopsis of what is happening? Trying to follow as best I can but I'm summary I have as follows:

Ukraine making strong pushes and encirclement's to the Russian border in the NE while Russia is actively pushing and taking ground in the south toward Odessa. Is this fair to say?

Here is how our VP explained it.

"So, Ukraine is a country in Europe, "It exists next to another country called Russia,"Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that's wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.
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RONA Ag said:

Can someone give an overall synopsis of what is happening? Trying to follow as best I can but I'm summary I have as follows:

Ukraine making strong pushes and encirclement's to the Russian border in the NE while Russia is actively pushing and taking ground in the south toward Odessa. Is this fair to say?

Ukraine is trying to clear the Russians all the way back to border north of Kharkiv and cut off key supply lines in the area and north of nearby Izium. Russia is trying to mass enough forces in Izium to complete a large encirclement. They are simultaneously pursuing a smaller encirclement of Severodonetsk. In the south, Russia has pretty much settled into playing defense. And in the East, they are also trying to mass forces to renew a push outward. Finally, there are still a few defenders at Azovstal in Mariupol, it's the Ukrainian Alamo and it sounds like their days are numbered.

The most fireworks are going to come from the mutual attempts at encirclement in the northeast. I don't expect major movement anywhere else until that plays out.

Thematically, Russia is on the back foot. Their already-poor logistics and leadership were crippled in the first months of the war, making it very difficult for them to coordinate effective offensives.

Ukraine wins this by repeated encirclements (spearheaded by newly-arrived and highly capable American artillery) severing key supply lines. Russia wins by main assault. It's hard to imagine either one achieving a full battlefield victory.

Ukrainian resolve appears to remain strong while Russia's signaling has weakened a bit in recent weeks.

Key Western European nations have begun publicly pressuring Ukraine to accept a negotiated settlement including loss of territory, likely in an attempt to prevent damage to the EU economies. Finally, these events have led Finland and Sweden to change from neutrality to alliance with NATO with a chance of full membership.
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Eliminatus said:

I still think there are pockets of resistance in Mariupol. Maybe it was just for the wounded that were exchanged?

Pic below is claimed to be yesterday from the depths of the steel plant. Info is still muddled from what I can tell. Anyone have any definitive word? Haven't found any myself yet.

Wow, this is such a powerful image. I had to just sit and stare at it for a few seconds, thinking about the incredible bravery demonstrated by these fighters.
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I don't think the Azov soldiers will set foot in Ukraine again.

This is going to be a long war, Zelenski himself said they may not have the ability to take Mariupol until August. By that time I don't know how the towns in the east and the coast will still be standing.
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Rossticus said:

"So...we're having trouble getting volunteers to go back to Russia. Does it count if we just release them and they go west?"
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RONA Ag said:

Can someone give an overall synopsis of what is happening? Trying to follow as best I can but I'm summary I have as follows:

Ukraine making strong pushes and encirclement's to the Russian border in the NE while Russia is actively pushing and taking ground in the south toward Odessa. Is this fair to say?
Scroll through the maps and read the red/blue explanatory text imbedded in each of them. Jomini
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Rossticus said:

****ing russian *******s....makes me sick and now you have countries france germany etc wanting to dance with the devil. Its one thing to be corrupt with tax payer money, its a whole other level of evil to trade cheap energy for innocent lives and livelihoods.

My prayer is that UKR pushes russia even further east from 2014 boundaries.
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And sadly I was right. Claim them as war criminals so they don't have to be exchanged. Russia doing what Russia does
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Someone thought Russia would allow those prisoners to be exchanged? Lol. Who trusts Russia on anything?
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Thoughts on the Ukraine/Russian conflict.
First let's talk about the culminating point. That is where an attacker can't go further. Think of it as a boxer with his arm fully extended in his swing. We appear to be close to that for the Russians. They may be able to conduct limited attacks but large attacks are unlikely.
Secondly, the Ministry of Defence (not a typo) of Great Britain believes the Russian losses are about 1/3 of the original force. If so, they are probably overextended and that is playing out in the northeastern part of Ukraine where they have been pushed back almost to their border.
Thirdly, this war of (some maneuver) is transitioning to an artillery and air support duel as both sides regroup. The Russians will need to reconstitute their forces, adding mostly untrained or poorly trained replacements to their forces. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians continue to add more equipment from a large number of countries that will equal or exceed the tactical and technical capabilities of the Russians. As I have mentioned earlier, the Russians love artillery but the Ukrainians are receiving and using more modern western equipment that will out range and prove more effective.
Fourthly, the morale of the Ukrainians is quite high given their successes while the Russian morale appears very low. That is evident in the numbers of those that have surrendered (sometimes with their vehicles) or just quit and go home. Twelve Russian Generals have been killed in an attempt to energize their attack by going forward to restart the initiative. By comparison, the US lost one General in 20 years of the Afghan and Iraq conflicts, and that was from friendly fire.
As Churchill said, this isn't the beginning of the end but it appears to be the end of the beginning. Much more fighting still to happen. But the tide appears to have shifted.
In war, so many variables are in play with unexpected and unanticipated results. It has been speculated that Putin suffers from cancer, if so, how does that effect what Russia does next. Sanctions are starting to bite into the Russian economy that will effect their ability to regenerate equipment, especially high tech systems due to the lack of semiconductors and raw materials.
I now believe that the Ukrainians will be victorious but it will be bloody on both sides. It remains essential that the west continue to support Ukraine with more equipment, training and intelligence.
Slava Ukraine!
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MouthBQ98 said:

Someone thought Russia would allow those prisoners to be exchanged? Lol. Who trusts Russia on anything?
I'm guess they didn't surrender (or try negotiating surrender) until they had no other option. So essentially they had nothing to lose. In this case, hopefully there is a roster of those who surrendered and the world has knowledge of the situation.

Doesn't change the fact that no one should ever trust Russia.
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A military analyst on one of Russian state television's most popular networks left his fellow panelists in stunned silence on Monday when he said that the conflict in Ukraine was deteriorating for Russia, giving the kind of honest assessment that is virtually banished from the official airwaves.

"The situation for us will clearly get worse," Mikhail M. Khodaryonok, a retired colonel and a conservative columnist on military affairs, said during the "60 Minutes" talk-show program on the Rossiya network.

It was a rare moment of frank analysis in a country where criticizing the war effort can result in a prison sentence and broadcasters have generally adhered to the Kremlin's talking points.
. . .
The problems that Mr. Khodaryonok referred to, sometimes obliquely, included low morale, the array of Western countries aligned against Russia and the amount of fighters and matriel that Ukraine was assembling.

"We are in total geopolitical isolation and the whole world is against us, even if we don't want to admit it," said Mr. Khodaryonok, noting that Russia's "resources, military-political and military-technical, are limited."

He urged Russians not to take "informational sedatives." The clip was first highlighted by Francis Scarr of BBC Monitoring, which tracks Russian broadcasts. Mr. Khodaryonok did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.

Aside from questioning Russia's position, it was a remarkable moment because Mr. Khodaryonok noted that Ukraine seemed to have momentum. Russians mistakenly tended to try to extrapolate the problems of a few soldiers in the Ukrainian Army to denigrate its whole military, he said. In reality, they were ready to field a million men if given sufficient weapons, were highly motivated and would be receiving an increasing quantity of military support from the United States and Europe, he added.

News talk shows in Russia are generally a shouting match, with the half dozen panelists each vying to drown out the others. On this episode, however, the other panelists stood in stunned silence.
. . .
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benchmark said:

That thing identifies a target based on the shape and size of the object it is hunting? So it's like a missile with "facial recognition" software? So it's just flying around and sees what it wants to hit and basically says, "I got you now b**ch".

That's amazingly complex engineering..
Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
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In addition to the semi-autonomous ability to decide its own targets, the Brimstone has the capacity to determine where on a target to best impact causing the most damage.
Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
lb sand
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Any idea of the range on those Brimstones?

I saw this on the Wiki:
  • Brimstone I
    20+ km (12+ mi) from fixed wing, 12 km (7.5 mi) from rotor wing
  • Brimstone II
    60+ km (37+ mi) from fixed wing, 40+ km (25+ mi) from rotor wing
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Drum Magazine Drone

In terms of the quadcopter-mounted drum magazine, it's possible that we may have already seen a prototype version in use by Ukrainian forces. A video clip, seen below, reportedly taken using a camera on a weaponized commercial drone, is said to show an attack on a Russian T-72B3 tank involving four mortar rounds dropped in relatively quick succession. The general size and shape of the mortar rounds seen in the footage, as well as the total number of rounds employed and that they are released horizontally, could line up with the capabilities of the drum we've seen so far.

A magazine made specifically for mortar shells that can be mounted on off-the-shelf multi-rotor drones could provide Ukraine with a significant upgrade in how its forces take on Russian ground forces and armor. Whether or not the T-72B3 attack video actually shows this system in use, it does showcase the value of having multiple rounds available when engaging a single target especially a heavily armored one allowing for rapid follow-up attacks. Alternatively, it also creates the opportunity for several targets to be engaged in one single drone flight.
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...and the RuSSians are dropping grenades in a solo cup!
Ag In Ok
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Gilligan said:

...and the RuSSians are dropping grenades in a solo cup!

Says so much about innovation - the Ukes 3D print, upgrade mortars, and modernize their drones for military uses. The Russians, who landed on the moon and have hyeprsonics, use high end Dixie cups to drop handheld grenades.
Who is the world power with a technical advantage...
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FriscoKid said:

benchmark said:

That thing identifies a target based on the shape and size of the object it is hunting? So it's like a missile with "facial recognition" software? So it's just flying around and sees what it wants to hit and basically says, "I got you now b**ch".

That's amazingly complex engineering..
The NLAW targeting system is based on optical recognition as well. Point it towards a tank, it optically recognizes the tank, and steers the missile to be just over the tank before pouring a super-sonic stream of molten copper into the guts of the tank.

The UK military has decided to focus on optical recognition for targeting so that it is not reliant on GPS. Not a bad strategic move, IMO.
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Downside in wars like this is both sides us a lot of the same equipment. I am sure there are some safeguards to prevent against friendly fire.

I have been working with LiDAR lately, some pretty amazing technology but not cheap at all.
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Ag In Ok said:

Gilligan said:

...and the RuSSians are dropping grenades in a solo cup!

Says so much about innovation - the Ukes 3D print, upgrade mortars, and modernize their drones for military uses. The Russians, who landed on the moon and have hyeprsonics, use high end Dixie cups to drop handheld grenades.
Who is the world power with a technical advantage...
I agree UKR far more creative in their technological uses of munitions and drones but in case there are some who don't understand the reasoning by the cup/glass here's why. It allows the user to pull the safety pin while the cup or the glass holds the spoon in place which prevents the fuze from ignition. Once the cup/glass with grenade impacts the ground and the two separate, the restraint on the spoon (the cup/glass) no longer works and the grenade goes off immediately or up to several seconds depending on the grenade version and how it was set up.

I will be more impressed when they figure out how to air burst the fragmentation munitions over troops increasing their lethality ten fold.
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Russia starting to Shermanize Ukraine.

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Rossticus said:

Hope the Russian subs don't start shooting torpedoes at our ships.
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That would be a poor decision on their part.
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