The idiocy of Republican voters for Biden

5,611 Views | 69 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Ulysses90
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"Whomever sits in the Oval Office doesn't have that much effect on your day to day lives."

That's the mantra of the Republican voters for Biden, circa November 15, 2020. I wonder if they still think that? Probably not, as the selfish, prideful man doesn't admit mistakes. They probably take their altruism to new heights by doubling down with, "The fact that he does proves we need stronger leadership across the board and a return to constitutional order."

Well no shlt Sherlock. You fight the battles in front of you, not the ones in your mind. Hello GeorgiAg. Hello O1Jock. Hello others. I trust none of you will complain about the costs of goods and services? I know you love this next quote and you probably have your answer teed up, "You voted for this." LOLOLOL.

The fact is, you did vote for this. All of this was entirely foreseeable. But it ain't over. Have you seen the small business confidence index? Have you seen consumer confidence numbers? 2022 is shaping up to be the fiscal disaster that no one saw coming.

Stagflation. Brought to you by Republicans against Trump. Many post here.
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lol, their stupidity would have been never known if it were not for cheating mail in fraud. Time to be shamed 81MM*
When The Going Gets Weird, the Weird Turn Pro -HST
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Problem is they don't see the idiot mistakes they make until it starts affecting them personal. And many of them will never own up to it (props though to GeorgiAg who has finally admitted he had TDS, but none the less he still voted for this).
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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It's maddening and we may never really know how many of these spineless people voted for Biden. I have friends who voted Biden and then R down the ticket. We've stopped discussing politics because I think they are all completely embarrassed as to what they have done.

My usual text threads with friends that like to discuss politics has been 100% radio silent since about week 2 of this presidency. They know they f'ed up.
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YouBet said:

It's maddening and we may never really know how many of these spineless people voted for Biden. I have friends who voted Biden and then R down the ticket. We've stopped discussing politics because I think they are all completely embarrassed as to what they have done.

My usual text threads with friends that like to discuss politics has been 100% radio silent since about week 2 of this presidency. They know they f'ed up.

Voting based on ignorance is worse than not voting at all. Everything that has been done was in the Democrat platform. None of these probably well educated people bothered to do any research, but rather just voted how the media told them to vote.

The Founders of our nation understood that pure Democracy is foolish, except for very local decisions in small communities.

Most people are too lazy to be burdened with important decisions such as voting.

The solution is personal responsibility. Treat the election as if you are hiring someone for a job. That actually is what the election is. You are hiring someone to represent you in the government. That person will be responsible for spending money taken from you through taxes. Isn't it foolish to hire someone for such an important task based upon the way he/she looks or how a media propagandist in NYC or Washington DC tells you or from feelings after seeing 30 second TV commercials?
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The worst part of the Biden administration is the endless "statutory mining" where pencil neck dweebs go digging through statutes and regulations looking for ways to end-run Congress and the constitution to impose their miserly desires on people. OSHA vaccine mandate is example number one.

Republicans for Biden voted for grampa poopy pants and his merry band of pencil neck dweebs that are intent on waging lawfare against us.
Funky Winkerbean
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The Cult of Personality strikes again.
Maroon Dawn
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One of the Concerned Moderates used to have that as his main schtick "The presidents actions don't effect me and I'm doing great!"

Homeboy disappeared quickly after inflation started going through the roof like so many of the other ConMods
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Actually, for all my friends who voted this way it was 100% to end the noise. Trump's lack of decorum hurt their sensibilities and they just wanted all of the fighting to stop. Never mind that the Democrats were 99% at fault for all of that fighting with Russiagate, bogus impeachments, and almost an entire media establishment dedicated to destabilizing him and get him removed.

They no longer cared what reality was or who was at fault; it was all about stopping the noise.
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Republican voters for Biden aka women.
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Been trending down ever since we gave them the vote.
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YouBet said:

Actually, for all my friends who voted this way it was 100% to end the noise. Trump's lack of decorum hurt their sensibilities and they just wanted all of the fighting to stop. Never mind that the Democrats were 99% at fault for all of that fighting with Russiagate, bogus impeachments, and almost an entire media establishment dedicated to destabilizing him and get him removed.

They no longer cared what reality was or who was at fault; it was all about stopping the noise.
So much this. Notwithstanding Trump's personality flaws, the noise was deliberately driven by the media with the intent of convincing enough voters the noise was Trump's fault, and it would all go away if they would elect Biden.

Well here we are... the noise is diminished, but only because the media is largely ignoring Biden's massive failures in order to protect "their boy."

For most everyday Americans, the real substance is much worse now under Biden than Trump.
Garrelli 5000
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Voting for POTUS is voting for the machines and people that prop them up. That is how we ended up with a communist COC nominee, a BLM Director that participated in an ecoterrorist plot that had the potential to maim and kill complete strangers, and a Treasury SEC that defends monitoring bank accounts for $600 of annual transaction totals.

You either voted directly for this, or knowingly voted to allow it by casting a ballot that had zero chance of stopping it.
Staff - take out the trash.
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It was a choice, for some, between Biden who would grope your teenage daughter and Trump who would tell your daughter she is ugly. Words hurt you know....
Deputy Travis Junior
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If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.
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Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.
LOL. This is hilarious.
Maroon Dawn
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Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.

Not the voter fraud

Not the Media fraud

No it was mean tweets

rocky the dog
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If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.

Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.

This is two teas level of stupidity
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YouBet said:

Actually, for all my friends who voted this way it was 100% to end the noise. Trump's lack of decorum hurt their sensibilities and they just wanted all of the fighting to stop. Never mind that the Democrats were 99% at fault for all of that fighting with Russiagate, bogus impeachments, and almost an entire media establishment dedicated to destabilizing him and get him removed.

They no longer cared what reality was or who was at fault; it was all about stopping the noise.

The noise was fake noise by the MSM. The press used lies and half truths to create the noise.
Your friends were duped by the propaganda masters because they were too lazy to do investigate what they were voting for and deserve the disaster that they willfully, through negligence, helped create.
Deputy Travis Junior
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I agree that the media lies were beyond unconscionable - especially Russia collusion - and that easy mail-in voting was absolutely exploited. But he had the power to change his messaging and increase his appeal despite those things and he refused to do it. That was weapons grade stupid and a severe indictment of his self control and intelligence. Rightly or wrongly, we know that personal appeal is a huge part of the election process (look at the differences in polling for the radio and TV audiences after the JFK v Nixon debates), and that ignoring it is stupid. He ignored it.

You all can mock mean tweet-driven decision making all you want but that **** matters. You know it matters and Trump knew it mattered. But he decided he'd rather indulge his desire to be a dip**** internet troll than run a serious campaign, so now we're stuck with an idiot.
Layne Staley
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It wouldn't have mattered what Trump did, the MSM would have been against it and mocked him just as much. It was a full propaganda war, if you didn't like Trump defending himself against lies, lies, and, as we now know for certain, even more lies, then we can thank thin-skinned, intentionally ignorant people for today's tyranny. They have no reason to complain because they voted for communism and a tyrannical establishment over someone who was continually mocked for fighting for their freedom from the communists and the establishment.

Elections have consequences. Republicans who voted against Trump chose today's disfunction rather than string borders, a strong economy, and personal freedom. If they didn't bother to read the Biden web site and the Democrat platform, then they should pay for their ignorance. Unfortunately, their children and grandchildren will also have to pay.

Edit to add that had Trump changed his style for the campaign, the media and lazy Republicans would have used that against him, saying something like "which Trump do we have today", "will the real Trump please stand up", "Trump is a phony".

Trump was hated because those that follow ABC News et al and not heard negative reports about him.

Had they liked Trump, they would have made him out to be as pure as Snow White.
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In 2020 I passionately voted AGAINST ****** joe Biden and demorat commie-- so called "progressive" ideology.
I didn't vote "for" Trump per say.

All I can say is Desantis 2024. I look forward to voting FOR him AND against libtards.

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rocky the dog said:

One of these is appropriate to wear when you are by yourself in a truck
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BuddysBud said:

It wouldn't have mattered what Trump did, the MSM would have been against it and mocked him just as much. It was a full propaganda war, if you didn't like Trump defending himself against lies, lies, and, as we now know for certain, even more lies, then we can thank thin-skinned, intentionally ignorant people for today's tyranny. They have no reason to complain because they voted for communism and a tyrannical establishment over someone who was continually mocked for fighting for their freedom from the communists and the establishment.

Elections have consequences. Republicans who voted against Trump chose today's disfunction rather than string borders, a strong economy, and personal freedom. If they didn't bother to read the Biden web site and the Democrat platform, then they should pay for their ignorance. Unfortunately, their children and grandchildren will also have to pay.

Edit to add that had Trump changed his style for the campaign, the media and lazy Republicans would have used that against him, saying something like "which Trump do we have today", "will the real Trump please stand up", "Trump is a phony".

Trump was hated because those that follow ABC News et al and not heard negative reports about him.

Had they liked Trump, they would have made him out to be as pure as Snow White.

What was unforgivable was Trump not crushing Biden in the debates. A 10 year old would have been able to stump Biden at this point. Trump put up some terrible performances against an old man with dementia.
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A President cannot make the economy better. He can only get the government our of the way and hope the economy fixes itself.

A President absolutely can crush the economy.
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Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.


It's incredibly simple. He could have won in a landslide, but he just can't overcome his ego and he alienated too many people.
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OldAg68 said:

Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.


It's incredibly simple. He could have won in a landslide, but he just can't overcome his ego and he alienated too many people.
There is some truth to this BUT. They too reacted emotionally without checking into Biden's past. A history of complete incompetency. I get disliking Trump but even a little digging into the truth of Biden and the demwits would have led anyone with a brain that mean tweets are a lot better deal than the utter disaster this moron is in the processing of bringing about.

Their failure to grasp the situation has led me to disrespect so called republicans that voted for the dumbest man to ever hold the presidency.
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OldAg68 said:

Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.


It's incredibly simple. He could have won in a landslide, but he just can't overcome his ego and he alienated too many people.

Serious question: Did Trumps tweets alienate more people than record inflation, increasing taxes, decade low small business confidence, decade low consumer confidence, and tyrannical mandates?

Or are swing voters just idiots?

You know the answer.
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People who voted for Biden are just not high information voters.
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We are a 2 party country. The other choices are irrelevant n a Presidential election as far as getting elected.

You either voted for or against Trump.


No Spin Ag
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Bonfire1996 said:

OldAg68 said:

Deputy Travis Junior said:

If you want to blame the person most responsible for our current vegetable president, blame Trump. It was a known fact that voter turnout would shatter previous records and that he'd need more of the middle to get a W, yet he continued to behave in a way that he knew would alienate them. His kindergarten-level impulse control is 100% on him.

And to whoever is going to post "he got more votes than any republican in history!" know that this is irrelevant given the massive uptick in voter turnout. 2020 was a unique ballgame and he utterly failed to adapt his strategy, so now we're stuck with a complete idiot in office.


It's incredibly simple. He could have won in a landslide, but he just can't overcome his ego and he alienated too many people.

Serious question: Did Trumps tweets alienate more people than record inflation, increasing taxes, decade low small business confidence, decade low consumer confidence, and tyrannical mandates?

Or are swing voters just idiots?

You know the answer.

I still say, with all honesty, that had Twitter not existed, Trump would have won his reelection easily. Not one of his policies was that much different than any other republican would have had, and like Abbott in Texas, enough democrats easily live with those types of conservative policies, because they don't really change their (liberals) lives.

There's a reason DeSantis, and likely no other serious GOP candidate, uses Twitter the way Trump did, because they know that it's much easier to win when you keep those non die-hard candidates (i.e. concerned moderates) content, and all it takes is acting like a politician.
Sea Speed
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the second the nominee for 24 is decided they will get the exact same twitter and media treatment that trump did, they just wont post the same type of things he did.
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