If you believe that the extent of the vote fraud was limited to simple ballot harvesting in states where it is illegal then I can understand why you discount the role that fraud played in the election.

Ballot harvesting is only one of the tactics employed. Statistically impossible vote ratios of thousands of partially completed mail in ballots with broken chain of custody, many locations across the country should be evidence to sufficiently demonstrate that the industrial scale frand combined with the utter refusal of the judiciary in any state to hear the evidence negates the significance of tweets to the margin of the difference in vote count. Every election is going to be stolen unless GOP fields a dominant number of poll watchers and attorneys.

The left owns the DAs in major population centers and has intimidated the judges into silence. Election integrity, including the exposure of fraud in the 2020 election, is the first and most important step for any race at the US congressional or presidential level. It's every bit that bad.

Joe Biden could not draw flies to his campaign events and yet we are to belibelieve he tuNed out more votes simply from anti-Trump sentiment that turged out for Obama in 2008. Republicans won every battleground race for the House and yet Biden got more votes in districts were thousands of ballots were not completed for down ticket races.

Out of 3000 counties across hthe county, only 19 had voted majority with with winner in the Presidential election in every race since 1980 through 2016. Trump won 19 out of 20 of these bellweather coumties in 2020.

So now, there is only one county in the US that is a bellweather county for Presidential elections going back 40 years. From 20 counties to 1. If enough conservative voters keep telling themselves it was mean tweets rather than fraud and that put Biden in the WHite House then they will pass away resources backing generic likeability rather that stopping fraud. That's what te left hopes will happen