Ulysses90 said:
The fear of NATO expansion had far less to do with Putin's decision to invade Ukraine than did his lack of fear about who occupied the Oval Office. The signal changed from red to green.
NATO is stronger and more united than ever! https://t.co/gKmZ3rqyG7
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) May 18, 2022
No, America should leave. The europeans are perfectly fine defending themselves. They have the money and the nuclear weapons if they want to use them. They don't need America there.AlaskanAg99 said:
The US still has all the leverage. We can restrict access to our markets. Germany is especially vulnerable to this.
They still want to free ride. NATO should be torn up and rewritten.
'projects power' from the whitehouse? NoJbob04 said:
You really think the US still projects power? We are a joke of a country. We are nothing more than a piggy bank giving free handouts.
It's like they speak the same language as American progressives...Rossticus said:8 All Russia wants is "respect". It does not matter if this means treating our buffer states with disrespect. They have fewer rights.
— Darth Putin (@DarthPutinKGB) March 23, 2022
Again. See point 3 for details10.Threatening to defend yourself against Russia is aggressive so we must threaten to attack you in response.
— Darth Putin (@DarthPutinKGB) March 23, 2022
As suspected, Turkey is looking for a political pound of flesh. The F-35 was among six Turkish demands in exchange for them dropping their objections to Finland & Sweden joining NATO.https://t.co/d4sNsmJYjA
— Patrick Fox (@RealCynicalFox) May 18, 2022
Yes, they appear to be serious. Turkey is now formally blocking the accession process from moving forward.https://t.co/EN7xMeUCmz
— Patrick Fox (@RealCynicalFox) May 18, 2022
Phat32 said:
Why does Turkey need to be in NATO? GTFO.
How about we give them six demands to allow them to stay in NATO? If they want to align themselves as a Russian client for defense systems that don't work and that Russia can no longer produce due to sanctions, knock yourselves out. I don't think Turkey is in nearly as strong of a negotiating position as they believe they are.Rossticus said:As suspected, Turkey is looking for a political pound of flesh. The F-35 was among six Turkish demands in exchange for them dropping their objections to Finland & Sweden joining NATO.https://t.co/d4sNsmJYjA
— Patrick Fox (@RealCynicalFox) May 18, 2022Yes, they appear to be serious. Turkey is now formally blocking the accession process from moving forward.https://t.co/EN7xMeUCmz
— Patrick Fox (@RealCynicalFox) May 18, 2022
P.U.T.U said:
That is a no go from the start, we removed Turkey from the F35 program 3 years ago since they started purchasing Russian S400 missile systems. As soon as Turkey gets the F35 they will give it to China or Russia. They know this and know we won't do it which is why they asked.
Rossticus said:P.U.T.U said:
That is a no go from the start, we removed Turkey from the F35 program 3 years ago since they started purchasing Russian S400 missile systems. As soon as Turkey gets the F35 they will give it to China or Russia. They know this and know we won't do it which is why they asked.
Not to mention insisting on being allowed to export US tech to whoever they want without restriction.
This identification builds on excellent work from the NYT visual investigations team, which obtained video evidence captured by a security camera, a drone, and a witness filming in Bucha https://t.co/R9aAtLs9hZ
— Scott Rose (@rprose) May 21, 2022
The territory of modern Donbas was part of a vast ethno-contact zone known as part of the medieval Wild Steppe (or Wild Fields – Dyke Pole). That is, it was territory over which none of the macroregion's state formations had effective control.
— Yevhenii Monastyrskyi (@YMonastyrskyi) May 20, 2022
2/ pic.twitter.com/4EXZhcVE13
It is worth a note that this may be down to the famous Russian Journalist Sasha Kots, who published images less than a day ago of this mortar firing at Ukrainian forces at precisely the same location.https://t.co/62GjDIDl6d
— 🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) May 21, 2022
The smoking gun proving U.S. involvement in the 2014 coup in Kiev has been removed from YouTube after eight years.
It was one of the most watched versions of the intercepted and leaked conversation between then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in which the two discuss who will make up the new government weeks before democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup on Feb. 21, 2014.
The two talk about "midwifing" the unconstitutional change of government and "gluing it together" and of the role then Vice President Joe Biden should play and what meetings to set up with Ukrainian politicians.
The U.S. State Department never denied the authenticity of the video, and even issued an apology to the European Union after Nuland is heard on the tape saying, "**** the E.U." Mainstream media at the time focused almost exclusively on that off-color remark, ignoring the greater significance of U.S. interference in Ukraine's internal affairs.
Stat Monitor Repairman said:
Do we still support all this or not? Thats all I want to know. A couple months in and it seems like more of the same.
There is a flip side to that. The eff-the-EU remark was because of the difficult demands they were putting on Ukraine for loans that pushed Yanukovych towards Russia and Putin.Rossticus said:
The guy was trying to retain power in violation of their constitution, for the purpose of pulling a Lukashenko, and turning Ukraine back into a complete Russian vassal state. He had already demonstrated a willingness to employ violence to ensure that he could successfully accomplish this. It was every bit the will of the Ukrainian people as it was US support that his efforts were halted.
Talk to Ukrainians. You won't find many that aren't adamantly , outspokenly proud of the fact that they prevented Russia's attempts at gaining full political control over Ukraine. The inability of Russian loyalists to succeed is what ultimately led to this point and it's why Ukrainians are so committed to continuing to fight for their freedom by and overwhelming majority.
We did for Ukraine, to a great extent, what the French, Dutch, etc did for the colonies and early USA. All that said, pulling it off the web is bussisht. BFD. Leave it up.