aggiehawg said:
The Debt said:
Zobel said:
Sorry your feint lost
Did it? 60k ukr troops are stuck in kiev.
May I ask why you are so Pro-Russian?
Pro russian? Because I'm not touching myself to Zelensky?
Maybe it's the realization that our media has most of you by the shorthairs and when it says "Ukraine good, russia bad" you accept it blindly.
Most of you have such blatant double standards when it comes to war doctrine, its mind-dizzying. The US can invade any country it wants, as long as it can make a vieled justification. We have no respect of sovereignty or international law, because might makes right.
But now russia invades a country (mind you they did so preemptively from Kiev amassing forces at the border of luhansk and Donetsk) and they are supremely unjustified.
Not a single one of you will condemn Victoria Nulands involvement in 2014, because again we can violate sovereign nations at will, and without it even appearing on the radar of our national conscious. We have become so desensitized to our hands covered in blood, that a coup in ukraine is S.O.P.
We continually lie and push nato east. And the sheep say "well russia is a bad neighbor that makes countries want to join NATO" not realizing that we have been working these countries over for 30 years specifically to isolate Russia further.
We push and push and push and push, then Russia pushes back and its unconscionable.
Not to mention that Ukraine is a laundering operation for american elites....let's just forget that little fact. The Dniper river is a tributary of the DC swamp, and you people are doing your best to protect the Biden family's dark money.