Rossticus said:
You can always know how a person really feels about other humans in general and will treat other humans when nobody is looking by how they treat animals; how they'll treat humans when they don't think they'll be caught or held accountable. It's a very accurate gauge for true human empathy.
It's why so many violent criminals are found to have started out abusing, neglecting, and torturing animals.
You say so many but that is not true.
When it comes to serial killers, a high proportion of them tortured, killed, etc animals as kids.
However there are many violent criminals for whom animals are off limits because animals are creatures without ulterior motives- they don't contain the "guilt" that human beings and society carries for being a member of the human race.
Alot of people who become violent due to an abused background resent humanity on the whole because humanity and society created and environment where their abuse was permitted to continue. Animals are not included in this group.
Alot of people who were abused as kids who become violent later in life actually hate people who abuse animals and other kids. kids and/or animals are considered innocent.
This is why child molesters are often killed in prison if the inmates can get to them.
Sure, there are people without empathy but usually lack of empathy is due to neglect, not abuse. People who were abhsed are usually overly empathic. Which is developed as a defense mechanism so they can monitor the emotions of their abuser and defend rhemseles or retreat when their abuser's emotions take a turn for the worse.
Lack of empathy is usually caused by hyper neglect through the age of 6.