Whether this is good advice or not doesn't really matter. It's simply not going to happen under this administration. It probably wouldn't have happened under Trump either but it was far more likely which is why Putin has waited until now to pull the trigger. We are all going to watch Ukraine get swallowed and Putin further solidify his power base. The calculus is different with Taiwan, the stakes higher.Rossticus said:
We let that genie out of the bottle a long time ago and we can't even hope to get it back in until Putin and China are put to bed. We never should have been in the Middle East. We split Vietnam and Korea but Korea is looking like a very wise decision given the current China sitch.
We can't be the America we want to be in today's world till the vestiges of last century (at least with regard to other superpowers) are swept away because they have a bullseye on us and our allies economically and militarily.
Finish the job and then we can rest easy because there's nobody else to come for us. Taking care of Russia will help sit China the ferk down and change their tone for the foreseeable future and avoid an ever costlier confrontation in the Pacific.
Put Putin down here and he's done Politically. This would expose weakness and poor judgement and kill him at home. It would also result in a crippling blow to his military. He's got everything out in the open. This would essentially eliminate Putin as a future threat and reduce our need for appreciable NATO involvement and contribution in future years. Long term this is the move. Any short term gain would be very brief before we're right back where we are now.
I want this over. All of it. I want to be what we're supposed to be but we can't treat the world like we did Afghanistan, Iraq. If you half ass it, it ALWAYS comes back to bite you in the ass.
If we take the above mentality and the world knows we mean it, there's every likelihood that nary a shot is even fired in a conflict between us and either Russia or China and we maintain stasis.
America is under attack from within. The global cabal that is funding and orchestrating that attack has no interest in America being the shining example of freedom and righteousness in the world. That interferes with the world one-nation objective. Until the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, France purge the globalist influence and control we are going to be feckless rubes on the international stage and bullies and tyrants are going to make hay.