Comanche_Ag said:What about this part? I'm not sure if this still requires opt-in or not.fooz said:jpb1999 said:aggie93 said:Hospitals are absolutely treating non vaxxed folks like crap. Lectures, not listening to them, just put them on oxygen and stuff them in a room. Just saw a friend go through it and he was very lucky to pull through. There are some docs and nurses that are just flat out ugly to anyone unvaxxed at this point and they couldn't care less if you die.GeorgiAg said:
Apparently the docs and nurses are gonna start to kill with you. I have the vax but I think these mandates are getting overblown. This is terrible, if true:Text from a family member who works in the medical field.
— Joe Hart (@CoachJoeHart_) August 24, 2021
Spread the word.
To be clear this is not everyone but if you aren't vaxxed you better have treatments at home and be on regular vitamins with Ivermectin. Stay ahead of it. You don't want to go to the hospital unless you really need to. Sad but that is where it is now.
Can someone tell me if Texas is tracking who took the shot or not? I figured they were somehow, but I think I read here that they were not. So... if you say you have been vaxed and lost your card or don't have it with you, can they check up on your status/records??
The covid vaccine is not part of the immunization registry because it is not a required vaccine. Even it if were, you still have to opt in for them to be able to share that info.
"The Texas Immunization Registry (ImmTrac2) has been designated as the disaster-related reporting and tracking system for immunizations, antivirals, and other medications administered to individuals in preparation for, or in response to, a disaster or public health emergency. From the time the event is declared over, ImmTrac2 will retain disaster-related information received from healthcare providers for a period of 5 years. At the end of the 5 year retention period, client-specific disaster-related information will be removed from the Registry unless consent is granted to retain the client information in ImmTrac2 beyond the 5 year retention period."
I can't speak to all providers but I know for a fact that CVS and my parent's provider are not sharing the information at this point. You would have to authorize them to share it.