Ag$08 has always been on the "right" side of things. The fact that he isn't pushing for forced anything should point that out, too.
He just is pro-vaxx, which is fine. They're not some method to turn everyone into lizard people, though they aren't as effective as once thought and have issues for some most meds.
My choice to stay unvaxxed is just because I don't feel that there is a need to get vaxx'd. It's not that contagious, as I've all but injected it into my veins and still never got it (to my knowledge, since it is weak as **** and most people never know they have it without a test). And my immune system is super strong, so I have zero reason for the shot(s), same as flu and pneumonia.
The incessant desire, on both sides, to paint the other as the enemy is dumb and counter productive. Now....the idiots that want to force vaxx and masks can eat several bags of wangs.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."