This Picture Will Probability be What Causes a War with China

13,437 Views | 189 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by B-1 83
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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DallasAg 94 said:

81M Votes,folks.
By far the most popular presidential candidate this country has ever seen!!!
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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Proper Twelve said:

B-1 83 said:

At this point you're just making an ass of yourself. It's been spelled out to you numerous times the economic and strategic importance keeping China out of Taiwan plays for the US and the rest of the world, and yet you keep babbling your pro Chinese Communist nonsense. It's a sad day when the US won't defend a long time democratic ally against a proven communist enemy.

Not once has it been "spelled out".

I've got 2 answers to my question which are "China is bent on world domination" which is a baseless claim, and "we must protect our ally" which is equally dumb as I explained earlier
No it's not. We get it, you are Chinese and blinded by undying loyalty...or just a weak white man with a Chinese gf.

There is a reason Korea, all other Asian countries, and virtually the entire world despises your country. You really are the bad guys, and it is laughable to assert otherwise. There are a million cases, but one recent one is shutting down domestic travel in the initial stages of the Covid outbreak, while allowing citizens to freely travel abroad and spread it to the rest of the world. Your government has never given a sh** about the lives or well being of its own citizens, let alone the citizens of the world.
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You keep asking for answer as to why Taiwan is worth defending. People here have answered the geopolitical strategic part of that. There is also a basic humanistic piece. Look, I'm no fan of war as I have three A&M kids, all draft age. For me, going to war means we have no other choice. But, let's take your premise that Taiwan, a strong long-term ally, is not worth defending due to the need for 'self preservation' and 'it wouldn't impact us, so why bother' and apply that notion equally in other of relationships in life, i.e., where does it end. Are any allies worth defending? How about the US itself if China or any country is attacking us - our we worth defending or is your own self-preservation where we draw the line? What about your extended family - if any one is attacked, do you risk injury to help them? What about your immediate family? Are there any such 'allies' worthy of a defense that puts you at risk? (These are rhetorical questions - I don't expect an answer.) In the name of brotherly love, helping others as you would want to be helped, doing what's right & what you promised to do, and for actually promoting peace by actively opposing aggression (also when applied closer to home), we must step in and place ourselves at risk at some point (intelligently) or risk being the eventual, lonely victims ourselves. What's the point of having allies, friends, or family who don't help one another when if could mean harm or adversity to themselves? If you're going to have allies, then be a (smart) ally yourself.
Proper Twelve
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geoag58 said:

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geoag58 said:

Proper Twelve said:


china's navies are patrolling waters of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philipines claiming it AS THEIR WATER. Claiming all the resources in those waters are china's ! Attacking the vessels of those countries in their own water. look at a map and see how far china is from PH. Malaysia and Indonesia ! I going to bed now. I have already told you why Taiwan is so important. China just getting control of TMSC in Taiwan would be a disaster for the U.S. and the west. I

Bro. I did this game already. Back in 2003 with iraq. Your obsessions with things on the other side of the planet and calling it a matter of "national security" is goofy at best. When you wake up tell me why you hate China so much.

So you think we should appease China and say OK you can have Taiwan just no more aggression after that.

Now where have I heard that before?

Why do you care about Taiwan?

Because we care about the people of Taiwan. Just like we cared about the Germans, the Jews, the south Vietnamese, the south Koreans, the raped and tortured women and people of Iraq. We are not going to allow someone to destroy an ally.

Are you an American? Do you put Americans first or other people?

We were Americans (real Americans) when we fought the Germans. That's back when we had REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN who understood the meaning of coming to the aid of other human beings. This was before the generation of draft dodging hippies came along in the sixties, before the free loving disco boys of the seventies, before the 80's with the mommas boys of the hippies, and now these new generations of little beta males who can't decide which bathroom to use who've been programmed by those hippie children of the 60's and 70's.

To answer your question, YOU ****IN A RIGHT I'M AN AMERICAN, are you??? I care about everyone on this planet and will fight to make sure they have a fighting chance to grow up too. Thats what we do and what USED TO make us the greatest country on earth. Until the ******* showed up, but their days are numbered, because the snake will eat its own.

Bro. Go join the UN then. Leave America out of your wars

I'm not your ****ing bro. It's that sniveling little coward mentality that allows dictators to take over. Where do you think they go next? What if they come here? Then what? You want all our allies to say "not our problem"? You're a naive fool and thats makes you dangerous.

You have a very childish view of the world. Apparently you think they are cartoon bad guys trying to "get you". It's not your fault. Blame the media

Again, you're either naive or stupid, I cant quite put my finger on it. Wake up "bro", they're really are guys in the world who want you and the rest of us dead. Hop on a plane and fly to China, ease over to Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, then run down to the African continent and see what they're doing to human beings. I've been there, serving as a missionary to help these people. Have you?

Our anectodal travel stories are not really relevant. As an American, why do you want to do war with China to defend Taiwan? Articulate it world police man

Can you not read? I'll put it in four words. To defend our ally.

Finally thank you. It's a bad answer but at least you answered.

Why are you willing to do big war with China to defend Taiwan? How would that benefit America? I assume you've seen all the wars we've been bogged down in the last 20 years (costing trillions and thousands of American lives) .

You want more of that to defend Taiwan? Why?

I thought you said I answered your question?

The "we must defend our ally" argument is terrible. Every alliance the US is in is extremely one sided. Basically we just defend all of our "allies" and get nothing in return.

Why though? How does that benefit America?

We get to keep getting those cool little umbrellas on a toothpick for our drinks.

I'm glad to see you are running jokes instead of stating we must do war with China to defend Taiwan.

Do you equate an attack on Taiwan our ally, with our intervention in Iraq?

Who do you think fires the first shot in Taiwan?

I equate them insofar as they are two countries the US SHOULD NOT be doing war in. Obviously you remember the reason why we are in iraq. The state department and media hoax that "saddam had wmds and would attack America". Don't you learn from history?

So you think all the talk about China threatening our longtime ally and trading partner Taiwan is a hoax?

Do you think if we do nothing to stop China from taking over Taiwan that will end their expansionist dreams?

Wait. Isnt China our trading partner? Are you doing state department talking points? Will your life change if China takes Taiwan?

China either directly caused or allowed a bioweapon to escape from a lab in Wuhan and suppressed information allowing a worldwide panic and pandemic. The Chinese communist party has killed, it is estimated, over thirty million of its own citizens. They are currently committing genocide against an ethnic minority in their country. Mao started them down a path of a one hundred year marathon in 1949 to be the world's dominant power by 2049. It is a known fact they still adhere to that plan.

You stated earlier that you "did Iraq" and want nothing else to do with foreign interventions. I think from your responses in this thread you are a pro China troll and will never admit that the key to keeping China in check is to defend Taiwan. China has made it clear they want to be number one. You apparently want to live under China communist party rule. That is what is at stake here. There is night and day difference between defense of Taiwan and intervention in Iraq.

You have no evidence of China "releasing" a harmless flu virus (which western governments forced closed business for). Furthermore, you have failed to articulate why we should do big war with China to defend Taiwan. I've asked a few times.

If we declare we will defend Taiwan, China will not attack us directly. If we declare we will defend Taiwan for China to succeed they will have to invade with troops on the ground. Such an action will align the rest of the world against china(this one I am not sure about as I think Facebook, twitter and the msm are traitors to our country and will suppress and use propaganda in an attempt, similar to what you are doing, against a US response.) The second Chinese troops are on the ground in Taiwan the rest of the world is instantly aligned against China.

If, instead, we acquiesce, and allow China to take Taiwan without much trouble the only question becomes who they strike next.

That's a war game scenario made up in your brain (I'm guessing).

My question is not what would happen. My question is why should the US do war with China to defend Taiwan. If you can't answer it's ok. No one can

This whole thread is someone's opinion and idea of a war game.

So it's your turn now. You need to speculate and lay out China's future moves, as you see it, when we do what you want, hand Taiwan over to the chi-coms on a silver platter. Try and convince me that is the best move.

Wrong. I'm asking you a simple question which you refuse to answer. Why should the US do war with China to defend Taiwan?

I have told you twice already and I will tell you a third time.
I think we should declare our intention to defend Taiwan. Then let China make the next move. I think China will not stop at Taiwan if we give Taiwan to China . And I think this will prevent a broader conflict in the future. If China takes Taiwan after a fight they will less likely to attempt to take territory over which they have no claim.
It is now up to you to tell us China's
future moves after we give Taiwan to China. You have to tell us why you think your way would be the best move. And your answer can't be just because.

You are doing war game scenarios again so I'll rephrase the question since you can't or refuse to answer it. Would war with China to defend Taiwan be a good or bad thing for America and why

I think to defend Taiwan prevents WW3. We don't have to fire a shot to do it. We only have to declare our intent to do so. Then the next move is up to China. We should in no way do a pre-emptive strike on China. If China attacks I think the rest of the west aligns against China.

You must answer now china's future moves after you gift Taiwan to them. Any refusal to answer confirms you are only a troll.

"Prevents" is a word I see thrown around a lot to justify US worldwide aggression. What happens if China invades Taiwan? Should the US start a war with China to defend?

Your refusal to answer what you think China's future moves after Taiwan is gifted to them and how this would be our best move confirms you are only trolling.

I'm not gonna speculate about anything. Except that war with China to defend Taiwan would be bad for America and Americans. And no one can't articulate why we should do it
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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I'm not gonna speculate about anything. Except that war with China to defend Taiwan would be bad for America and Americans. And no one can't articulate why we should do it

i only see one poster in this thread who is struggling to articulate their stance.
Proper Twelve
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ruddyduck said:


I'm not gonna speculate about anything. Except that war with China to defend Taiwan would be bad for America and Americans. And no one can't articulate why we should do it

i only see one poster in this thread who is struggling to articulate their stance.

There are like 10 posters in here that want war with China to defend Taiwan but cannot articulate why.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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dude you really are just trolling at this point.
Proper Twelve
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ruddyduck said:

dude you really are just trolling at this point.

I'm not tho. Calling someone a troll is not an argument. Can you articulate why or why not we should do war with China to defend Taiwan?

(Cliffnotes I already addressed the goofy "they are bent on world domination" and "trade routes" and "we must defend our ally" arguments)
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A still photo can selected to fit a particular narrative. The one above was used to insinuate Trump cowering to Putin. Trump is actually a lot taller than Putin
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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what took you so long? you left your boy biden dangling in the wind for 6 pages.
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Proper Twelve said:

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Proper Twelve said:

geoag58 said:

Proper Twelve said:


china's navies are patrolling waters of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philipines claiming it AS THEIR WATER. Claiming all the resources in those waters are china's ! Attacking the vessels of those countries in their own water. look at a map and see how far china is from PH. Malaysia and Indonesia ! I going to bed now. I have already told you why Taiwan is so important. China just getting control of TMSC in Taiwan would be a disaster for the U.S. and the west. I

Bro. I did this game already. Back in 2003 with iraq. Your obsessions with things on the other side of the planet and calling it a matter of "national security" is goofy at best. When you wake up tell me why you hate China so much.

So you think we should appease China and say OK you can have Taiwan just no more aggression after that.

Now where have I heard that before?

Why do you care about Taiwan?

Because we care about the people of Taiwan. Just like we cared about the Germans, the Jews, the south Vietnamese, the south Koreans, the raped and tortured women and people of Iraq. We are not going to allow someone to destroy an ally.

Are you an American? Do you put Americans first or other people?

We were Americans (real Americans) when we fought the Germans. That's back when we had REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN who understood the meaning of coming to the aid of other human beings. This was before the generation of draft dodging hippies came along in the sixties, before the free loving disco boys of the seventies, before the 80's with the mommas boys of the hippies, and now these new generations of little beta males who can't decide which bathroom to use who've been programmed by those hippie children of the 60's and 70's.

To answer your question, YOU ****IN A RIGHT I'M AN AMERICAN, are you??? I care about everyone on this planet and will fight to make sure they have a fighting chance to grow up too. Thats what we do and what USED TO make us the greatest country on earth. Until the ******* showed up, but their days are numbered, because the snake will eat its own.

Bro. Go join the UN then. Leave America out of your wars

I'm not your ****ing bro. It's that sniveling little coward mentality that allows dictators to take over. Where do you think they go next? What if they come here? Then what? You want all our allies to say "not our problem"? You're a naive fool and thats makes you dangerous.

You have a very childish view of the world. Apparently you think they are cartoon bad guys trying to "get you". It's not your fault. Blame the media

Again, you're either naive or stupid, I cant quite put my finger on it. Wake up "bro", they're really are guys in the world who want you and the rest of us dead. Hop on a plane and fly to China, ease over to Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, then run down to the African continent and see what they're doing to human beings. I've been there, serving as a missionary to help these people. Have you?

Our anectodal travel stories are not really relevant. As an American, why do you want to do war with China to defend Taiwan? Articulate it world police man

Can you not read? I'll put it in four words. To defend our ally.

Finally thank you. It's a bad answer but at least you answered.

Why are you willing to do big war with China to defend Taiwan? How would that benefit America? I assume you've seen all the wars we've been bogged down in the last 20 years (costing trillions and thousands of American lives) .

You want more of that to defend Taiwan? Why?

I thought you said I answered your question?

The "we must defend our ally" argument is terrible. Every alliance the US is in is extremely one sided. Basically we just defend all of our "allies" and get nothing in return.

Why though? How does that benefit America?

srsly, how old are? my guess is 15. Your lack of understanding of how the world actually works and your brainwashed distain for the greatest nation, uh, ever, screams off of the page.

News flash, China hates u and your freedoms, they will stop at nothing to dethrone your country as the one super power on this planet.

Taiwan is an ally, but also a line in the sand against unchecked aggression wo provocation.

Like I mentioned earlier, history is against you Neville.

Proper Twelve
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Bag said:

Proper Twelve said:

DGAG92 said:

Proper Twelve said:

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Proper Twelve said:

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Proper Twelve said:

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Proper Twelve said:

geoag58 said:

Proper Twelve said:


china's navies are patrolling waters of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philipines claiming it AS THEIR WATER. Claiming all the resources in those waters are china's ! Attacking the vessels of those countries in their own water. look at a map and see how far china is from PH. Malaysia and Indonesia ! I going to bed now. I have already told you why Taiwan is so important. China just getting control of TMSC in Taiwan would be a disaster for the U.S. and the west. I

Bro. I did this game already. Back in 2003 with iraq. Your obsessions with things on the other side of the planet and calling it a matter of "national security" is goofy at best. When you wake up tell me why you hate China so much.

So you think we should appease China and say OK you can have Taiwan just no more aggression after that.

Now where have I heard that before?

Why do you care about Taiwan?

Because we care about the people of Taiwan. Just like we cared about the Germans, the Jews, the south Vietnamese, the south Koreans, the raped and tortured women and people of Iraq. We are not going to allow someone to destroy an ally.

Are you an American? Do you put Americans first or other people?

We were Americans (real Americans) when we fought the Germans. That's back when we had REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN who understood the meaning of coming to the aid of other human beings. This was before the generation of draft dodging hippies came along in the sixties, before the free loving disco boys of the seventies, before the 80's with the mommas boys of the hippies, and now these new generations of little beta males who can't decide which bathroom to use who've been programmed by those hippie children of the 60's and 70's.

To answer your question, YOU ****IN A RIGHT I'M AN AMERICAN, are you??? I care about everyone on this planet and will fight to make sure they have a fighting chance to grow up too. Thats what we do and what USED TO make us the greatest country on earth. Until the ******* showed up, but their days are numbered, because the snake will eat its own.

Bro. Go join the UN then. Leave America out of your wars

I'm not your ****ing bro. It's that sniveling little coward mentality that allows dictators to take over. Where do you think they go next? What if they come here? Then what? You want all our allies to say "not our problem"? You're a naive fool and thats makes you dangerous.

You have a very childish view of the world. Apparently you think they are cartoon bad guys trying to "get you". It's not your fault. Blame the media

Again, you're either naive or stupid, I cant quite put my finger on it. Wake up "bro", they're really are guys in the world who want you and the rest of us dead. Hop on a plane and fly to China, ease over to Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, then run down to the African continent and see what they're doing to human beings. I've been there, serving as a missionary to help these people. Have you?

Our anectodal travel stories are not really relevant. As an American, why do you want to do war with China to defend Taiwan? Articulate it world police man

Can you not read? I'll put it in four words. To defend our ally.

Finally thank you. It's a bad answer but at least you answered.

Why are you willing to do big war with China to defend Taiwan? How would that benefit America? I assume you've seen all the wars we've been bogged down in the last 20 years (costing trillions and thousands of American lives) .

You want more of that to defend Taiwan? Why?

I thought you said I answered your question?

The "we must defend our ally" argument is terrible. Every alliance the US is in is extremely one sided. Basically we just defend all of our "allies" and get nothing in return.

Why though? How does that benefit America?

srsly, how old are? my guess is 15. Your lack of understanding of how the world actually works and your brainwashed distain for the greatest nation, uh, ever, screams off of the page.

News flash, China hates u and your freedoms, they will stop at nothing to dethrone your country as the one super power on this planet.

Taiwan is an ally, but also a line in the sand against unchecked aggression wo provocation.

Like I mentioned earlier, history is against you Neville.

Bro you already did the "are you 15 Neville" bit. Why should the US go do war with China to defend Taiwan?
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MSCAg said:

Man I wish some people would see the value of putting line breaks in their posts.
You and me both ! If I could hold of that God like Adonis figure. I would give him a piece of my mind. I would help him overcome his irrational fear of paragraphs. Hopefully some day his projectile vomiting writing style will be nothing more than a distant nightmare to this generation !
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Proper Twelve said:

Bag said:

Proper Twelve said:

DGAG92 said:

Proper Twelve said:

DGAG92 said:

Proper Twelve said:

DGAG92 said:

Proper Twelve said:

DGAG92 said:

Proper Twelve said:

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Proper Twelve said:

geoag58 said:

Proper Twelve said:


china's navies are patrolling waters of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philipines claiming it AS THEIR WATER. Claiming all the resources in those waters are china's ! Attacking the vessels of those countries in their own water. look at a map and see how far china is from PH. Malaysia and Indonesia ! I going to bed now. I have already told you why Taiwan is so important. China just getting control of TMSC in Taiwan would be a disaster for the U.S. and the west. I

Bro. I did this game already. Back in 2003 with iraq. Your obsessions with things on the other side of the planet and calling it a matter of "national security" is goofy at best. When you wake up tell me why you hate China so much.

So you think we should appease China and say OK you can have Taiwan just no more aggression after that.

Now where have I heard that before?

Why do you care about Taiwan?

Because we care about the people of Taiwan. Just like we cared about the Germans, the Jews, the south Vietnamese, the south Koreans, the raped and tortured women and people of Iraq. We are not going to allow someone to destroy an ally.

Are you an American? Do you put Americans first or other people?

We were Americans (real Americans) when we fought the Germans. That's back when we had REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN who understood the meaning of coming to the aid of other human beings. This was before the generation of draft dodging hippies came along in the sixties, before the free loving disco boys of the seventies, before the 80's with the mommas boys of the hippies, and now these new generations of little beta males who can't decide which bathroom to use who've been programmed by those hippie children of the 60's and 70's.

To answer your question, YOU ****IN A RIGHT I'M AN AMERICAN, are you??? I care about everyone on this planet and will fight to make sure they have a fighting chance to grow up too. Thats what we do and what USED TO make us the greatest country on earth. Until the ******* showed up, but their days are numbered, because the snake will eat its own.

Bro. Go join the UN then. Leave America out of your wars

I'm not your ****ing bro. It's that sniveling little coward mentality that allows dictators to take over. Where do you think they go next? What if they come here? Then what? You want all our allies to say "not our problem"? You're a naive fool and thats makes you dangerous.

You have a very childish view of the world. Apparently you think they are cartoon bad guys trying to "get you". It's not your fault. Blame the media

Again, you're either naive or stupid, I cant quite put my finger on it. Wake up "bro", they're really are guys in the world who want you and the rest of us dead. Hop on a plane and fly to China, ease over to Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, then run down to the African continent and see what they're doing to human beings. I've been there, serving as a missionary to help these people. Have you?

Our anectodal travel stories are not really relevant. As an American, why do you want to do war with China to defend Taiwan? Articulate it world police man

Can you not read? I'll put it in four words. To defend our ally.

Finally thank you. It's a bad answer but at least you answered.

Why are you willing to do big war with China to defend Taiwan? How would that benefit America? I assume you've seen all the wars we've been bogged down in the last 20 years (costing trillions and thousands of American lives) .

You want more of that to defend Taiwan? Why?

I thought you said I answered your question?

The "we must defend our ally" argument is terrible. Every alliance the US is in is extremely one sided. Basically we just defend all of our "allies" and get nothing in return.

Why though? How does that benefit America?

srsly, how old are? my guess is 15. Your lack of understanding of how the world actually works and your brainwashed distain for the greatest nation, uh, ever, screams off of the page.

News flash, China hates u and your freedoms, they will stop at nothing to dethrone your country as the one super power on this planet.

Taiwan is an ally, but also a line in the sand against unchecked aggression wo provocation.

Like I mentioned earlier, history is against you Neville.

Bro you already did the "are you 15 Neville" bit. Why should the US go do war with China to defend Taiwan?

bro, im not your bro, bro.

it seems that appeasement has a dismal record against unchecked unprovoked aggregation. so thats one reason.

You either deal with it now or later neville
McKinney Ag69
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Ok enough of the stupid debating with Proper 12. we will NEVER go to war with China. And do you know why? The answer is the same answer to almost every question in life. The answer is MONEY. All of these US corporations have billions in business in China. Think about Disney with all their parks in main land China. How about the NBA who doesn't give a sh*t about what actual Americans think about their wokeness because they have 1.5 billion potential customers In China and so they bend the knee to the CCP.

The United States is now an oligarchy. Politicians are bought and paid for by foreign governments, or corporations. United States sovereignty and self determination is an illusion. I would think some of you would understand that after big tech allowed for the election to be stolen and then gaslit the American people into thinking Biden had won legitimately censoring those who questioned the narrative INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF. We the people have no choice in anything anymore.
B-1 83
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