Pookers said:
cecil77 said:
Democrats and republicans are the same. I'd vote for any non establishment candidate. I might even entertain some sort of jury duty system where people are forced to serve or something. People who want to be politicians are generally ****heads who want to line their pockets.
Bingo. Don't let anyone run who wants to.
I think it might be interesting to have a jury duty type system which would offer a salary to cover time spent serving and then perhaps making them exempt for paying taxes after service is complete. There would be no way to volunteer to serve unless you were selected at random jury duty style. The pool who would qualify for this jury duty selection would be tax paying citizens only.
Senators are smart people. Very smart.
I don't want some guy that has spent his last 20 years playing call of duty while smoking weed on his mom's couch every evening after a grueling day working the counter at Gamestop to be a senator.
The general idea of being voluntold is kinda neat, but we need qualified people in there. Knowing about the legal system is a huge plus, obviously.