Biden SOTU address viewership TANKED compared to previous administration.

8,572 Views | 105 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Old Army Ghost
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will25u said:

ONLY missed President Trumps lowest mark by ~26 MILLION.

Most popular President EVER
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GeorgiAg said:

- it wasn't a SOTU speech.
- 1/3 of the country watched Trump because they worshipped him; 1/3 didn't watch and 1/3rd watched because they were terrified of him.
Not surprised the people who were dumb enough to vote for Biden think anyone that agrees with any of Trump's policies "worship" him like a golden statue. That's a common talking point on this board. Predictable.

Also not surprised the Biden voters are the ones telling us that Trump is terrifying because of his personality...but are perfectly fine with the terrifying policy ideas of the current administration.
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Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
Facts can be brutal.

Unfortunately, the Democratic Party leadership, leftists, progressives and legacy media are blissfully UNAWARE OF FACTS.
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BigFred said:

UncleNateFitch said:

BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
Thats what I thought.
You made the contention regarding streaming, so you should provide the proof.
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Gigem314 said:

GeorgiAg said:

- it wasn't a SOTU speech.
- 1/3 of the country watched Trump because they worshipped him; 1/3 didn't watch and 1/3rd watched because they were terrified of him.
Not surprised the people who were dumb enough to vote for Biden think anyone that agrees with any of Trump's policies "worships" him. That's a common talking point on this board. Predictable.

Also not surprised the Biden voters are the ones telling us that Trump is terrifying because of his personality...but are perfectly fine with the terrifying policy ideas of the current administration.
"dumb enough to vote for Biden think anyone that agrees with any of Trump's policies "worships" him."

A perfect example of how the leftists progressives smear their opposition. Conflate, Obfuscate, Lie, Deflect.
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will25u said:

This about sums it up for the Most Popular US President !
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BigFred said:

UncleNateFitch said:

BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
Thats what I thought.
The same was true for all of Trump's administration.

Why is it so hard to admit that Biden is completely uninspiring? I watched the speech and thought it was written terribly and delivered even worse.
No Spin Ag
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dmart90 said:

BigFred said:

UncleNateFitch said:

BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
Thats what I thought.
The same was true for all of Trump's administration.

Why is it so hard to admit that Biden is completely uninspiring? I watched the speech and thought it was written terribly and delivered even worse.

I agree, Biden is the least inspiring president ever, now and always.
Tear Down This Wall
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GeorgiAg said:

- it wasn't a SOTU speech.
- 1/3 of the country watched Trump because they worshipped him; 1/3 didn't watch and 1/3rd watched because they were terrified of him.

It's truly embarrassing to share a profession with you.
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dmart90 said:

BigFred said:

UncleNateFitch said:

BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
Thats what I thought.
The same was true for all of Trump's administration.

Why is it so hard to admit that Biden is completely uninspiring? I watched the speech and thought it was written terribly and delivered even worse.
Because they need him to be the hero coming in to save us from the big, bad, Trump....and their egos can't take anything that puts a dent in the false narrative from the election that Americans chose Biden overwhelmingly.

Uninspiring for sure, but the negative response to Biden is also due to the awful policies he's enacted since taking office.
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Gigem314 said:

GeorgiAg said:

- it wasn't a SOTU speech.
- 1/3 of the country watched Trump because they worshipped him; 1/3 didn't watch and 1/3rd watched because they were terrified of him.
Not surprised the people who were dumb enough to vote for Biden think anyone that agrees with any of Trump's policies "worship" him like a golden statue. That's a common talking point on this board. Predictable.

Also not surprised the Biden voters are the ones telling us that Trump is terrifying because of his personality...but are perfectly fine with the terrifying policy ideas of the current administration.
Left = Liar. It is not any challenge to simply lie about the trajectory.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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Gigem314 said:

dmart90 said:

BigFred said:

UncleNateFitch said:

BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
Thats what I thought.
The same was true for all of Trump's administration.

Why is it so hard to admit that Biden is completely uninspiring? I watched the speech and thought it was written terribly and delivered even worse.
Because they need him to be the hero coming in to save us from the big, bad, Trump....and their egos can't take anything that puts a dent in the false narrative from the election that Americans chose Biden overwhelmingly.

Uninspiring for sure, but the negative response to Biden is also due to the awful policies he's enacted since taking office.
At least this time they can't call conservatives racists for disagreeing with a liberal president's policies...
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rsf0626 said:

I think it had more to do with the circus like nature of the trump presidency than being "popular"

Biden is just a boring dude and puts people to sleep. Nobody wants to watch that
There wasn't a circus like nature of Trump's presidency.

There was a garbage and corrupt democrat party and media that created a fake circus like nature.
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aTm2004 said:

Wife and I watched Netflix last night. I avoided network TV.
Yeah, Netflix is awesome. Their programming is so diverse and woke!
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
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The people are speaking but then, the Democrats do not give a crap.

Just like the Oscars.
Gen. Cornrow Wallace
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Trump's last SOTU in February of 2020 yielded 37.2M viewers. Biden's first SOTU in April of 2021 yielded 11.6M viewers. So let me get this straight: the argument of the left is that, in only one year's time, the American public has made such a drastic transition from traditional television to online media, that the only possible reason why 25.6M fewer viewers tuned into Biden's speech is due to this transition? Alrighty...
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Gen. Cornrow Wallace said:

Trump's last SOTU in February of 2020 yielded 37.2M viewers. Biden's first SOTU in April of 2021 yielded 11.6M viewers. So let me get this straight: the argument of the left is that, in only one year's time, the American public has made such a drastic transition from traditional television to online media, that the only possible reason why 25.6M fewer viewers tuned into Biden's speech is due to this transition? Alrighty...
That pretty much sums up BigFred's argument.

But in his defense, you could combine his, PylonCams, and Tone2002's IQs and it would barely break three digits.
BMX Bandit
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Tweet in OP compares all networks for Trump vs over the air for Biden.

Final total number for Biden is just shy of 27mm. Still a huge drop of 44% from Trump.
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The masses have been appeased. Joe et al have solved our problems, so why watch? Especially guys like Big Fred, they can relax and their while life is on cruise now that Trump is gone.
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BMX Bandit said:

Tweet in OP compares all networks for Trump vs over the air for Biden.

Final total number for Biden is just shy of 27mm. Still a huge drop of 44% from Trump.

So Big Fred is wrong? Shocking.
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Trump had a platform of America first. It was a winning strategy among the people because a rising tide lifts all boats.

This "terrified" the libs so they had to go out and convince people America is a racist, ****ty, unfair place. So if you support it, you must be a racist, ****ty, unfair person.
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BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

I thought the Biden SOTU WAS the reality tv show, I blazed right past it for impractical jokers, their idiotic humor is way funnier than Biden's.
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Why would anyone watch that old pos read obamas speech.
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I'll never watch Biden speak again.

His actions (well, those of his handlers) I have followed in print media of my choice. He's a senile old man, clearly out of it.
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So the official excuse now is "it wasn't a SOTU"?

A New Hope
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BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
So in the span of 1 year everything changed?? No one watches tv anymore?? Seriously?? 37 mil for most hated potus in history to handsy Joe's record setting low number??
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barnyard1996 said:

Trump had a platform of America first. It was a winning strategy among the people because a rising tide lifts all boats.

This "terrified" the libs so they had to go out and convince people America policy makers are is a racist, ****ty, unfair place. So if you support it, you must be a racist, ****ty, unfair person.
That's what they did yes; but the addition qualifier at least makes the statement accurate.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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No, I really dont think the tracking mechanisms have kept up with the various ways you can consume media via live streams or otherwise.
Until it benefits the enemy of this nation.
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He was a lame duck President at inauguration and everyone knows it. His own party knows it. Their pundits were questioning his ability to physically and mentally govern before they realized he was going to be the candidate.

His VP is already doing the jobs that the President normally does. He has cognitive decline. That is fact and the whole world sees it when he speaks. My guess is a lot of Democrats didn't even watch it because they don't want to face this truth and be reminded of it.
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XXXVII said:

Looks like biden flattened that curve for good.

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BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

Care to elaborate on the Clinton and Obama ratings and refer to your post again? Keep it to dems. I'll wait. We will wait.
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YouBet said:

He was a lame duck President at inauguration and everyone knows it. His own party knows it. Their pundits were questioning his ability to physically and mentally govern before they realized he was going to be the candidate.

His VP is already doing the jobs that the President normally does. He has cognitive decline. That is fact and the whole world sees it when he speaks. My guess is a lot of Democrats didn't even watch it because they don't want to face this truth and be reminded of it.
Border, speaking without cackling? The former is worse and exposes their lack of common sense and integrity. You dems that bought into this nonsense are probably ashamed - at least you should be. Common sense coupled with history is missing with the latter - can shuck it off a bit regarding young folks that are ignorant of this Country's history but can't with older folks that should know better.
Old Army Ghost
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BigFred said:

Cassius said:

BigFred said:

Artorias said:

BigFred said:

Yes...politics is boring again! The reality tv show is over.

So how do you explain the similar numbers for the previous 3 POTUS, 2 of which were Dems, none of which were reality TV stars?

The mental gymnastics you libs display daily is always amusing.
The media world is different. TV Ratings are not a good indicator of interest anymore.

You can watch the speech on You-tube via PC or cell phone.

Explain how Im wrong.
Even fakenews usatoday acknowledges that biden got less than TRump just 1 year ago even if they over double the number. they try to blame covid though.


The claim that Biden's address to Congress had only 11.6 million viewers is PARTLY FALSE, based on our research. The claim is not literally true Biden's speech attracted an estimated 26.9 million viewers, according to Nielsen. But the address did have lower ratings than Trump's 2020 State of the Union speech, a slump that could be part of the decline in live TV viewers in the U.S. Attendance at Biden's in-person events has been limited due to the coronavirus pandemic.

covid makes us avoid crwods so we dont watch tv where crowds may be? lol. fakenews is desperate
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