One other quote, this one from Mr. Blackwell (I wasn't able to catch the first part live and had to go back and watch it):
"You will see in the videos, ladies and gentlemen, that Mr. Floyd from time to time was heaving up his right shoulder. There's a reason for that. Mr. Chauvin was on his left side- his back and his neck. He can't move that- his hands are behind his back. He's heaving up the right should so he can get room for his rib cage to expand to breathe, because at this point you will learn he is pancaked, with the hard pavement beneath him and Mr. Chauvin on top of him. In order to breathe, you have to have room for the lungs to expand in and out, and you'll see Mr. Floyd doing his best to kind of crank his right shoulder up, having to lift up his weight and Mr. Chauvin's weight on top of him to get a breath for as long as he could get a breath."
So that's the prosecution's theory of the crime.
Edited to fix a mistake in the quote