Tramp96 said:
Hey Pete - it already's called a gas tax.
I commute 40 miles to work, 80 miles round trip. I'm paying plenty of tax already for that "privilege".
The point behind it is that they're losing money due to higher fuel economy (that the government mandated, which cost us money in more expensive vehicles) and electric vehicles (which government incentivized at our expense) which significantly lowered gas tax revenue.
It makes sense to go this route, not that I agree with it, and it demonstrates very well how the government views tax revenue as its money that it'll get no matter what. It's not your money. Your money is whatever your overlords graciously let you keep, serf.
Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed.
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass.
Tax all he has, Then let him know, That you won't be done till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid.
Put these words Upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...'
When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply the inheritance tax.
" 'People that read with pictures think that it's simply about a mask' - Dana Loesch" - Ban Cow Gas
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies." - Dr. Ron Paul
Big Tech IS the empire of lies