Trump supporters, you ain't gonna like this...

19,332 Views | 225 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Wearer of the Ring
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Perro Blanco said:

I've been an active TexAgs subscriber since 2012, primarily because I love Aggie football, recruiting, and all else associated.

I've never posted to the Politics board before, but I couldn't help but do so given the current chaos. I will readily admit I've never been politically active, so allow me to express an unbiased perspective...

Good gawd! It is absolutely shocking to me that anyone could continue to support Donald Trump!

First and foremost, TRUMP IS A NARCISSITIC MANIPULATIVE LIAR! Those of you who can't see that are either wearing ignorantly-tainted Republican glasses, and/or you've obviously succumbed to his predatory tact of... "I'll seduce the masses by preaching my agenda at an eighth-grade reading comprehension level..."
That's a FABULOUS idea, Donald! AMAZING, really.

I will give the man credit for coining "Make America Great Again," that was a gem of a ploy. But for those of you who don't recognize that as nothing more than marketing spin, I've got some condos to sell you in the Everglades.

As to being an outright liar... Trump has contended, and continues to contend, that the election was fraudulent. Okay, it's within his right to do so. But each and every court in the land has determined there was no basis to support that the election results were fraudulent. In fact, of the 60+ contentions filed, absolutely ZERO were considered of merit. Thus, all of you continuing to support the narrative of a fraudulent election are effectively indicting our democratic process a whole.

Even more so, it was Trump's continuous lying about the election results that was responsible for inciting the insurrection at the Capitol. Trump began spinning his "fraud" yarn well before the election, as a hedge, because he suspected he might get buried by the disenchanted "early vote." So when he did lose, he played the "fraud card," and he has been perpetuating that myth for over two months now, and that is the fuel that stoked the fire of the insurrection.
To the contrary, I've read some of your comments that assert, "It ain't so, show me some proof." Well, allow me to suggest, go watch the videos of the assault on the Capitol... DAMNING INDICTMENTS. Please don't tell me you support the "Q-Anon Shaman"-- what an absolute disgrace. Even more farcical is that your "Patriots" didn't have the discipline and foresight to realize that video and social media would be their undoing.

You want more? How 'bout the most recent damning of two-faced Trump? His initial video reaction to those attacking the Capitol... "We love you. You are very special..." The successive video, within a couple hours, "We don't condone violence in any way..."

And how 'bout your orange-haired boy sitting on the sidelines for the last two months while our country is grappling with a world-wide pandemic that has decimated our people for almost a year? Donald Trump has done nothing for two months other than perpetuate his narcissism, pout about his election loss, play golf, and disrupt everything he can for the incoming administration.

IMO Donald Trump has been a world-wide embarrassment as a President for our country. I sincerely hope that he is soon convicted as to his impeachment and can never hold office again.

Come Jan 20th... buh-bye!!!

Feel better? Probably not...maybe take this to FB, your friends might care enough to read.
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Didn't see much in there about policy, which pretty much is the thing with the top rulership. There is almost no character in most of the politico-press class. Or what there is gets drained out of them if they stay up there too long.

So it is policies that matter. Pushing socialism, CRT, anti-white, energy dependence, economic stagnation and restraint "new normal", kowtowing to international bodies --- these are all deal-breakers that trump `orange man bad' emotionalism.

That said, the Trump of mid-November to now has definitely mis-handled the aftermath of the shock of what was done. But it was shocking after all, to all but the most cynical of the system. It was stunning how casually the Democrats-Media combine set up the flow of 2020 and the outcome, complete with one illegal or disingenous procedure change after another.

FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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OP is a prime example of how successful media propaganda is. TDS is a direct result from it.
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Wow, the talking points download seems to have taken this one a few months.

Must be an older model.
It's not the severity of the punishment that deters crime; it's the certainty of it.
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You need to seriously back off the liberal propaganda! Your opinions are not at all based on objective information. Brainwashing is understandable in this climate of liberal propaganda saturation, but do yourself a favor, take a step back and try to find some more objective information sources. Then realize every complaint you have about Trump is even more of a problem with the degenerate manipulative Democrats. Even if you still think Trump is a scum bag, I can't imagine how anyone could possibly think that Democrat leadership is not a degree of magnitude sleazier.
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GeorgiAg said:

I support you OP, but this below is any liberal, moderate or slightly right Republican on this forum.

And that above is anyone currently to the right of AOC in the real world.
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Thank you so much for descending from your lofty perch on the Premium Board to set we poor ignorant masses straight.

Read quick, you aren't allowed to tell the truth about the Premium Board on TexAgs.
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The election was bought by Zuckerberg.
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Look in the effing mirror. Hillary and the Dems spent 4 years saying the 2016 election was not legitimate. They tried to sabotage Trump's presidency from the very beginning by ILLEGALLY spying on his campaign. It's been a 4 year national temper tantrum that has divided this country.

But....Orange man got into your feelzzz.
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5 pages, 5 bans.
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OP is using the liberal strategy of changing the definitions of words. Unbiased is no longer unbiased, just like hate is no longer hate, racism is no longer racism, and Nazis are no longer Nazies. The brave new world of manipulation.
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BusterAg said:

The election was bought by Zuckerberg.
And Soros and Doomberg.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Summary for those who TLDR:

- Trump is a liar because reasons.
- Trump was behind the highly organized & efficient military coup operation that attempted to install him as FDFL ('Facist Dictator For Life').
- Trump ate the wet bat that started Rona and then didn't fix it.
FrioAg 00
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OP thinks he's "objective".
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You must be real fun at parties.

I would engage with you on your post, but the over the top emotionalism broadcasts that you don't have the ability to have civil discourse. Which actually encapsulates most progressives. So if you think you are something else, I'd rethink that.
No Spin Ag
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Troutslime said:

Stick to football. Your thr Franchione of politics.

Jesus Effing Christ, I can't think of a worst insult, and I can go to some really dark places.
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"It's just another corps trip boys, we'll march in behind the band"
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Is op a girl?
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FrioAg 00 said:

OP thinks he's "objective".

But he learned all that down at Starbucks-- at 2:a.m.
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I've never posted to the Politics board before
Should have stopped reading here...

Please go back to Premium.
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What about policies? He didn't lie about those, as many of the things he claimed he wanted implemented, he actually set about getting done as best as he was able, given the opposition or practical realities.

I found Trump to a bombastic narcissist with an annoyingly combative and self congratulatory personality but at least he had some sound policy ideas regarding economic growth and foreign policy.

No wars, reduced foreign deployments, better trade deals, exited stupidly negotiated foreign policy agreements of previous governments (Paris agreement, Iran nuclear delusion, etc). border security, military readiness, regulatory simplification, etc.

That is what Trump did do that got him a lot of support DESPITE his personality. I can totally understand people being extremely put off by the man, but to make that out as the totality of the man as a leader is simply not valid.

Now, if you actually favor reckless, foolish, and often sociopathic leftist power seeking political policies, then maybe you have an argument that he is really truly terrible on all levels from that perspective.
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OP has been duped by the news/propaganda
Ag in Hutto, Tx
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I don't think you realize how many folks voted for Trump not because we think he's some saint (he's not anywhere close), but because the alternative option wants to implement policies which will destroy our country.

We view the current Democrat policy platform such a threat to the Constitution and our freedoms we're willing to vote for someone like Trump.
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What are all politicians Alex?
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HoustonAg2106 said:


What are all politicians Alex?
'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan"

Barack Obama
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I've never posted to the Politics board before
wish I could go back in time.
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chase128 said:

I don't think you realize how many folks voted for Trump not because we think he's some saint (he's not anywhere close), but because the alternative option wants to implement policies which will destroy our country.

We view the current Democrat policy platform such a threat to the Constitution and our freedoms we're willing to vote for someone like Trump.
Well put. Just another person who doesn't comprehend that an election is a choice, you don't get to elect between an idealized version of who you want to hold an office, but to choose between those on the ballot.

Personalities, hair, gender, race, religion hopefully have little to do with it, let alone their media feed. Biden is demonstrably taking the country down a dark path for privacy, free speech, rights (including 2A), and as well fiscal policies.

Congrats your guy won though, OP.
Zombie Jon Snow
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chase128 said:

I don't think you realize how many folks voted for Trump not because we think he's some saint (he's not anywhere close), but because the alternative option wants to implement policies which will destroy our country.

We view the current Democrat policy platform such a threat to the Constitution and our freedoms we're willing to vote for someone like Trump.


I think Trump is an ass - but he is an ass to people who are trying to destroy this country
I think Trump is a narcissist - but thats a personality thing not a policy thing so I don't care
I think Trump is racially insensitive - but thats common among his age group, older politicians have just learned to hide it better.

I didn't vote for him because he is a nice person. I don't care if he is nice or not.

I voted for him because he wasn't
- trying to raise my taxes
- over regulating business
- going to allow us to remain in bad trade deals
- ditto for bad peace deals and environmental boondoggles
- going to grant citizenship to illegals
- going to be lax on border security

I just hoped he held the line on that stuff and appointed the one SC justice at the time.

He surpassed my expectations actually. What he did with the military and ongoing conflicts (by actually listening to the military, giving them what they wanted and letting them do what they do) was awesome and he managed to start no new conflicts while telling Iran where they could shove it and I think made some progress on NK something nobody has done in 60+ years. He also did what others have only promised in Israel. And got 2 more SC justices.

Now here is an exercise for the Libs/Dems here.... tell me why I wouldn't vote for him given that (without telling me about some personality trait, use actual policy, decisions, and outcomes)?

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chase128 said:

I don't think you realize how many folks voted for Trump not because we think he's some saint (he's not anywhere close), but because the alternative option wants to implement policies which will destroy our country.

We view the current Democrat policy platform such a threat to the Constitution and our freedoms we're willing to vote for someone like Trump.
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OP handle is 'for white'
Username checks out for Democrat.
FrioAg 00
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Let's see, Trump's priorities were

1) add order and control to our border
2) decrease govt "regulation" or involvement in the economy
3) demand more favorable terms for the US when we are using our resources to influence the world
4) continuously invest in our military capability
5) focus on employment as the measure of economic opportunity
6) keep social dogma (like CRT and transgenderism) out of government coercion
7) decrease taxes
8) put constitutionalists on the federal bench

Honestly, I don't think it's hyperbole at all to say he was the best president since Lincoln.

Yes, his personality is not my cup of tea. I prefer substance over feelings, and his substance was phenomenal.
$3 Sack of Groceries
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Proceeds to label Trump supporters as unable to comprehend anything not presented at an eighth grade reading level.

Calls the protest an "insurrection".

Zombie Jon Snow
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OP handle is 'for white'
Username checks out for Democrat.

perro is dog
blanco is white
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mesocosm said:

You won't get anywhere with this. Most everyone here have bought Trump's delusion 100%. They are basically fully indoctrinated cultists at this point, on a level with Jim Jones

Actually, most on here are not this way. This kind of hyperbole is a cultic delusion in and of itself. As is the belief that Big government, Big media, and Big Tech are honest actors in the world.
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