Carl Hungus said:
ActualTalkingThermos said:
Almost 80% of congress is white, and over 75% is male. We have had one nonwhite President and zero female presidents.
This oppressed group sure is massively overrepresented in the government that is apparently out to oppress them, not to mention in the nation's boardrooms, mansions, and every other space occupied by our societal elite. It's still fairly notable when anyone who ISN'T a white male gets elected to high office, made a CEO of a major company, etc.
They aren't over represented at all, thats about the make up of white people in this country. People who use words like are just jealous cry babies that want something given to them instead of earning it over several generations like most Congress critters families have. HTH
Lol - yes 80% of congress is white. That is called the international elite class. They answer only to chinese trillions. Saudi trillions. Euro trillions. Generational trillions.
They dont answer to you, me, or america.
The only threat to them are educated, informed, armed, orgnanized, independent middle class people.
That group is slightly overrepresented white, and all conservative.
That is the battle.
Liberal americans are just useful idiots. Moreso than lenin ever even dreamed.
Thats why white conservatives are the enemy and are being squeezed into oblivion.
Someday you will all understand. Unfortunately.