Marissa99 said:
The Europeans brought disease which decimated part of the population. And then there was this Colt dude who invented a firearm you may have heard of. You heard of it, right??
Well once that firearm got into the hands of - I don't know, let's say the Texas Rangers - well that also contributed to the downfall of the Native Americans.
Laugh all you want. I don't give a damn. I will say it's entertaining to see y'all get all agonized about migrant caravans when it's frankly much ado about nothing.
You literally just said the native Americans probably wanted the Europeans to go elsewhere - and disease wiped out the vast majority of their population. Plus conquest.
That's supposed to be comforting?
Obviously we're reaping the benefits now. But you think the native Americans are just shrugging their shoulders and thinking, hey, if only we had some empathy?
I know what you're trying to say but you're comparing a situation that turned into a mass wipe out of a population from disease.
Odd your future voters from the south have been bringing in lots of previously eradicated diseases. Like tuberculosis. Whooping cough.
You got kids?
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.