You had two big warning flags before of their coming duplicity. Actually three because (3) is inexplicable.oh no said:
After months of Trump rallies with huge turnouts, miles long Trump parades on the highways, Trump boat parades/rallies filling up Lake Havasu, etc. Plus Biden never visiting AZ and no one showing up the one time Kamala went there to cackle at a dozen or so people, Fox News called AZ for Biden when only like 3% of the votes were in and Trump had a huge lead at the time. Just to wait a week or so for enough mail-ins for Biden to be found in maricopa cty.
MSM and social media will ask you to totally dismiss and ignore the state senate's forensic audit results and the county's non-cooperation with it, the independent canvassing project, and the 2,000 mules evidence in AZ.
Most secure election ever!
1) Sep 15 -- FOX "hushed" Gingrich mentioning the funding of crime sowing Soros DAs and that agenda. The Speaker of the House - -told a subject was `verbotten' (his words)
2) Sep 29th -- Chris Wallace sandbagging President Trump and shilling for Biden even more thoroughly than any straight up CNN person might have dared do. And had the umitigated gall to back up the `white supremacist' lie about Portland when the side he favored had spent the summer rioting and arson. They were on thin ice after that debate.
3) Fox appointing a Hillary background Democrat as the Election overseer that night. What?????
Everyone knows what then followed on Nov 3/4 coverage. That is not even getting into some incidents following.