Votes were backed by real people and addresses. Were they alive, citizens, or eligible to vote? There is a ton of evidence that they were not and sometimes chain of custody couldnt have proved that these ballots even reached the intended voters in the first place. Mail-in ballots with no creases in them? How is that possible?Keegan99 said:
There is no evidence that there was some massive number of fabricated ballots. Votes were backed by real voters, though there is strong evidence of targeted harvesting and trafficking. There is an upper bound to what those methods are capable of achieving, and it's likely the Dems were very near it.
Was the harvesting and trafficking legal or not? In some states, it was not. Ballot drop boxes were ruled unconstitutional. Yes after the fact.
They calculated how many votes they needed to win in the swing states beforehand, blew up the voter rolls to have as big a pool as possible to harvest, then ensured that they had enough helpers turn in pieces of paper to count to "win" even requiring WEEKS to ensure they met thay number, then purged the rolls. It was rigged.
No, when you can count 81M votes for a dementia patient who didnt even bother campaigning for the last 3 months of election season, there is no upper bound to what those methods can achieve. Literally the most votes for a candidate in history....when the guy and his running partner together struggled to get more than 10% of their own party's vote in the primary.
Trump was definitely rough around the edges and there were a lot of things he did that i didnt personally like. Agreed. To say that this was just some normal election where the D's try and push their thumbs on the scale to win an election and it was Trumps fault that it was close enough to allow them to win is bull*****