American Hardwood said:
The election officials know these guys aren't just trying to "help them improve" the process, these guys are trying to develop evidence, whether it is the truth or not. Evidence that is, at best, going to cause them to lose their job, and at worst, drag them to court, as evidenced by the threats that AG Mark Brnovich will bring charges against them for "election fraud".
The county did itself no favors. The audit did produce evidence that there are serious problems with the election system without their help. Election officials SHOULD be fired. In the act of trying to protect their jobs at a minimum, they acted like a bunch of guilty people which is going to do them no good in fron
t of a jury if it comes to that.
If they did nothing more than be poor performers at their jobs, they should have taken the route of cooperating and then go for more of a repentant stance. It might not save everyone's job, but it would be more likely to keep them out of jail.
Those looking for blood are a lot less interested in punishing poor performers than they are in putting fraudsters in jail.
Perhaps I missed the point in the Ninja report where they provided any evidence of anything other than the Ninjas didn't know what they were doing. Yeah, they provided instances were people no longer lived at the address the ballots were mailed, and cases where people with the same name were registered at more than one location. Did they ever show that even a single one of these instances was an example of nefarious intent or that the BoE had anything to do with them?
I didn't think so.
The fact is, the audit did not show that anyone on the BoE did not do their jobs (assuming these Ninjas knew what the job of the BoE is). The Ninja report did not provide any evidence that the BoE were poor performers at their jobs. That is, unless you believe the job of the BoE was to make sure Loser Trump received more votes than Biden (who won). Just to make it plain, that is not their job. That would be the job of the Trump Campaign managers.
And, nobody is going to jail. There were no laws broken. There seems to be some issues with subpoenas, but I suspect the BoE has very good lawyers and in the end, the court will not find any issue on how they handled the subpoenas.
Those looking for blood only want blood. They want SOMEBODY punished, whether or not there is any evidence. These are people who will never believe that Biden received more votes than Loser Trump. That is, they have admitted that they won't be convinced by facts if those facts do not agree with their preconceived ideas in their own little world.