4 days after election, 95% illegible signatures.
4 weeks before election 5% illegible signatures.
4 weeks before election 5% illegible signatures.
When you are signing thousands at a time, your handwriting tends to get a bit sloppy...will25u said:
4 days after election, 95% illegible signatures.
4 weeks before election 5% illegible signatures.
This alone is enough to decertify.will25u said:
96% of ballots that came in nov8-9 were duplicates.
BadMoonRisin said:
Signiture legibility flipped from 95/5 legible sig/illegible sigs 4 weeks prior to election to to 5/95 leg/il in 4 days after the election.
Wow.aggiehawg said:
Pure signature blanks being approved for ballots coming in after the election. Runbeck again.
He's not saying they were photoshopped. But he's not saying they weren't photoshopped either.BadMoonRisin said:
Oh ****, these "Verified / Approved " stamps are photoshopped? ballot image tampering?
you can't triple stamp a no eraseyAmerican Hardwood said:
How the hell do you rubber stamp something UNDER the printed surface?
That's suspect af!We fixed the keg said:
How did the approval stamps get behind the printed ballot?
....and yet there are so many who don't care, disgusting, infuriating, sad, {Insert synonym here}Tom Kazansky 2012 said:
This is infuriating.
Didn't he say this was found on ballots after Nov 4th? Could it be mailed before election day but Maricopa didn't get it from Runbeck until afterwards? Seems sketchy though.We fixed the keg said:
~10% of all ballots had approval stamps.
he did. Something to the effect of "most", but yeah, sketchy. I think that is why he mentioned "SOP" multiple times. As in, if there is a process that supports this data....provide it.TRM said:Didn't he say this was found on ballots after Nov 4th? Could it be mailed before election day but Maricopa didn't get it from Runbeck until afterwards? Seems sketchy though.We fixed the keg said:
~10% of all ballots had approval stamps.
So, what you're saying is you're good at Excel.We fixed the keg said:
Yeah, this guy couldn't pass super-poster's math test....
Jan Bryant was an observer in the counting center for six days after the election. Several times they were told they were nearly done with counting only to have more boxes of ballots arriving overnight. When she asked where those ballots were coming, she was told by the supervisors that they were coming from Runbeck because they had "faster scanners."TRM said:Didn't he say this was found on ballots after Nov 4th? Could it be mailed before election day but Maricopa didn't get it from Runbeck until afterwards? Seems sketchy though.We fixed the keg said:
~10% of all ballots had approval stamps.
Well, nobody had ever done a forensic audit before. They weren't worried about getting caught.Whitetail said:
Compared to this guys background, I would even be nervous to make that claim.Whitetail said:So, what you're saying is you're good at Excel.We fixed the keg said:
Yeah, this guy couldn't pass super-poster's math test....
They didn't consider that smart people would get to take a look.Whitetail said:
Well they're f***ing democrats and they know nothing will ever happen to them and that the ends justify the means so....they're right. Why be clean about it?Whitetail said: