aggiehawg said:
I'm tired of people like yourself who never cared about election integrity ever,
Read that article and then come back and tell me you have zero questions.
You may not know me as a poster here but I don't suffer those that have taken zero efforts to educate themselves, very seriously.
Goodness! May I kindly remind you these are topics which
you introduced (Maricopa, Fox's early AZ call, Mishkin/Murdoch/Kushner). And questions that
you asked?
Like many Americans, you are skeptical of Fox's data on Election Night and the super early call (my commentary of this I've now moved to the end of this post). Believe it or not, I thought you presented very interesting questions. For example, you asked how Fox News could have known the raw ballot count for Maricopa on election night? "How could that be?" That got me curious to revisit
how Fox News called AZ, and remembering Fox/Mishkin and the AP broke away from using exit polls in their projections. And a few days ago
you asked why Maricopa was counting its early ballots for the current primary, "Counted? Why have they been counted? By whom?". And I agreed with some of your reactions to Fox's AZ call, it was "very questionable just from a logic standpoint." I wanted to revisit the Fox AZ call, I did not immediately remember the data they used. But I had a hunch it was not raw ballots that triggered their call for Biden.
I assumed each of these related questions you raised were genuine. I then took a greater than zero effort to gather information and references related to your questions. Your past suffering when interacting with other forum posters was never a concern of mine when engaging on your posts.
When you ask these questions on this forum, are you not then curious about their possible answers? Did you ever care about your own questions raised on the last pages? Or were they meant to be rhetorical? And you then lazily accuse me of a lie and post the Times article as a reading assignment which gave me a good laugh. Thank you.
The purpose of the Fox Decision Desk model is to predict the winner. Predict largely based on 1) secondary data inputs (e.g. surveys/interviews) but not exit polls, and 2) with enough statistical confidence to "call it". The exact confidence threshold for this "call it" function to trigger in the model, we do not know. Fox's model triggered that threshold way early for Arizona in the context of the bigger picture. But nevertheless the model prediction in the end matched the actual outcome.
Clearly though, the Fox model did not accurately project the exact underlying final results for AZ at a granular level. Once the final margin in AZ ended up being so close when it was all said and done, one can conclude retroactively the data feeding the model was not 100% accurate if its purpose were to project the final vote count margin. But again, that's not their purpose. Their model which called AZ for Biden so early relied on pre-election surveys and interviews. It could never do that.
If someone stated, anytime on Election Night, that AZ "won't be close" ... then they were wrong, as we know. It was very close. 10,000 votes is certainly not a landslide. In your post you highlight how Murdoch told Kushner "The Fox News data authority says the numbers are ironclad he says it won't be close." Again, obviously they weren't ironclad, whoever said this was wrong even if they got the final answer "correct".
Your line of thinking seems to suggest, or at least posit, that the Fox News Desk calling AZ for Biden very early is an indicator that Fox News had some type of contact with AZ election officials and/or AZ raw ballot counts before anyone else. You again here make mention of "ballots just kept arriving ten days after" in Maricopa. I've
presented facts previously why this is not out of the norm for Maricopa, which you claim to be aware of. And in my prior posts I've revisited why that is (and I don't think it relates to the Fox call, personally). My view is, again, that Fox's model (along with AP's similar model) triggered the "call it" function for Arizona when a certain metric was met (with impartial and secondary data). And that then auto-triggers graphics etc. in the newsroom. But who knows, maybe Fox has a deeper, more secret data set they were using, not for projections but for actual ballot counting. Thought I just don't see it.