aggiehawg said:
I'm not quite following what Jovan is saying in this video.
It seems that the way the Dominion system was supposed to work is
1) Voter turns in ballot at poll
2) Poll worker scans ballot using scanner, creating a digital copy
3) Digital copy is then used to tally the ballots. Onsite? Or transmitted elsewhere? Unknown based on that video.
4) If an audit needs to be performed, they would look and say:
a) Do we have as many physical ballots as we do digital scans?
b) If we spot check a percentage of the scans vs. the physical ballots, do they match?
5) In Maricopa county, according to the video, as many as 10% of the votes either did not match, or could not be located.
If I were a nefarious person, I can't think of a better way to DESIGN a system to cheat than this. Scans are nothing but computer files. They can be deleted, replaced, modified - whatever.
The more complex a system is, the easier it is to cheat it. Only a certain number of people understand how the system works. We know that in many cases the local poll workers did not have access to administrator passwords, only the company tasked with counting the votes.
Screw all this - it has to go back to a SIMPLE system of counting the votes.