Friday 1pm Pacific time.
I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect the report will not have kraken type undeniable "throw the bad guys in jail" fraud proof. I think if it did, it would have leaked by now. The independent canvassing project already found undeniable issues with missing ballots and ghost voters, so obviously something ain't tight, but I suspect the report(s) will demonstrate a number of areas where security weaknesses and control gaps present huge gaping holes for fraud, it will also highlight the scope limitations where the county would not comply and provide requested items needed to complete some parts of the audit program, alluding to covering up possible fraud, and Ken Bennett will also present a number of areas where Maricopa Co didn't follow AZ election laws properly in which fraud risk was enhanced.
Conservatives will view it as fraud, fraud, fraud and more fraud. Fraud is too easy and fraud risk is too high. Counties and states all over the country need to tighten up security configurations, logging, remote access, audit-ablity and accountability around registration data, signature verification, voting machines, tabulating machines and interfaces, etc. and other procedural items around drop boxes, chain of custody, in-person ID verification, ballot adjudication, etc.
Crooked media and brainwashed progressives who are super happy with the Biden admin destroying USA and totally believe the most popular politician in US history, by far, got over 81 million legit votes will look at it and say, "see - no fraud!!! Most secure election EVER!!!".