Gigemags382 said:
DTP02 said:
aggiehawg said:
DTP02 said:
aggiehawg said:
Imagine this scenario. Barr and Trump are having a conversation about election security about six months ago.
Barr asks Trump: Mr. President? What would you say if there might be a way to get Soros, and maybe the Clinton Foundation, possibly Pelosi and Feinstein too, but it may cost you the election in the short term?
Do you think Trump would take that gamble? I do.
You don't actually believe this happened right? Just checking, because there is no chance this happened.
No, Barr wouldn't show his hand in that manner.
But in the week after the election after Barr had a chance to run his traps and see if it had worked and they had them nailed? More likely. Barr didn't suddenly reappear for no reason nor change the former DOJ policy requiring UA Attorneys to check with Main Justice before opening files on election fraud. he let them loose.
The connection to some heavy swamp creatures that Dominion maintains looks to be a target rich environment to me.
The idea that this was anyone on the R side laying behind the log, or a sting or in any way pre-planned reads like fan fiction.
Rs have been in total reaction mode since Election Day. Maybe they will be able to find something, but there are zero indications that they had anything lined up in advance.
Reaction mode? They've been telling us what's going to happen for weeks, even months.
Not in any way that would indicate there was an overarching strategy or plan in place. That's just not accurate.
There wasn't a cohesive drumbeat heading into the election and most of the loud complaints were months ago.
There wasn't a legal team in place and was still being formed as of yesterday. The legal challenges during the critical part of the counting were a day late and a dollar short. There wasn't a war chest in place. The initial court filings relied too heavily on internet rumor level complaints. All of these things make it obvious that they've been reacting, not proceeding according to plan.
And the above observations don't even take into account the unforgiving truth that it's really dang hard to prove election fraud after the fact. You have to fire every bullet you can on the front end because in an election system that provides anonymity and is overseen by partisan local officials, it's very difficult to establish widespread fraud on the back end.
I hope they get their crap together and can come up with something substantive and significant, but y'all are grasping at straws if you think this was all part of some grand plan.