He went to North Carolina for a bit yesterday.Tramp96 said:
Did he come out at all this week?
But do they have to rest it in a jar on a shelf?rgag12 said:
They are resting his brain for the debate
ChrisTAMU said:
This is getting too obvious. What are the democrats thinking?
Doesn't matter...when you have a complaisant media willing to not report anything negative and look the other way, you can do whatever you want.ChrisTAMU said:
This is getting too obvious. What are the democrats thinking?
They 'think' (which in Dem speak always really means 'feel') they're winning, and believing the polls. He's very likely to get angry right now, if he's in an even more confused than usual mode, on camera so they're keeping him off.ChrisTAMU said:
This is getting too obvious. What are the democrats thinking?
And if you listen to the way the media (including Fox News) describes it; one would think he held a rally in front of 100,000 people.aggiehawg said:He went to North Carolina for a bit yesterday.Tramp96 said:
Did he come out at all this week?
Ellis Wyatt said:But do they have to rest it in a jar on a shelf?rgag12 said:
They are resting his brain for the debate
That's like me saying I'm resting so I can do the Tour de France. After the first 2 minutes it's over and I've lost.rgag12 said:
They are resting his brain for the debate
...and riots.aggie appraiser said:
Six more weeks of fall.
Its not `libs' who will matter. Does the Center care if who runs won't face them?Cassius said:ChrisTAMU said:
This is getting too obvious. What are the democrats thinking?
They are thinking they'll pull the covid card for the debate. and it might well work! Libs dont care who occupies the WH, as long as it isn't Trump.
Rufnek said:
Am I the only one that doesn't know what "called the lid" means? Does it mean that he is done for the day and will not make any additional appearances? I can't say I've ever heard that term in my almost 50 years of growing up and living in Texas.
Rufnek said:
Am I the only one that doesn't know what "called the lid" means? Does it mean that he is done for the day and will not make any additional appearances? I can't say I've ever heard that term in my almost 50 years of growing up and living in Texas.
It means the press pool that is following him has been told there will be no public activity so they can leave instead of standing around waiting all day. It's usually used in relation to the white house press normally, but since there is a campaign, press needs to follow Depends around also.Rufnek said:
Am I the only one that doesn't know what "called the lid" means? Does it mean that he is done for the day and will not make any additional appearances? I can't say I've ever heard that term in my almost 50 years of growing up and living in Texas.