Anyone else get a sketchy vibe from Dr, Fauci????

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Yet another thread showing a massive study that shows that ivermectin works against covid.
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Boo Weekley said:

thirdcoast said:

P.C. Principal said:

i'll trust the doctor with over 50 years experience over the politician stating unproven claims as fact.

30 stars. This is what is wrong with America.

We knew at the time there was 1 covid lab in China and tens of thousands of wet markets, yet Americans believed the wet market theory and not the "lab conspiracy theory". Hatred for Trump outweighed simple mathmatics. People are incapable of thinking in basic probabilities because they are so deeply emotionally invested in their team.

This. Long story short, roughly half of America is brainwashed past the point of no return.

Idiots everywhere in Houston still wearing masks everywhere I go even though they're not asked to and it has been revealed that they are basically useless. It truly has become liberal t@rd flare.

At the very least these emails should be waking everyone the hell up.
And the brainwashing/faith (it is religious to those who still believe) has nothing to do with education level.

Boo Weekley
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dermdoc said:

TexAg91 said:

dermdoc said:

For what it is worth I trust Dr. Fauci implicitly.

Oh my. Amazing what 15 months will do for implicit trust. Can't wait to see some thing I wrote a year ago.
Yep this whole thing has been very disappointing. And revealing.

Never trust a white liberal. Especially a white liberal male who looks like a weasel, can't throw a baseball and gushes over his "hero" Hillary Clinton.
Credible Source
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Yikes. Bad look for the "nuhuh" crowd.
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Probably already said, but this thread absolutely shredded the intellectual reputation of many on this forum that continue to post. I would seriously recommend that those who made what we now know to be blatantly false claims to issue a mea culpa as soon as possible and restore SOME of your credibility. Failure to do so risks the rest of us pulling up this thread every time you make other assertions of fact.

I mean, yeah, I've been wrong before. A day or so ago on the baseball forum. But I don't make assertions of fact based on what I want to be true. That's not the case with many on here.
Proper Twelve
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91AggieLawyer said:

Probably already said, but this thread absolutely shredded the intellectual reputation of many on this forum that continue to post. I would seriously recommend that those who made what we now know to be blatantly false claims to issue a mea culpa as soon as possible and restore SOME of your credibility. Failure to do so risks the rest of us pulling up this thread every time you make other assertions of fact.

I mean, yeah, I've been wrong before. A day or so ago on the baseball forum. But I don't make assertions of fact based on what I want to be true. That's not the case with many on here.

Hindsight is 2020 as they say.

Others didn't need this thread to know it was a hoax
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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Page 1 and 2 is highly entertaining. So many sheep.

Too bad Wycliffe_03 caught a ban. He was a great poster ...basically a prophet.
Agnes Moffitt Rollin 60's - RIP Casper and Lil Ricky - FREE GOOFY AND LUCKY!
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Daszak made the admission at a 2016 forum discussing "emerging infectious diseases and the next pandemic," which appears to be at odds with Fauci's repeated denial of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

While describing how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of "inserting spike proteins" into viruses to see if they can "bind to human cells" as being carried out by his "colleagues in China":

"Then when you get a sequence of a virus, and it looks like a relative of a known nasty pathogen, just like we did with SARS. We found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of them, some of them looked very similar to SARS. So we sequenced the spike protein: the protein that attaches to cells. Then we Well I didn't do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work. You create pseudo particles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells. At each step of this you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people.

"You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers," he adds.

The comments follow growing evidence that Fauci's NIAID has deep financial and personnel ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that Daszak's EcoHealth alliance was one of the primary proxies funneling the money to the Chinese Communist Party lab.

Over a dozen research papers carried out under a $3.7 million National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) grant list the Wuhan Lab's Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Director Shi Zhengli as a co-author alongside Daszak. Shi has included these Fauci-backed grants on her resume.

The Wuhan lab has also listed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as one of its "partners," secretly erasing the mention in March 20
Fauci needs to be held to account for this crap. For those of you who don't like the source, (a) I don't care, and (b) you can watch it yourself on c-span. Fauci is a criminal who should be indicted by the end of the day, for his role in circumventing P3CO oversight for funds given to his friend Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance to Wuhan Institute of Virology.

I don't think there's any doubt the two most culpable people for the development, funding, and eventual accidental release of Wuhan Flu are Fauci and Daszak. The Daszak speech at the top was from a February event Ecohealth held in 2016, not the November 2016 one Fauci we know was at. Clearly, they have had a close long standing relationship around this research/grant moneys however.

Does anyone, other than InfectionAg I guess, not get a sketchy feeling from Fauci now?
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Proper Twelve said:

91AggieLawyer said:

Probably already said, but this thread absolutely shredded the intellectual reputation of many on this forum that continue to post. I would seriously recommend that those who made what we now know to be blatantly false claims to issue a mea culpa as soon as possible and restore SOME of your credibility. Failure to do so risks the rest of us pulling up this thread every time you make other assertions of fact.

I mean, yeah, I've been wrong before. A day or so ago on the baseball forum. But I don't make assertions of fact based on what I want to be true. That's not the case with many on here.

Hindsight is 2020 as they say.

Others didn't need this thread to know it was a hoax

It isn't hindsight. Its stupid statements like this:


It's unbelievable, but at the same time unsurprising that this board is questioning the motives of Dr. Fauci. Trump is making unproven claims about hydroxychloroquine treating COVID, and the actual doctor who knows a hell of a lot more than Trump does about this is having to correct the record and say that it's not yet known.

The poster knew, or should have known, what he said here was, AT BEST, unsupportable. Fauci was a flake. He flipped flopped so much from January to March no person should have taken him seriously. Had the poster dinged Trump for having Fauci in that position, THEN, he might have had a point, but we didn't need the emails to know the Trump backlash was political.
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ABCDE said:

I Don't trust him.

Nice call.
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BMX Bandit said:

It's the difference between how a scientist answers questions vs how the layman politician does.

Fauci has been a solid supporter of what Trump has said and done

LMAO call
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BigfootYancey said:

I like Fauci. Obviously the rest of the committee does as well. He speaks in facts, and as mentioned his focus is on reducing loss of life. His viewpoints are, I am sure, weighed against social and economic focus as well.

It is necessary for Americans to hear his viewpoints to drive home the importance of careful behavior during this time.

LMAO call
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peachbasket said:

I am a political conservative who recently retired from TAMU where I held appointments in both the medical and veterinary colleges. My long research career includes extensive research in infectious diseases, although not on corona viruses. Tony Fauci is the only scientist on the President's task force, and he is truly outstanding in both the breadth and the depth of his knowledge. He will not compromise his science based opinions for either the President or the liberal media. I was proud of President Trump for putting him on the task force. Heaven help us when we judge scientific opinion based on the political leaning of the source.
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Science is the use of a process to refine knowledge by the elimination of faulty hypotheses via experimentation until only sound hypothesis remain that cannot be invalidated by repeatable experimentation. It isn't informed conjecture by persons with substantial knowledge but without the specific data to support specific conclusions to the exclusion of other possibilities.

Don't mistake the credentials for having done science for the scientific process itself.
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Cassius said:

peachbasket said:

I am a political conservative who recently retired from TAMU where I held appointments in both the medical and veterinary colleges. My long research career includes extensive research in infectious diseases, although not on corona viruses. Tony Fauci is the only scientist on the President's task force, and he is truly outstanding in both the breadth and the depth of his knowledge. He will not compromise his science based opinions for either the President or the liberal media. I was proud of President Trump for putting him on the task force. Heaven help us when we judge scientific opinion based on the political leaning of the source.

This is amazing confirmation bias between scientists.
“A republic, if you can keep it”

AggieKatie2 said:
ETX is honestly starting to scare me a bit as someone who may be trigger happy.
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If you've ever seen emails from people that don't want information on the record, you will recognize what is going on here. When you're .gov, you get redactions, when you're a private individual, they throw you in jail for redacting your responses. Our north star of Scientism, Dr. Fauci folks...

1) Jan 31, 2020 - Fauci receives email at 8:43 p.m. from Greg Folkers at NIH. Email contains no text only single, lengthy article that had been published in the magazine Science that evening.

2) The article was one of the earliest stories that described how scientists were working on "viral genomes" in order to "understand the origin of 2019-nCoV."

The article also noted a Nov. 9, 2015, article in the journal Nature about gain-of-function experiments at Wuhan Lab.

3) Fauci forwarded the Science article to John Mascola of NIH at 9:47 p.m.

Two minutes later, Fauci also forwarded the article to Jeremy Farrar, the head of Wellcome Trust, a British nonprofit, and Kristian Andersen, a professor at Scripps Research.

4) Fauci also emailed the article to Robert Kadlec at HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), at 9:49 p.m.

At 10:32 p.m. that evening, Fauci received an email response from Andersen, who acknowledged receiving the article & made observation.

5) According to Andersen, "The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered."

6) Earlier in the day, Andersen had sent a tweet rebutting Sen. Tom Cotton's theory that the virus could have stemmed from the Wuhan lab, saying:

"The analyses are completely flawed and wrong. They can safely be ignored."

7) Feb 1, 2020 at 7:29 a.m. Fauci sent Hugh Auchincloss, NIAID's principal deputy director, the 2015 Nature article that detailed the gain-of-function experiments and the funding by NIH.

8) Fauci included a strongly worded message, saying: "It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on."

Fauci directed Auchincloss to "read this paper as well as the e-mail that I will forward to you now."

"You will have tasks today that must be done."

9) The 2015 Nature article (Gain-of-Function) was referenced indirectly in the recently published article by Cohen.

Thirty-five seconds later, Fauci followed up by sending Auchincloss the newly published Science article that had been forwarded to him the evening before.

10) At 8:19 a.m., Fauci sent the Nature article to Lawrence Tabak at NIH, in an email marked as "IMPORTANT."

Fauci simply told Tabak, "Here it is."

11) About two hours later, at 10:34 a.m., Farrar sent out a group email, announcing a 2 p.m. conference call.

His email noted that "information and discussion is shared in total confidence and not to be shared until agreement on next steps."

12) Included in the email was a brief agenda that included the items "Introduction, focus and desired outcomes" and "Summary and next steps."

Including Farrar, there were a total of 13 people listed on the teleconference agenda.

13) Shortly after Farrar's email on the conference call, Auchincloss responded to Fauci at 11:47 a.m. under an email thread with the subject line of "Continued."

This email chain differed from the one that Fauci had initiated when he sent the two articles earlier that morning.

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14) Fauci responded to Auchincloss's email simply at 12:51 p.m: "OK. Stay tuned."

At 1:13 p.m., Farrar sent email relating to pending 2 p.m. call: "Kristen and Eddie have shared this and will talk through it on the call. Thank you. Hope it will help frame the discussions."

15) At 1:43 p.m., Marion Koopmans, who oversees a Dutch lab that was previously involved with gain-of-function experiments, sent an email to Farrar and CC'd Fauci and other members of the call.

The body of Koopmans's email is fully redacted.

16) Also at 1:43pm, Fauci responded to Andersen's email, which had previously noted that "one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered."

Fauci simply wrote: "Thanks, Kristian. Talk soon on the call."
17) The teleconference ostensibly began at 2:00 p.m.

At 2:56 p.m., during teleconference, Farrar sent an email to four of the 13 individuals believed to be on the call, including Fauci, asking: "Can I suggest we shut down the call and then redial in? Just for 5-10 mins?"

18) At 3:03 p.m., Fauci responded directly to Farrar's request with a simple "yes."

At 3:07 p.m., Farrar appears to have rejoined the call, sending an email that read somewhat confusingly, "I have rejoined so a line is open if any help to rejoin."

19) The next email is sent at 3:50 p.m. email, by Collins, who appears to reference WHO head Tedros:

"Hi Jeremy, I can make myself available at any time 24/7 for the call with Tedros. Just let me know. Thanks for your leadership on this critical and sensitive issue. Francis."

20) Farrar email 3:59: There is clearly much to understand understand in this. This call was very helpful to hear some of our current understanding and the many gaps in our knowledge.

Redacted. Then: I hope that is a reasonable approach, please send any thoughts or suggestions.

21) Feb 2, 2020 - At 3:30 a.m., Ron Fouchier sent an email to unknown recipients, thanking Farrar for the "useful teleconference" and included a section titled "Ron's notes."

The section of notes spans more than two full pages and is completely redacted.

22) Farrar email at 4:48 a.m. to Andrew Raumbaut and others on teleconference.

Farrar: "this is a very complex issue." Followed by long redaction.

Farrar close: "I suggest we don't get into a further scientific discussion here, but wait for that group to be established."

23) NIH head Collins then sent an email to Farrar at 5:27 a.m., stating that he was available "for a call to Tedros."

"Let me know if I can help get through his thicket of protectors," he wrote.

The email was copied to Fauci and Tabak.
24) Feb 2, 2020 at 7:13 a.m., Collins sent an email to Farrar and CC'd Fauci and Tabak, noting, "Really appreciate us thinking through the options "

This entry is followed by a one-line redaction.

25) 11:28 am, Farrar email to Fauci & Collins, cc'd Tabak:

"Tedros and Bernhard have apparently gone into conclave they need to decide today in my view. If they do prevaricate, I would appreciate a call with you later tonight or tomorrow to think how we might take forward."

26) Farrar added a link to @zerohedge article on the possibility that the coronavirus came out of a lab.

The day after Farrar's message, ZeroHedge was banned from Twitter.

27) Although it isn't known what WHO Director Tedros was told, or asked, on Feb. 3, 2020, he issued his "Report of the Director General," which included a call to "combat the spread of rumours & misinformation."

Tedros also followed up w/tweet
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Remember when some folks took this guy seriously?

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Oh, not to be limited to killing millions of people, and lying regularly about his role, he also directed millions to torture/kill dogs on needless research.


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, spent $424,455 in taxpayer funds on experiments to infest beagles with parasite-carrying flies, even though the procedure had already been extensively tested on other animals. White Coat Waste Project, the government watchdog group that obtained the documents, found that about half of Fauci's $6 billion budget was used for animal experimentation, including the abusive dog experiment.

The funds were directed to the University of Georgia Research Foundation to conduct the experiment.

"According to documents that we just obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, Fauci just spent $424,000 to commission a study in which healthy beagles are given an experimental drug and then intentionally infested with flies that carry a disease-causing parasite that affects humans," White Coat Waste Project wrote.

The documents further revealed that the experiments were not necessary because scientists had already performed similar tests on various other animals.

"Experimenters admit this investigational drug, 'has been extensively tested and confirmed in different animal models such as mice Mongolian gerbils and rhesus macaques,'" the group found.

Records obtained by the FOIA request show the dogs "vocalized pain" during the experiments.

The Daily Caller reported the NIAID task order showed "28 beagles were to be allowed to develop infections for three months before being euthanized for blood collection. The dog experiments are set to be completed by January 2022, however, the task order states that the beagles are to be euthanized 196 days after the start of the study. According to emails obtained by WCW, the study began on Nov. 12, 2020, meaning the beagles would have been scheduled to be euthanized in June 2021."

Justin Goodman, vice president of White Coat Waste Project, said in a statement that Fauci needs to be held accountable for the taxpayer-funded abusive animal experimentation.

"It's not just Wuhan," Goodman said. "Fauci's budget has ballooned to over $6 billion in taxpayer funding annually, at least half of which is being wasted on more questionable animal experimentation like these deadly and unnecessary beagle tests and other maximum pain experiments. Fauci needs to be held accountable for this staggering waste and abuse overseas and right here at home."
Great hero you've got there, Faucists.

BTW, yesterday he moved the goalposts (tepidly, of course) yet again, to the point where now we 'need' 90 percent of the population to be vaccinated. I am not sure how that will prevent mutations from reaching us from other population centers, but I have been on the 'he's a political hack' bandwagon from the get go as this thread demonstrates.


After claiming for the longest time that only 70 percent of Americans needed to get "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to "stop the spread," fake television "doctor" Tony Fauci is now insisting that the true figure is more like 90 percent.

Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies the other day, Fauci rewrote the plandemic script once again by claiming that once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) grants full approval for the Trump Vaccines from "Operation Warp Speed," businesses, colleges and other institutions will be free to start mandating the shots as a condition of employment and participation in society.

Fauci says that about 70 percent of adults in America are now vaccinated, but that 20 more percent will need to roll up their sleeves in order to "flatten the curve" in the coming weeks and months.

"I'd settle for 70 percent of 80 percent, but I'd love to see 90 percent," Fauci stated, suggesting that a 90 percent compliance rate is the best way to keep everyone "safe" against the alleged infestation of Chinese Germs that just will not relent from occupying mainstream media headlines.
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New book with some excerpts out about his subterfuge in restarting gain of function research via sub-grants (EcoHealth) to Wuhan in 2017; excerpt from Powerlineblog.


Australian journalist Sharri Markson has written a book titled What Really Happened in Wuhan: the Cover-Ups, the Conspiracies and the Classified Research. The book was excerpted in today's London Times, from which these paragraphs come:

Fauci defended the scientists who had undertaken the highly controversial gain-of-function research that had prompted the global debate, saying they had "conducted their research properly and under the safest and most secure conditions". The same research that some international scientists said should be banned, Fauci described as "important".
The mandatory "pause" or ban on gain-of-function research was inexplicably lifted under the Trump administration in 2017. No adequate explanation has been given for why this decision was made. There was no public debate. On December 19, 2017, the NIH announced it would resume funding gain-of-function research involving Mers, Sars, coronaviruses and influenza after a new "framework" had been developed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Senior administration officials told me Fauci did not raise the issue of kickstarting gain-of-function research with any senior figures in the White House. There was one White House meeting, which Fauci requested with the Office of Science and Technology Policy, where he raised the issue of gain-of-function research. "It kind of just got rammed through," a senior source claimed.

I asked the former national security adviser Robert O'Brien about this. "I was in meeting after meeting with Dr Fauci, and that never came up," he says. "I don't know if he alerted anyone. I never heard about it until I was out of office." Mike Pompeo, who was director of the CIA from 2017 to 2018, said he didn't know if Fauci got permission from anyone to re-start the dangerous research, particularly with regard to contributing funding via sub-grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci didn't even tell his boss, Alex Azar, the health secretary, who only found out the US restriction on gain-of-function research had been lifted from media reports in 2021.

If this account is correct, Fauci played a key role in the restarting of gain-of-function research at the WIV in 2017.

In hindsight we can clearly see that health authorities, the US government and international governments all ignored the warnings from eminent scientists, and allowed the dangerous scientific research to go ahead. The public was never brought into these debates. While the origins of Covid-19 have not yet been established, it's clear this type of research carries grave risks.

What was even more terrifying was that not only was the NIH funding gain-of-function research in the US but it was funding research in China, where it had no oversight and no way of knowing how safe the laboratories were where these risky experiments were taking place.

While the evidence might never be definitive, especially given the Chinese government's apparent cover-up efforts, there seems to be an emerging consensus that the Wuhan lab is the most likely source of COVID-19. If that is the case, Dr. Fauci has much to answer for, if anyone other than Rand Paul ever asks the questions. If gain of function research was paused at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2014that is, if the research itself was paused and not merely our funding of itand if gain of function research was then re-started in 2017 at the instance of Dr. Fauci, the man who ostensibly has been in charge of combatting the virus may have played a major role in unleashing it in the first place.

This seems like something our "mainstream" reporters should take a break from Twitter and inquire into.
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Finally an interview Fauci doesn't have time for!

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The lies and epic failures of Fauci are starting to catch up with him even in MSM propaganda outlets;

Some fair use excerpts; Natural Immunity, masks, collateral public health, protecting the elderly, school closures, are just some of the major issues he has lied about. (I think the collateral public health impact on the global economy, which has led to much greater starvation deaths in the 3rd world, should be expanded upon significantly. We are lectured incessantly about green house gases/global warming, but nothing about how the Covid totalitarians killed hundreds of millions with their insane, otherwise pointless lockdowns.)

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Faucithe director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.

Here are the key issues:

Natural immunity.
By pushing vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci ignores naturally acquired immunity among the COVID-recovered, of which there are more than 45 million in the United States. Mounting evidence indicates that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. [Eds.: Long term trends are still unclear, and some recent studies reach the opposite conclusion.] In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.

We have known about natural immunity from disease at least since the Athenian Plaguein 430 BC. Pilots, truckers and longshoremen know about it, and nurses know it better than anyone. Under Fauci's mandates, hospitals are firing heroic nurses who recovered from COVID they contracted while caring for patients. With their superior immunity, they can safely care for the oldest and frailest patients with even lower transmission risk than the vaccinated.


Masks. The gold standard of medical research is randomized trials, and there have now been two on COVID masks for adults. For children, there is no solid scientific evidence that masks work. A Danish study found no statistically significant difference between masking and not masking when it came to coronavirus infection. (Eds. A recent studyshowed that masks do reduce infections.) In a study in Bangladesh, the 95 percent confidence interval showed that masks reduced transmission between 0 percent and 18 percent. Hence, masks are either of zero or limited benefit. There are many more critical pandemic measures that Dr. Fauci could have emphasized, such as better ventilation in schools and hiring nursing home staff with natural immunity.

Contact tracing. For some infectious diseases, such as Ebola and syphilis, contact tracing is critically important. For a commonly circulating viral infection such as COVID, it was a hopeless waste of valuable public health resources that did not stop the disease.


Collateral public health damage. A fundamental public health principle is that health is multidimensional; the control of a single infectious disease is not synonymous with health. As an immunologist, Dr. Fauci failed to properly consider and weigh the disastrous effects lockdowns would have on cancer detection and treatment, cardiovascular disease outcomes, diabetes care, childhood vaccination rates, mental health and opioid overdoses, to name a few. Americans will live withand die fromthis collateral damage for many years to come.

In private conversations, most of our scientific colleagues agree with us on these points. While a few have spoken up, why are not more doing so? Well, some tried but failed. Others kept silent when they saw colleagues slandered and smeared in the media or censored by Big Tech. Some are government employees who are barred from contradicting official policy. Many are afraid of losing positions or research grants, aware that Dr. Fauci sits on top of the largest pile of infectious disease research money in the world. Most scientists are not experts on infectious disease outbreaks. Were we, say, oncologists, physicists or botanists, we would probably also have trusted Dr. Fauci.

The evidence is in. Governors, journalists, scientists, university presidents, hospital administrators and business leaders can continue to follow Dr. Anthony Fauci or open their eyes. After 700,000-plus COVID deaths and the devastating effects of lockdowns, it is time to return to basic principles of public health.

Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., is an epidemiologist, biostatistician, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D., is a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine. Both are Senior Scholars at the newly formed Brownstone Institute.

My Name Is Judge
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Tanya 93 said:

HowdyTAMU said:

rgag12 said:

Oh yea, he's definitely a democrat. Only Dems stay in the government as long as he has.
Yep, most conservatives go back to contributing to society at some point.
His research has not contributed to society?

Are you referring to his dog torture or the covid gain of function he paid wuhan w American tax dollars ?
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I think this is just an old attempt to 'tanya' this thread on some sort of speculation about his greater body of research (which is pathetic).

The bottom line is that he has been and is terrible at policy/research analysis (and synthesizing that into a message), and as a result millions (perhaps hundreds of millions) have now died globally, and the US has invested billions into meaningless HIV vaccine research at the expense of cancer/heart disease.

He is what he was 10, 20, or 30 years ago; a net negative, to say the least, in the history of public health officials and the confidence of people in the 'system' as to decision making/recommendations therein. Don't take my word for it though, ask the gay haitian immigrant community.
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My Name Is Judge said:

Tanya 93 said:

HowdyTAMU said:

rgag12 said:

Oh yea, he's definitely a democrat. Only Dems stay in the government as long as he has.
Yep, most conservatives go back to contributing to society at some point.
His research has not contributed to society?

Are you referring to his dog torture or the covid gain of function he paid wuhan w American tax dollars ?

Same thing really.
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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The OP of this thread is an absolute genius. An expert on the vile nature of the white liberal. Basically a prophet and should be treated as such.

The slimey weasel has this self portrait hanging up front and center in his home office. What a self-worshiping clown.

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That's the huge Joan Baez painting of himself that he keeps in his home office.

There is no worship/praise for Fauci which Fauci, the vile murderer thinks is too much.

My Name Is Judge
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nortex97 said:

I think this is just an old attempt to 'tanya' this thread on some sort of speculation about his greater body of research (which is pathetic).

The bottom line is that he has been and is terrible at policy/research analysis (and synthesizing that into a message), and as a result millions (perhaps hundreds of millions) have now died globally, and the US has invested billions into meaningless HIV vaccine research at the expense of cancer/heart disease.

He is what he was 10, 20, or 30 years ago; a net negative, to say the least, in the history of public health officials and the confidence of people in the 'system' as to decision making/recommendations therein. Don't take my word for it though, ask the gay haitian immigrant community.


Fauci is a dog**** human being
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Fauci's latest; no need for travel restrictions from South Africa/Botswana, yet.

Gives the game away, again.


When asked about the new variant, Fauci punted on banning travel from South Africa. That comes amid announcements from multiple European countries that they are doing so.

When would the data say it's necessary? After it's already here and spreading? I simply don't understand the logic here. Wouldn't the goal be to stop that variant from coming to the United States in the first place?

This is why I don't take this man seriously. Captain lockdown mandate man has never had a problem with taking harsh measures when it comes to the coronavirus. He's supported everything from forced vaccinations to mask mandates to shutting down sports arenas. He spends every weekend giving interviews to friendly media proclaiming how dangerous the virus is.

Yet, when the opportunity comes up to do something as simple as stopping air travel from a country with a new variant, he demurs. Why? Why is willing to crush liberties and violate the constitution domestically, yet gets squeamish when it comes to our borders (including the Southern Border)? That is something actually within the federal government's purview.


Fauci also commented on the origins of COVID-19, where he was confronted with the fact that not even the Chinese are still pushing the wet-market theory. His answer should only raise more suspicions about exactly what is motivating him.

He's like a kid that just won't take no for an answer. If you actually watch Fauci in the clip trying to explain why it likely came from bats, it's clear his knowledge on the subject is limited. He stumbles several times and refuses to accept the notion that the virus didn't originate in a wet market. Even as the evidence that the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology exists, Fauci continues to toe a line that protects China.

That's where I say he gives the game away. You look at these two answers, one about a travel ban and another about the origins of the virus, and they are both soaked in politics. In the first case, it seems as if Fauci is concerned he would be accused of xenophobia for recommending we ban travel from an African nation. Otherwise, why not just play it safe? In the second case, he's steadfastly married to a claim that just so happens to follow the leftwing's preferred narrative, which is that the virus occurred naturally. As a bonus, it plays into his prior subservience to China as well.

Fauci is a man who enjoys the spotlight, but he's also a man who adjusts his positions to keep him. That's why so few trust him anymore. He's simply a political actor masquerading as an unbiased expert.
White Liberals=The Worst
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A disgusting and shameless weasel of a man. Truly believes he is a god amongst men. It's way worse than I thought back in March of 2020.
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And millions of people still worship this man as though he is a god.

Criticize him in their presence and the response would be like drawing a cartoon of Mohamed in front of an ISIS member.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Maroon Dawn
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Dems WANT this new variant to get here so they can distract you from inflation and erosion of liberty and justify lockdown mail in ballot scam 2.0

It's all so painfully obvious but people keep voting for these anti-America POS
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Disclaimer: I had no opinion about Fauci until a few weeks ago. Never saw him speak or paid any attention to his recommendations. Didn't follow the various accusations and defenses under my general theory that it's going to take 3-5 years for all the facts to come out. My general distrust of government officials aside, he was just a name to me, so I can't take any credit for calling it early.

But a few weeks ago, I saw a picture of him working at a desk facing a giant portrait of himself and decided that anyone with that much ego has almost certainly overreached his abilities and lied to cover it up. Maybe he'll be vindicated and I'll turn out to be wrong… but that's a giant red flag.
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SUag said:

BMX Bandit said:

It's the difference between how a scientist answers questions vs how the layman politician does.

Fauci has been a solid supporter of what Trump has said and done
Dr. Fauci is best case scenario for someone who is science/data driven but also aligns with trump policy. However, cracks are starting to show in the relationship as Dr. Fauci is not afraid to contradict standard trump lies and bs for the benefit of the public.

Accordingly, wouldn't be surprised to see Dr. Fauci's role minimized going forward or eliminated outright. Trump plays 2nd fiddle to no one. He and his personal agenda ALWAYS come first.

Lets see how this plays out.

Care to come back and discuss? Of course not you ran like a little ***** when your Russia hoax fell apart along with your boy Biden being a complete failure. At least some are owning up to it. You aren't.

Go back to sucking Fauci while jerking off Steele.
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Fauci to CCP interviewer; "I should be prosecuted? What about January 6th, Senator Cruz?"

Partisan shill.


The highest-paid man in the US government, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was on TV again this weekend, doing a sit-down interview with CBS News' Margaret Brennan. RedState has already reported on some of the absurdities previously released, but they truly saved the good stuff for Sunday.

In what can only be described as an incredibly bizarre exchange, Fauci brings up January 6th and declares that attacks on him are attacks on science itself. This man's ego knows no bounds.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator Cruz told the attorney general you should be prosecuted.

DR. FAUCI: Yeah. I have to laugh at that. I should be prosecuted? What happened on Jan. 6, senator?

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you think that this is about making you a scapegoat to deflect

DR. FAUCI: Of course-

MARGARET BRENNAN: From President Trump?

DR. FAUCI: Of course, you have to be asleep not to figure that one out.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, there are a lot of Republican senators taking aim at this. I mean

DR. FAUCI: That's OK, I'm just going to do my job and I'm going to be saving lives and they're going to be lying.
The mention of prosecution has to do with the fact that Fauci pretty clearly lied to Congress when he insisted that the NIH had not funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Documents were later released
that showed that they had done so, though the government rushed to change definitions online to try to cover themselves. In short, Rand Paul was right, and last I checked, lying to Congress is a crime. That's why Ted Cruz suggested that Fauci should be prosecuted.

Yet, instead of offering some kind of salient defense of his past falsehoods, Fauci says to ask Ted Cruz about January 6th. What does Cruz have to do with January 6th? The answer is absolutely nothing. Cruz did not have any contact with anyone who entered the Capitol Building that day, nor did he do anything but condemn their actions.

And is the good doctor just unaware that lots of people are, in fact, being harshly prosecuted over January 6th? Ironically, by bringing that up to snark at Cruz, Fauci is making an affirmative case for his own prosecution. It also shows that he is every bit the far-left conspiracy theorist some have suspected.

That kind of idiotic response from Fauci completely gives away who he is (not that it's been previously a secret). This guy is a politician, through and through. There's a reason he started attacking Donald Trump in the months leading up to the 2020 election. He knew that he had to keep his seat at the table, and he was more than happy to suck up to Democrats to make sure that happened.

But, it's more than that. Fauci himself is a rabid liberal and always has been. The assertions of the last several years, where he's been painted as some kind of unbiased public servant, were always nonsense.
But perhaps the most absurd thing Fauci says here is that attacking him amounts to attacking science.

This is a man who has lied multiple times throughout the pandemic. Even past that, he's been wrong more times than I can keep track of. Yet, he wants to assert that any questioning of him is an attack on the institution of science itself? That's a tyrannical notion that assumes he is simply above reproach and should never be held accountable. Any government official with that attitude deserves to be fired immediately, not lauded as an "expert."
I am very concerned that if Trump is ahead in the polls, again, heading into 2024, Fauci will find some way to unleash Fauci-flu 2.0 on the world. He still of course cannot be trusted at all as a 'public health' official. That he is now lambasting "Republican Senators" as the ones lying, not just President Trump, has dropped his mask yet again.
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