Anyone else get a sketchy vibe from Dr, Fauci????

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Stat Monitor Repairman
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Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said America had to be on its guard against possible attacks using the highly contagious smallpox virus.

"We must be prepared for the use of smallpox as a bioterrorism weapon," said Dr Fauci, speaking on CBS television a month after the first anthrax case in the United States.

He said stocks of the smallpox vaccine were being built up "very rapidly".
In commemoration of 9-11, it's rewind time. All the way back to 2001, and 20-years before covid we see Fauci looking out for our best interest promoting bio-terror countermeasures and promoting the use of masks and gloves. 20-years later we would use this same playbook in the fight against Covid-19 and instituting a 2-year lockdown that wrecked the global economy.

3-years later the response to covid has been revealed as the biggest overreaction in the history of mankind.
The Hefty Lefty
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BMX Bandit said:

It's the difference between how a scientist answers questions vs how the layman politician does.

Fauci has been a solid supporter of what Trump has said and done
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It's not so much an over-reaction as the fact that medically/scientifically it was so well understood prior to the idiotic actions/requirements that NPI's have zero impact on upper respiratory virus spread. But that was so thoroughly and completely hammered at people that to this day you can see a few folks with masks on when going to the grocery store even. Heck, I saw someone out for a solitary walk on a big road last week in Frisco wearing one.

Fauci, like his virus which should rightfully be named after him, drove this thing substantially (unfortunately with Trump's eventual full support) to really harm a lot of people, as a power grab and he enjoyed the spotlight on himself more than anyone else.
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peachbasket said:

I am a political conservative who recently retired from TAMU where I held appointments in both the medical and veterinary colleges. My long research career includes extensive research in infectious diseases, although not on corona viruses. Tony Fauci is the only scientist on the President's task force, and he is truly outstanding in both the breadth and the depth of his knowledge. He will not compromise his science based opinions for either the President or the liberal media. I was proud of President Trump for putting him on the task force. Heaven help us when we judge scientific opinion based on the political leaning of the source.

Too much history to unpack.
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Nah, we should all trust Fauci. This was just a pangolin bat wet market mutation. Duh.

Oh, and Pentagon just stopped via NDAA from funding more Wuhan Lab sketchy research.

Again, we should all trust our government implicitly, right?
Señor Chang
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peachbasket said:

I am a political conservative who recently retired from TAMU where I held appointments in both the medical and veterinary colleges. My long research career includes extensive research in infectious diseases, although not on corona viruses. Tony Fauci is the only scientist on the President's task force, and he is truly outstanding in both the breadth and the depth of his knowledge. He will not compromise his science based opinions for either the President or the liberal media. I was proud of President Trump for putting him on the task force. Heaven help us when we judge scientific opinion based on the political leaning of the source.

Wow! I'm glad you're retired, Dr. Womack.
Bird Poo
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nortex97 said:

Infection_Ag11 said:

Fauci has been nothing short of fantastic
Great call here, Doc!
Oyster DuPree
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Fauci should be shot into the sun. A lot of very embarrassing takes early in this thread
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nortex97 said:

The problem with this claim is it completely ignores the fact that viruses mutate constantly and all on their own. There is no way the endless number of variants were all produced in a lab.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Rapier108 said:

nortex97 said:

The problem with this claim is it completely ignores the fact that viruses mutate constantly and all on their own. There is no way the endless number of variants were all produced in a lab.

Re-read the post. Clearly states that all variants ORIGINATED from Human-Made Sources.

Said another way, every variant can be traced back to HUMAN-MADE sources.
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CSTXAg92 said:

Rapier108 said:

nortex97 said:

The problem with this claim is it completely ignores the fact that viruses mutate constantly and all on their own. There is no way the endless number of variants were all produced in a lab.

Re-read the post. Clearly states that all variants ORIGINATED from Human-Made Sources.

Said another way, every variant can be traced back to HUMAN-MADE sources.
Except the second part of the tweet clearly claims "all COVID-19 variants were engineered in biolabs and intentionally released upon humanity."

They are not just claiming the original virus came from the lab, but every single variant did as well.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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I am not a virus mutation expert, unlike…the claims of some who have posted on this thread over the years, but it doesn't sound like they ignored natural mutations.

Specific to Omicron:


To trace the variant's origins, they studied viral sequences found "in the wild" and deposited in public databases.
In doing this they found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural processes.
The existence of these variants seems to provide definitive proof of large-scale lab creation and release of COVID-19 viruses.
Moreover, the variants appear to form comprehensive panels of mutations typical of those used in "reverse genetics" experiments to systematically test the properties of different parts of viruses, Substacker PSMI wrote.
Professors Tanaka and Miyazawa's new paper is called: "Unnaturalness in the Evolution Process of the SARS-CoV-2 variants and the possibility of deliberate natural selection."
In this study, we aimed to clarify the evolutionary processes leading to the formation of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, focusing on Omicron variants with many amino acid mutations in the spike protein among SARS-CoV-2 isolates," Tanaka and Miyazawa explain in their paper.
"To determine the order in which the mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, we compared the sequences of 129 Omicron BA.1-related isolates, 141 BA.1.1-related isolates, and 122 BA.2-related isolates, and tried to dissolve the evolutionary processes of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, including the order of mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants and the occurrence of homologous recombination.
"As a result, we concluded that the formations of a part of Omicron isolates BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2 were not the products of genome evolution as is commonly observed in nature."
These findings confirm that the variants could not have occurred naturally.
"The analysis we have shown here is that the Omicron variants are formed by an entirely new mechanism that cannot be explained by previous biology," they assert.
They continue by further explaining the findings.
"In the genetic variation in the S protein in these variants, most of the mutations were non-synonymous," the paper continues.
"There were no synonymous mutations in the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, or Mu variants, but only one each in the Lambda and Omicron variants.
"Among these variants, the Omicron variant (BA.1 lineage), which shows the greatest accumulation of mutations in the S protein, is primarily non-synonymous in the S protein and has only one synonymous mutation at c25000u.
"The synonymous/non-synonymous ratio is abnormal, given how human coronaviruses have mutated."
In this context, "synonymous" normally refers to something that mutates naturally.
A "synonymous" mutation does so mostly in ways that don't change the nature of the original.
Therefore, when you have a "synonymous/non-synonymous ratio" that is as "abnormal" as that of the Covid variants, that means they are not occurring naturally.
"The fact that most of these mutations occurred without synonymous mutations suggests that none of these mutations arose as a result of trial-and-error random mutations in nature," Tanaka and Miyazawa explain.
According to the professors' findings, COVID-19 and all of its variants came from a lab.
"Suppose the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant and its one amino acid reversion mutants were artificially and systematically generated," they further clarify.
"In that case, we should suspect that the other variants (Alpha to Delta) may also be artificially generated viruses."
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As a result, we concluded that the formation of part of Omicron isolated BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2 was not the product of genome evolution, as is commonly observed in nature, such as the accumulation of mutations and homologous recombinations. Furthermore, the study of 35 recombinant isolates of Omicron variants BA.1 and BA.2 confirmed that Omicron variants were already present in 2020. The analysis showed that Omicron variants were formed by an entirely new mechanism that cannot be explained by previous biology, and knowing how the SARS-CoV-2 variants were formed prompts a reconsideration of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

These results suggest that the establishment of BA.1-0.1 and BA.1.1-0.1 isolates occurred independently. On the other hand, if reversion mutations caused each of these isolates with one amino acid different to the Wuhan-type, these isolates could be detected by examining an astronomical number of isolates. However, these virus strains were detected in the number of sequenced whole genomes (a limited number), rather than in astronomical numbers examined. The fact that most of these mutations occurred without synonymous mutations suggests that none of them arose as a result of trial-and-error random mutations in nature."

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Sure enough, Daszak notes uncovered from 2 years before Covid was 'leaked' show it was planned as a man-made virus from Wuhan. Peter Daszak as per this thread and countless others was and is Fauci's buddy from Ecohealth, who cooperated to get funding from NIH:


The grant proposal has raised concerns and some say it serves as further support of the Covid lab leak theory - that the virus was borne out of gain-of-function research bankrolled by the US taxpayer through Dr Anthony Fauci's former department, a theory the FBI and other government agencies now subscribe to.

The principal investigator on the project is listed as Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth, a now-notorious health agency that uses US government money to sponsor there's types of experiments abroad.
Other team members listed on the proposal include researchers from Duke-NUS Medical School, University of North Carolina, the USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Palo Alto Research Center and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab where Covid is believed to have originated from.

The proposal listed Professor Shi Zhengli - been dubbed the 'bat lady' for her extensive work on bat coronaviruses at the WIV - as the lead on the project in Wuhan.

Additionally, Dr Ralph Baric was listed as a subcontractor on the project. Dr Baric is a known expert in making recombinant coronaviruses.

The documents show the experiments were proposed to take place at the WIV, which has fewer safety precautions for working with pandemic-potential specimens than the US, which was advertised to the DoD as cost-saving.

In initial proposals for DEFUSE, the lab work was to be done in a biosafety-level 2 lab, which researchers said would appeal to DARPA grant-makers as 'highly cost effective' despite the fewer safety precautions taken in lower-level labs
Dr Baric acknowledged in an edited version of the proposal US researchers would 'freak out' if they knew novel coronavirus engineering and testing was being done in a BSL-2 lab.

Similar experiments in the US are conducted in BSL-3 labs.

A later version of the proposal changed BSL-2 to BSL-3.

Biosafety levels range from one to four, with four being the strictest and experimenting on the most dangerous pathogens.

Dr Baric wrote: 'In the US, these recombinant SARS-CoV are studied under BSL3, not BSL2, especially important for those that are able to bind and replicate in primary human cells.'

BSL-2 labs feature ventilated safety cabinets and researchers must wear surgical masks and lab coats. Experts say pathogen with the possibility of being transmitted through the air should be, at a minimum, performed in a BSL-3 lab, which has researchers in more protective respirators.

Dr Ebright told 'The new documents reveal that EcoHealth Alliance planned to use US Department of Defense funds to perform high-risk virus experiments at WIV at a biosafety level that was inadequate for research with a potential pandemic pathogen.'
Planned from 2018. Everyone who suffered through covid and/or lost a friend/family member should have nothing but white hot rage/enmity for the people like Baric, Fauci, and Daszak.

More at the link, and this should not be forgotten heading into election season; lest we forget how good ol' Fauci came out as the partisan communist democrat he always has been once Trump 'lost.' Fauci was a lousy bureaucrat, horrible scientist, whose wife oversaw his funding/ethics matters, and only went into 'public service' to avoid the draft in Vietnam. An evil, incompetent, dishonest attention ***** of a little man.
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P.C. Principal said:

It's unbelievable, but at the same time unsurprising that this board is questioning the motives of Dr. Fauci. Trump is making unproven claims about hydroxychloroquine treating COVID, and the actual doctor who knows a hell of a lot more than Trump does about this is having to correct the record and say that it's not yet known.

He's not trying to take down Trump, he's trying to set the record straight so people don't listen to Trump and get false hopes. If Trump continues to make statements like this, Fauci will continue to have to correct him.
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nortex97 said:

Sure enough, Daszak notes uncovered from 2 years before Covid was 'leaked' show it was planned as a man-made virus from Wuhan. Peter Daszak as per this thread and countless others was and is Fauci's buddy from Ecohealth, who cooperated to get funding from NIH:


The grant proposal has raised concerns and some say it serves as further support of the Covid lab leak theory - that the virus was borne out of gain-of-function research bankrolled by the US taxpayer through Dr Anthony Fauci's former department, a theory the FBI and other government agencies now subscribe to.

The principal investigator on the project is listed as Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth, a now-notorious health agency that uses US government money to sponsor there's types of experiments abroad.
Other team members listed on the proposal include researchers from Duke-NUS Medical School, University of North Carolina, the USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Palo Alto Research Center and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab where Covid is believed to have originated from.

The proposal listed Professor Shi Zhengli - been dubbed the 'bat lady' for her extensive work on bat coronaviruses at the WIV - as the lead on the project in Wuhan.

Additionally, Dr Ralph Baric was listed as a subcontractor on the project. Dr Baric is a known expert in making recombinant coronaviruses.

The documents show the experiments were proposed to take place at the WIV, which has fewer safety precautions for working with pandemic-potential specimens than the US, which was advertised to the DoD as cost-saving.

In initial proposals for DEFUSE, the lab work was to be done in a biosafety-level 2 lab, which researchers said would appeal to DARPA grant-makers as 'highly cost effective' despite the fewer safety precautions taken in lower-level labs
Dr Baric acknowledged in an edited version of the proposal US researchers would 'freak out' if they knew novel coronavirus engineering and testing was being done in a BSL-2 lab.

Similar experiments in the US are conducted in BSL-3 labs.

A later version of the proposal changed BSL-2 to BSL-3.

Biosafety levels range from one to four, with four being the strictest and experimenting on the most dangerous pathogens.

Dr Baric wrote: 'In the US, these recombinant SARS-CoV are studied under BSL3, not BSL2, especially important for those that are able to bind and replicate in primary human cells.'

BSL-2 labs feature ventilated safety cabinets and researchers must wear surgical masks and lab coats. Experts say pathogen with the possibility of being transmitted through the air should be, at a minimum, performed in a BSL-3 lab, which has researchers in more protective respirators.

Dr Ebright told 'The new documents reveal that EcoHealth Alliance planned to use US Department of Defense funds to perform high-risk virus experiments at WIV at a biosafety level that was inadequate for research with a potential pandemic pathogen.'
Planned from 2018. Everyone who suffered through covid and/or lost a friend/family member should have nothing but white hot rage/enmity for the people like Baric, Fauci, and Daszak.

More at the link, and this should not be forgotten heading into election season; lest we forget how good ol' Fauci came out as the partisan communist democrat he always has been once Trump 'lost.' Fauci was a lousy bureaucrat, horrible scientist, whose wife oversaw his funding/ethics matters, and only went into 'public service' to avoid the draft in Vietnam. An evil, incompetent, dishonest attention ***** of a little man.

Awful. Evidence is mounting
Old Army Ghost
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will second term trump give him another award
Old Army has gone to hell.
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Old Army Ghost said:

will second term trump give him another award
I wonder what un-elected Ron will do?
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Four years later Fauci admits what we knew all along.

In a closed door hearing of course.

A mysterious stranger rides into town and dazzles the town folk with his snake oil pitch.

A tale as old as time.
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We need to create a mass psychosis using wuhan fear. Tony, make individuals wear masks.
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Muy said:

Definitely don't put all my faith in everything this guy says.
And…you were right.

The guy has been a lying little, incompetent, attention ***** of a scam artist his whole life, or at least since dodging the draft by going into 'public health.'
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Hopefully he commits suicide after being exposed for the fraud that he is.
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And nothing will happen.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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So what I'm hearing is that they intentionally destroyed the global economy, snatched 2-years from everybody's lives, intentionally killed a bunch of people, conduced mass medical experimentation on human subjects in violation of Nuremberg Code, mentally broke 70% of the population, created a covid generation of mentally and socially impaired kids, created a mass propaganda machine that brain****ed billions and permanently altered the course of humanity.

To what end?
VP at Pierce and Pierce
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

So what I'm hearing is that they intentionally destroyed the global economy, snatched 2-years from everybody's lives, intentionally killed a bunch of people, conduced mass medical experimentation on human subjects in violation of Nuremberg Code, mentally broke 70% of the population, created a covid generation of mentally and socially impaired kids, created a mass propaganda machine that brain****ed billions and permanently altered the course of humanity.

To what end?
To consolidate power and money into the hands of the few and create an even bigger class of serfs. The election in November will be icing on their cake
VP at Pierce and Pierce
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CDUB98 said:

And nothing will happen.
This should be the lead story everywhere tonight and by Thursday the call for his arrest should be deafening. Instead it will be buried as they dial up a school shooter or some trouble on the border to distract us, maybe even arrest Diddy or another Jan 6 "rioter"
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

So what I'm hearing is that they intentionally destroyed the global economy, snatched 2-years from everybody's lives, intentionally killed a bunch of people, conduced mass medical experimentation on human subjects in violation of Nuremberg Code, mentally broke 70% of the population, created a covid generation of mentally and socially impaired kids, created a mass propaganda machine that brain****ed billions and permanently altered the course of humanity.

To what end?
Because they could. Never asked themselves if they should.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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They printed $8 Trillion dollars overnight and devalued the USD.

This was the biggest heist in the history of all mankind but 90% of people are too braindead to understand that fact.

The biggest crime of all time committed right in front of our faces while people cheered and binge watched tiger king.
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There's some people that should be hanged over this. After indictment, trial, and conviction, of course, but they ought to swing nonetheless.
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CDUB98 said:

And nothing will happen.
Unfortunately you are most likely correct.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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This information needs to be published and distributed to all the Governments on the planet. There needs to be trials in the world court. Wonder if any of the agencies that knew this information work for the UN.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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I actually think it leaked accidentally.

It was as a bioweapon very clumsy/inefficient.

Then, once leaked (and of course 'they' knew what it was the whole time), it became a tool. The employment of the tool was to expand the reach of the censorship industrial complex, control, and depose the 'populists' in certain places (namely in the US/Europe). To this end, it worked exceptionally well, and the CIC is only stronger now than ever, while supporting 'free, open, and fair' elections etc. everywhere from Brazil, Tel Aviv, Hungary, Moldova, to Pennsylvania.

Notice that Sweden had the right response (not locking down) to Fauci flu but…now they are subsumed into Nato.

The WEF-swamp marches on.

This is what Fauci was a manifestation of, in the public eye, for a few years anyway.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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I actually think it leaked accidentally.
Stretches credulity to say this wasn't intentional.

Convincing ourselves that this wasn't intentional provides us with some comfort from the horror of that reality.

Accidental lab leak theory is like bumper pads at the bowling alley.
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nortex97 said:

I actually think it leaked accidentally.
(Deleted to save space)
This is what Fauci was a manifestation of, in the public eye, for a few years anyway.

"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
Edmund Burke

It seems this is one of the very reasons for the creation of the Department of Education. If not one of the reasons it seems to have been corrupted for this specific task.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:


I actually think it leaked accidentally.
Stretches credulity to say this wasn't intentional.

Convincing ourselves that this wasn't intentional provides us with some comfort from the horror of that reality.

Accidental lab leak theory is like bumper pads at the bowling alley.
You have a point but my 'Occam's razor' idea is just that if they were going to leak it intentionally, in some sort of long-term plausibly deniable way, they would have done so in some part of the planet not within the 5 square miles of the Fauci-Wuhan Institute of Virology research lab that was incompetently run (and had been cited repeatedly as such) for years.

And the Chinese wouldn't have disappeared the bat research lady, and tried to lock down travel quickly, were it a plan. Everyone was initially surprised, which is why the cover up was so slap dash/sloppy initially (including Fauci efforts to stifle lab leak/man made criticisms). I'd also emphasize that Fauci himself is/was just a low-IQ bureaucrat, who held the same job for 40+ years. His low intelligence and egomaniacal tendencies are exactly what made him useful as the bit player he was.

If I were to try to plan it all out as an evil master mind, I'd have released it first in Europe/America/Africa or anywhere else, is the main thing.
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